The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

You know, we haven't had the greatest weather. But. . . I wouldn't complain.

The Northeast, or the eastern portion of the U.S., has been having BAD weather.   The record  blizzard of the past weekend was to blame for a lot of discomfort.

  Florida should have been exempt from it.  BUT a by product of their snow-wealth was - our next door neighbor, Bob's, knee replacement surgery Monday.  His surgeon postponed it.  He was stuck in Washington DC.  Sometimes -   It isn't easy being  Floridians when there's a blizzard going on in the northeast. 

Nevertheless, last week was a good week.  We were busy each day.  Monday we went to see Capital Steps - loved it. Don't know how they keep it relevant.  Same idea as Saturday Night Live.  These troupes travel throughout the country making fun of Congress.  They started 30 years ago at a Congressional Christmas party and were such a hit; they've been doing it ever since.

Tuesday we had breakfast at Peaches with our friends from Bath: Carolyn and John, Cindy and Carol.
This restaurant is very popular - it's open only for breakfast and lunch and there's always a wait.  Forget it on the weekend.  Don't go then. Unless you really like waits.
  After the next paragraph keep reading.

Wednesday I met Carolyn at The Plantation  Golf and Country Club Restaurant.  She lives in one of their communities.  Our church women's group was having their monthly luncheon meeting.  We met some really nice women. I recognized some of them on Thursday night when   Paul and I went to  hear the Doane College Choir program at church.  Forty young people from Nebraska with wonderful voices.  If you have a chance,  please check out YouTube.  They were magnificent.  Brought tears to my eyes.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

Keep reading.  My computer is doing crazy things:  Leaving big spaces. 

Friday we took our neighbors with us to the Venice Moose Club  Fish fry.  We were pleasantly surprised to see that they had open tables.  Of course, we went very early; the place was still crowded, but had the open tables. Two weeks in a row we tried to get in the Englewood Moose, but the parking lot was absolutely full; they had cars parked on the grass, at the bank next door.  We went elsewhere, so this week we didn't even try.

Next week is The Big Week.  Drumroll.... Our new kitchen will begin!  Monday they deliver our new kitchen cabinets,  rip out our old decrepit ones, and take down the  ceiling.  And thus begins the adventure.   I hunted all over for boxes yesterday and finally got them in Publix.  Paul's been emptying the cabinets yesterday and today; he's also been working on the ceiling lights.

My father's grapefruit tree that he planted the year he died, was cut down a couple of years ago.  It's growing again.  When we came back to Fla last year, Paul noticed this scraggly plant coming up in the same spot as the old tree.  He was rather indignant;  he thought someone had planted it.  . But after we realized that it was the same tree, we have had fun watching it grow.  Don't know if it'll ever produce fruit, or if it'll be good fruit, but we'll see.

On the same subject: It's strange to think that there were two decent sized trees in the back of us, but now there's none.  I can remember several years ago  NeeNee and Brenan climbed them. We really could use some.  We've thought, but nothing hits us just right. (except the sun) which is in our eyes at sunset.

Subject change:  Did I mention that I got Paul a "real" book for Christmas?  He loves John Grisham.  The reason? The kindle book was maybe a dollar less.  I couldn't see spending that amount of money on "air."

  I still think it's neat - getting the book in the blink of an eye.  I didn't have to get in the car and go to the bookstore.  How much better could things get?   The first time I got a Kindle book it was a Dean Koontz book and cost $7.99.  Now, his books are $14.99. 

When I first got my kindle, I did it for novelty, getting a book quickly, not having to make space for it.    When I look back at all the books (over a hundred, I'm sure - I've never counted them.  Maybe I'll do that some time.)  I think of all  they'd  take up.  When he was done and said it was good, I read it. 

