The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Friday, August 21, 2015

Just as I expected . . .

Summer is racing by.  It's the middle of August - leaning towards the end.  Why do the months  do that?   Because its my favorite time of the year.

We've had a busy month - lots of birthdays.  Starting with Bill's (in the Philippines) on the 7th.  His significant other, Flor, and her daughter, Samantha - are both in August following his.  They planned a month worth of celebrations and are putting them on Facebook.

 Bob arrived a week ago Tuesday from Alpharetta, Ga to spend two weeks with us. It was nice to be able to include him on our Skype Sunday night visit with Bill and will  this Sunday also.. Bob will be going home Monday.  We had a chance to see Samantha's new bike, (she tried to ride it past the monitor) and some toys I sent to her.  . 

Nancy, Dan and their three children were here the same time as Bob, but they left for home on Saturday.  The Sunday before, Nancy, Dan, and the kids were spending time with Nancy's Dad and his wife Judy at Keuka Lake.  At that time they had a chance to also Skype with Bill.   Evie and Samantha are the same age within a month of each other. 5  years.  They showed each other their toys.   Skype is certainly a marvelous way to keep our family close when we're half-way around the world. 

Dan took a glider ride when the family went up to Harris Hill Amusement Park.  Harris Hill is the Glider Capital of the World.  Lots of people go up there.  There's always rides available when the weather cooperates.    After  your name is on a list, there's quite a long wait for your turn. (two and a half hours?) So they took the kids to the amusement park, located also up the hill, where they could ride the Merry Go Round, or the other rides. 

We had the Corning relatives and Lue here for a picnic a week ago Thursday.  I put some pictures on Facebook for those who use it.  My iPhone is great and easy.  So easy - I put them on twice without realizing it.  I just love how these  young adults have such patience with the little ones.  It was much appreciated. 

Bob went with us to the Fingerlakes Casino (I don't remember the name, but it's up north about an hour away) on Wednesday - we had lunch there at their buffet and then spent time at the slots.  I was the only "winner."  Afterwards we went to the outlet mall, located several miles up  near the thruway.  We all got  bargains!  Yesterday we went wine-tasting.  You'd think with us living so close to all the wineries we'd do it a lot. Nope.   Did manage to take some wine home with us.  Bob belongs to the Y in Alpharetta and goes four times a week.  He went to the Corning Y while here.  He likes it - says they're very friendly.

Paul is still busy downstairs.  Lots of hammering going on.  Fun stuff he says.  Good.  If it's not fun, he has to stop.  (both our rules).  It's wonderful what he does.

The Curves facility near us has closed and there aren't any others nearby for me to join.  "Luckily" since I had my knee operated on, I couldn't exercise for a couple of months. And I had PT for two months.

 BUT I did find out that the women, whom I'd gotten to know at Curves, were going to a place in a neighboring town from us, Diamond Gym.  Only 7 miles away. Closer than Curves was.  Last week, I had my last PT session.  So I tried Diamond Gym out and joined.  They have a room for us seniors: a place where we can exercise in private and not feel stared at.

 Lots of the machines are very similar to Curves, but I think it's a better workout.  There are other machines too.  Plus a bicycle like I did at PT.  And some treadmills. One of the machines I did in PT also.  I have been coming home tired and achy in a good way.  Another plus: They're open seven days a week, and their hours are a lot more extensive.