The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Elvis is Alive and Well

Yes. Here he is. I was re-introduced to Elvis when I played cards with the Card Club Women last night. He was so funny last year that I wanted to take his picture so you all could enjoy him too. Elvis is a cock-a-too who was gifted to Trudi and has lived with her for over five years. It is my understanding that these birds can live to a hundred or more. He was named Elvis because he likes to dance to music. He lives outside his cage, but he doesn't appear to leave this area. Trudi says that she has to tiptoe around in the morning because he's awake but very quiet until he sees her - then it's "Morning, Elvis! Morning, Elvis! Morning, Elvis!" at the top of his lungs. He really screeches when company arrives so she calls him her guard bird. Her dog doesn't feel the need to guard, she says. Hold your ears. After a little snack of peanut butter and crackers, he quieted down. And if you talk in a quiet voice, he also quiets down. He talks nonsense to himself and laughs and laughs. Trudi says he's quite a companion. I bet.
It's been a quiet few days.
We're watching the new grass grow over the septic tank. Reminds me of the old Erma Bomback book ' the "Grass is Always Greener over the Septic Tank." Remember that? Anyway, we can see green in that area. We had a gentle rain yesterday which was a mixed blessing. The pond we had had in that general area isn't there. Paul put rain guards up on the house to try to insure the leaves don't accumulate in the gutters. It worked with a gentle rain. Now we'll see if when we have a heavy one, those two items have been truly corrected. Paul seems to think it has.
That's all for now folks. What's happening in your neck of the woods?


Jil Wrinkle said...

It sounds like a fun bird. Watch out though as they can be vicious! I remember my bird, Kuhn Wolf, in Thailand. Nice enough bird until the day I tried to pet him and he tried to kill my hand. Birds are lovely though to have in the house (or out back in an aviary, if you live in the tropics) and make a lovely sound... and much easier to care for than any other domestic animal.

Mom said...

Jil - you are absolutely right about being careful. He's big and his beak looks like it could take off a finger. However, Trudi says that, where she is concerned, the bird likes to "groom" her finger. It's quite something to watch the bird put his beak around her finger and I guess he licks it with his tongue. I wouldn't trust him, though. The bird is free to roam around the house. As I mentioned, tho, he seems content to stay near his cage and play with his toys. It seems to "adore" Trudi. He practically turns his head upside down when she talks quietly to him.