You can share Kindle books, but it's a pain.   Reading a real book -  It was fun to turn the pages and read an actual one.  I used the book cover as a bookmark.  It was fun to actually see how much I'd read and had to still  read. ( Kindle will tell you the percentage of the book read.  It's not the same as actually seeing it). An aside: I did find myself tapping the book to turn the page.  .   two times.

So what did all this teach me?   I've decided I'm going to get some real books every once in a while.   As I said - why pay for air?  There are still lots of books $3.99 and less.  Some of those are as much fun to read as the Bestsellers, but I still like to get the ones that everyone has agreed are good.  Plus then I can share.  Anyone want to read a good book?  Paul and I just finished one.

Friday, January 15, 2016

It's Winter Everywhere

  Even in Florida.  We're in long pants, sweaters or jackets.  I think our winter's the best.  I know real winter persons, would disagree. Oh well - you have your way, I've got mine.  Some people wear down vests, winter hats.  It looks so funny.  I imagine some of them do it just for the excitement of wearing winter clothes.  One lady had a hat on with the braided sides.  How ridiculous.

So Paul's very happy.  He can wear his jeans.

When the sun comes out though, it's nice and summery.  Or Spring-like.

Got a phone call from Carol friend from Bath.  She and her friend  Cindy arrived here right on time last Saturday on the auto train.  Unfortunately, her rental house was covered with mold.  No one had been there in over a year.  Obviously -  The person who's supposed to watch it,  didn't (as much as he was supposed to, anyway.)

After contacting the owner, they had someone in to clean it all up.  What a mess.  I can remember when that happened to the furnished cellar of our house in East Rockaway a long time ago.  It's not nice.  All is okay now.  They  stopped by to relate her story and she seems as happy as ever.  She's always so bubbly.

It's Gracie's birthday - she's 6 today.  I hate to have the years go by.  She's such a good dog.  We've had such a great time with her.  Doesn't seem possible that it was MY birthday when we bought her.  March 22nd.  How many weeks was that? 8?   She was such a little thing - less than 2 lbs.  Now she weights a little over 5. 

Went to have my hair colored this morning.   We had a terrific rain storm with horrendous wind and rain.  If it was snow, it would've been labeled a white out.  It had been raining hard before and the parking lot was flooded outside the door when I came in. Then boom -  The power went out at an awful time . . . The color was on my head; I looked pretty bad AND -  I almost had to go home with a wet head and come in tomorrow to complete my beautification, but the power came back on 20 minutes later.   When Paul came to get me, he said there was some wind by our house (two miles away?), but that's it.   I'm looking at a big six-foot umbrella in the lanai that has dried.  Gracie had to go out earlier.  She always refuses without an umbrella if it's raining.

Earlier this morning I went to bone health exercise up at the clubhouse.  There were  seven of us there but   I didn't recognize anyone.  It was amusing how we all tried to interpret the written numbered  directions from the folding boards.     I was about as much help as anyone.  Somehow I don't think we really got it right, but we all ended up in a sweat, so I guess it was good enough. 

Saturday night (tomorrow) they're having a pasta dinner at the clubhouse.  While we were exercising,  several people were in the kitchen - making meatballs, etc. .  (The Board's annual dinner.) After I finished exercising, I went in and asked if there would be any gluten free pasta?  (a long shot) Nope.  The meatballs had breadcrumbs in them also.  There are just some things that have to not be.  I could bring my gf pasta, but I really don't want to make a fuss.  It's not worth it. I asked Paul and he was ambivalent.

 Alice wasn't there because she's expecting her daughter, Laura, her husband Tim and their two grandsons - Kailen and Matt. They're coming from Columbia, South Carolina.   Matt is about Walter's age (3)  Kailen is about Vincent's age (9).    Close enough.  They have a three day weekend due to Martin Luther King Day.

Then after they leave, Alice's daughter Sue and son-in-law, Craig, will be with her a couple of nights from Peru where they are missionaries.  Sue will lead the Bible Study on Wednesday morning. 

