The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Rock Hound

It seems that the saved blog that I did this morning wasn't saved after all, so I'll have to begin all over again. Just as well. This one will be even better!

You ever heard of a Rock Hound? Sounds like a dog in a rock n roll band, doesn't it. But - its a machine that scoops up rocks, sifts rocks, roots, branches out of the dirt and deposits them elsewhere so that a lawn can be lain that is pretty much rock-less, or almost so. Seeing we have a billion rocks, it will get rid of some of them. Our landscaping guy is coming tomorrow and barring bad weather, he will begin.

Paul has completed the patio, and has the floor of the deck done too. Randy came yesterday and helped him with the flooring. It looks really nice. We went to Lowes this afternoon and got railing and bannisters to put on it, and railings for stairs. It's about 3 feet off the ground. 12 X 12 I am determined to learn how to put pictures on this blog. If anyone has any concrete steps for me to follow, please let me know. Remember any step is not too "stupid." It's me that is missing the brain power. Just e-mail it.

It's Pentecost Sunday today, so we went to church. Didn't remember it was, till we got there, and a lot of people were dressed in red to represent the fire of the spirit. Pentecost Sunday is the birth of the Christian church.
Look it up, if you'd like.
Church: We've been going to the First United Methodist Church in Horseheads, or FUMC for short. We feel very comfortable there. Paul is meeting all sorts of people he knew from working days at Westinghouse in Horseheads. They have a 10:30 service that reminds me a lot of Bath Pres.
Their choir director/organist is the organist at the Clemens Center. He is so good! It's a pleasure to listen to him. I have a good friend from Curves, Carol Hallenbeck who is in the choir. She introduced me to him after church today. I would like to play a piano solo there some time this summer. He said to let him know the date.

The sun is setting through the trees in the woods out back. Paul and I took a walk back there after dinner to see how the irises, hostas, and other plants he brought from Montour Falls were doing. It's all in a small area together with some strawberry plants.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Building a Deck

Paul isn't happy unless he has a project to complete. Luckily, altho I sometimes think not, because he's so VERY busy, this house has provided him with enough momentum to last for a long time!

Right now I can hear him hammering outside the window - now adding the floor to the rest of the material that will support it. Unfortunately I don't know the correct language for all he does, so at night when I'm writing in my diary I often have to ask him "what did you do today?" even tho I can tell you what I see. He's very patient.

We have been windowshopping on the net, and in the stores, for the decking and have decided to go with Trek. This is a wood composite that doesn't need to be painted or stained at any time.
Sounds like a great idea. Paul thinks the deck will be finished in a couple of days. He's really amazing.

Well, not to change the subject, but I will...
Been having trouble with plantar fasciitis on my right heel and have been to a foot doctor in Elmira. It feels like a bad bruise and hurts when I walk. He prescribed a plastic heel mold that goes inside my sneakers. I started having trouble with walking when we were on our cruise. I have to take it easy till it heals. Almost spelled that heels. Figures.
It's hard to take it easy, tho. I went to the mall to go clothes shopping, and to have my Kia spectra inspected at Sears. (It needed new tires. It has almost 50,000 miles on it) My feet gave out before I wanted them to.

Randy, Heather, Maddie, Beech and Heather's mother, Ethel Campbell, are coming for dinner tomorrow night. Ethel is visiting for the weekend from Jamestown, NY.

Tent caterpillars are almost gone. Paul said he sees cocoons everywhere. I haven't looked. Don't want to.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Starting out

Hi there everyone - from Woods Edge Drive. My son Jil who is in the Philippines has been keeping us aware of his life - thru his daily blog. We don't feel like it's half-way around the world because he's sharing the every day events of his life with us. Now, I'm very new to all this, but if you all have patience, I hope you will see improvement as I continue with sharing our daily news with those who wish to read about it.

Right now Paul is outside tamping (is that the word?) our new patio deck pavers down. It's a cloudy day and yesterday we had a lot of rain. Thus we have MUD. A new lawn should be started on June 1st. It can't come fast enuf! Did we have trouble finding someone to do it at a reasonable price! But we did.

Our friends Marcia and Hal arrived for the wedding of their nephew, Jamie Hawk, last Thursday and we met them at the Bath Country Club for dinner. Jamie's dad, Bob Hawk and Bonnie Hawk, his stepmom, had arranged a dinner with the Luffmans, the Wolfes and us. It was Old Timers' week. Good to see everyone.

Marcia and Hal came to be with us Sunday thru today, and to see our new house. Hard to believe we've only been here for 6 months. We've gotten so much done. We managed to have Shirley and Dave Jessup from Seneca Lake and another couple from Big Flats come for dinner and dessert.

Marcia and Hal left this morning for North Carolina. Hope the weather cooperates for them.
It's been cold but sunny here the past couple of days.

Have patience and know I will put up pictures when I learn how! Yes. I know it's supposed to be easy, but with me, it'll take some time.