Cousin Carol is not with us for Bible Study because she is in dialysis on Wednesdays now at the same time that Bible Study is.  Mon, Wed, Fri.  It seems strange to not have her there.  I miss her.  Alice has another Bible Study at another place in Venice on Thursdays that will begin again in February.  I think Carol is planning on going.

Next week should be busy.

Monday - we're meeting Carol O and Cindy at Venice Theatre, for this year's performance of Capital Steps.  It is a national touring company that pokes fun at Washington DC . . . the government and all.  Should be funny - with Trump, Cruz, etc. in the headlines now. 

Tuesday - We're meeting other friends from Bath for breakfast - Carolyn and John along with Carol and Cindy. 

Wednesday - Carolyn and I are going to a luncheon at The Plantation Golf and Country Club restaurant for the Women's Club of the Presbyterian church.  I can remember going to the Plantation for Easter Sundays years ago when the kids were small.  Now, however, you need to be a member to get in. 

We had our first tomato of the season today.  I made a chicken salad for lunch.  The tomato was pretty good.  I gotta say that nothing compares with upstate tomatoes.  Oops.  Listen to me!  I'm criticizing a tomato that comes up in January.  Good heavens.  There are more - not ripe yet.  Hope I didn't heart their feelings.

Monday morning I had two basal cell carcinomas on my back and shoulder taken off.  It only took 20 minutes; it was done in the doctor's office.  Very easy, but I'm Nervous Norma.  Paul went with me.    All the doctors down here are duplicates of the ones I see up north.  Sometimes I forget what they look like until they come through the door for the first time of the season,  and then, (oh yes - I remember you.)

From there we drove to an appointment at the Hyundai dealership in Sarasota.  I'm thinking -why did we buy a car that, when service is needed, we don't have an agency in Venice.  There are so many dealerships here.  Love that car, though.  It needed more work than we thought, so we had a rental. . . a cute little thing and kept it for a couple of days. 

It was nice to go to Sarasota.  We so seldom get there these days.  We should really make more of an effort.  They have a Sam's Club quite close to the dealership - so when we picked up the car, we enjoyed getting the items we would normally have gotten at the Port Charlotte Sam's.

Pretty soon - February - we'll be having our new cabinets and countertops in the kitchen.  Not looking forward to the upheaval. To have it nice, it has to be  messy for a while.

So that's all the news that's fit to print. 

Monday, January 4, 2016

Happy New Year everyone!

Isn't it nice that it's January?  New month, new year.

We're finally wearing long pants down here.  It's been unseasonably warm (like all over the U.S.)since we arrived here in November.  The only time I wore long pants was in church.  So it's been an unusual Fall, early winter.  We're looking forward to the sweater, long pants time.  

We got the house undecorated on Saturday and Sunday.  It doesn't take much work.

We have a little tree which goes on left side the top of the white baby grand digital piano.  I have a little plastic four-tier box that all the tree decorations go. They snap together and have a handle on top.   One tier holds the lights.  Another tier -  the silver cloth for the bottom, The next one - the small decorations.  It was fun collecting them.  I didn't realize how many ornaments are made for small trees.

 The final one - my little crèche  One Christmas, several years ago, my friend, Ruth, gave me a tiny wooden crèche with all the animals and people included to have down here when I would just fly down for the holidays. I have treasured it ever since.   I put that on the piano, but realized that when I had the piano opened, you couldn't see it. So. . .  It's not the best place.  My job next Christmas is to find a better spot.  

We had a quiet Christmas at home, just the two of us.  I got a kick out of our packages.  We both shopped and wrapped  the presents in the boxes they came in, so we were both using knives to cut them open to see what was in there!  I can remember seeing something on-line and printing a picture of it and putting it on Paul's computer, and vice-versa.  It certainly is an easy way to shop! Lots of boxes to take apart for the garbage men, however.  Paul built me a step so it won't be so hard for me to get on the bed.  What a difference that makes.

We spent the afternoon at my cousin Alice's house.  She had all her neighbors that were here for the holidays, her sister, Carol, and Paul and me.  A total of 11.  We all brought something to eat, and something to add to the Funny Gift Exchange.  My cousin is always doing something nice for people.  She's a real blessing. 

We visited with Greg and Noi on Monday, coming home on Tuesday.   Even though we were there just over night, it was an enjoyable visit.

It was good to see them and the kids too.  Brenan is in his second year at Georgia Tech, in Atlanta, and Neenee is a freshman at Florida State.  It amazes me how Paul's grandkids are growing up.  They've almost all graduated from high school.  DJ and Alaina have graduated from college, several years ago now..But, I digress. . .  Noi cooked a delicious dinner.    We had cocktails outside while he grilled our marinated pork ribs.  She always puts on a feast.   We had time to talk and talk.

Alaina  arrived home mid-December, after a 2 1/2 year stint in the Peace Corp in Uganda.  It's so good to have her home. 

So now that the holidays are over, I guess that this month will be a time of adjustment for Alaina:

  From one extreme to another - From dirt floor huts, to her home in Rochester.   Friends left behind.  People whom she's gotten to know, people she said she won't ever see or hear from  again, .  I can't imagine how hard that must be - to know someone for over two years and know they have no phone, postal address, internet.  Things we can never understand. We've never been in that kind of a position.   How can you explain to someone who's never been in this situation how you feel?

iPhones and other smart phones are wonderful during the holidays.  (and all the time)  They enable us to keep in touch with family.  Sharon texted Paul a "stomp stomp flush flush" message at 6 AM.  The story goes that  when they were little, someone would stomp stomp on the hall way floor and flush flush the toilet to get Paul and Donna awake.  This Christmas morning, the five siblings were messaging all morning long.   With the iPhone, you're never alone.  Especially Christmas morning. 

Paul found a gluten free pancake mix and made pancakes for Christmas morning.  That plus sausages.  Delicious.  So, I did the same thing for him for New year's day.  Mine weren't as good as his.  I haven't cooked pancakes in years!

The family was glad that we'll be up North next Christmas.  They've missed the gathering.  And seeing everyone.

We have too, but there's a certain joy down here too.   We've enjoyed our neighbors, family here, church, decorating outside in the warmth, not having to worry about coats, boots, - you know - no icy roads.  Wintry times.

But we've also missed the wintry times. Our northern neighbors,  friends, family, our church there.  When you're Snowbirds, you always miss something because you're in the opposite place.  But there are lots of great things to being Snowbirds too - such as lots of friends from around the USA we never would have known.  Our neighbors are the best.  Couldn't ask for nicer people.  But it's the same up north.  Couldn't ask for nicer people.  I guess we just have to open up our hearts wider to include everyone.  We are so lucky in that respect.

We skyped with Bill, Flor and Samantha.  We do it every week.  It was especially nice for Christmas.  Of course they're twelve or thirteen hours ahead of us, so when we call it's in the morning of the next day.  Samantha is getting ready for her afternoon kindergarten and her Chinese language class beforehand.  With Facebook also, we get a chance to see what they're doing all the time.  Its amazing how close they seem. 

Nancy's family left for St. Louis a couple of days before she did, because she had to work.  She followed on the train, the day before Christmas Eve.  She had a wonderful time in Chicago shopping by herself.  She texted me pictures of what she'd bought for the kids.  And herself. 

Carol O will be on her way to Florida on the auto train with her friend Cindy next weekend.  Talked to her and she's so excited!  It'll be good to see her again. 

We have a new cleaning lady.  She's here for the first time today, and I can hear her bustling around getting things done.  We had to do a lot of searching.  Everyone was filled up with clients.  She seems nice and works fast. Really fast.  I'll see how things go.  She'll be here for three hours. 

Guess that's all the news for now.