The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Friday, January 31, 2014

A Cloudy, rainy day in Southern Florida

Now - what's wrong with that picture?

We've had cloudy, rainy, cool days here.  Nothing compared to Alpharetta, where Bob's son Jon's family live.  Right near Atlanta.  My thoughts were - they were from Long Island originally, but of course that was way before their children were born, so the grandkids were thoroughly excited about all the snow that came down.  Jon was due to fly out on business, and had his flight cancelled many times.  Thank goodness he was home. 

We're looking forward to some good weather again.  So - our long pants are in use again.  Need to do more wash, more often, as explained in a previous post.  Looking forward to short pants again. 

Everything is wrapping up, as far as the Kitchen Island is concerned. Paul did an amazing job.   It's been moved and is where it will reside for the next century.  I shall try to get some photos up.  I really really will.  (You never know. . . I may surprise you some day.  As they say - The road  to H--- is paved with good intentions.)

We ordered some new rattan counter stools last week.  They came in yesterday, so we went to pick them up.  They were the wrong color wood, so they're returning them, and they should be here next week.  Let's hope so.  We're having visitors, Hal and Marcia, from NC for a visit.   And it would be nice if the stools were here and we could use the island.  Rather disappointing, but it is what it is.

Epril passed her driving test! Now that's something to celebrate!   It took me five driving permits to get my license.  My excuse?  I never had time to practice, nor had anyone who wanted to go with me.  Finally after a couple of years (my 16th through 21st year) and getting ready to graduate from college, and getting a full-time job that required driving on parkways on Long Island, I did it.  I took a Driving Course from students up at Oswego who were learning how to teach driver ed..  So, Epril was smarter than I.  She started with a Driver's School and got her license lickety-split.  Good for her.  Congratulations Epril!  That's a big step. 

So - Epril and Bill are coming here tonight to go to a Fish Fry with Uncle Bob, Paul (nephew) and us. I wonder who'll be driving. 

Speaking of nephew Paul, he knocked on the back door a little while ago.  It seems his friend, Jen, had a cloth animal where some stitches had come out. He wanted to know if I had a sewing kit.  I did.  I had thought he wanted me to sew it up, but no - he wanted to do it himself, so I let him !

My daughter Nancy whose birthday was January 28th has always taken off from work for her birthday. For several years, Dan went to a convention at this time, so I would go up to Chicago to help out.  This year, he didn't.  So I didn't go.  So, this year, she decided not to take off, but her college shut down due to the Chicago cold, her kids were home from daycare with her on Monday, but daycare opened up on Tuesday, her birthday, and her college and schools were closed.  Happy Day! 

Talked with Sharon, my stepdaughter, who kindly picked up a small package I erroneously sent up to Millport.  To make a small story short (or maybe not).  when I first got my Kindle Fire,  I was frustrated by it  - I had trouble brushing my finger across the screen to make it change, and frustrated when I tried to use the keyboard on the screen.  I figured a stylus was what I needed!  So, I one-clicked the order.  When it didn't arrive, and didn't arrive, and didn't arrive, my brain clicked into realizing that the one-click order sent my stylus up to Millport, and not to my present location.  Duh.)
So I e-mailed Sharon, thus the phone call from Sharon.  No need to send it down here.  I'm doing okay with my fingers, but still frustrated and realizing that it is what it is.

Sharon said that Charles was off this week, except for one-half exam this Monday.  Regents week.  She gave him a list of things to do each day.  Good for her. 

Brenda, in California, just finished up being in an opera and had some pictures on Facebook.  Neat.  She was in the chorus as a lady, and as a gentleman.  I think they take advantage of her height!  Cute pictures.  She does enjoy doing that. Emma and Lena were also in it a couple of years ago.    Paul was able to fly out one year to see Brenda in one of the productions - when I was up visiting Nancy to help out.

Super Bowl Sunday coming up.  We don't have any plans but I'm sure we'll be watching, along with others.  Oh, yes. We have to!   My favorite team, from Seattle, will be playing.  If you remember the Seattle Skyhawks are my favorites because we visited their city in August.  Way to go, Seahawks!

Saturday, January 25, 2014


   I guess my posts are a series of short, graceful (?) literary sketches. (Yeah, right.  That's what my thesaurus calls vignettes. . . short, graceful literary sketches.)

 Each subject is usually something I've thought about for a while, but with not enough information to fill up one complete post.  Sometimes they come upon me, as I write.    Some are more interesting than others.

  But I've never gotten into the habit of writing on only one subject.  I suppose I could write a couple of paragraphs and post it, and then do the same again and post it, and again.  But that seems like a worthless idea that takes up too much time.  It's much easier to just keep on writing.

  If you remember, once upon a time, I decided to try essays.   Once I wrote about the need for Cursive Writing - and once for -  Scamming Senior Citizens.  (That was when I remembered the value of a thesaurus.)

 I wanted to learn some more about essay writing, so I googled  different ways to approach it.  One approach said, always begin your writing with a title.  Okay.  I did it that way.  I thought of a title.  Then I did some exploring of the subject matter.  It was fun to write notes.  I DID try it a couple of times but I just didn't particularly enjoy it. I guess I just don't have enough subject matter to keep me busy.  I was going to say brain matter, but whatever.   I may try it again some time, though, if something tempts me.  One never knows.

My  Cursive Writing Post:

 I enjoyed that because I felt strongly about it. That of course is the secret to success.  Find something you believe in and write about it..

 A couple of days ago I found in an article in our newspaper about Florida and Common Core, which is  the nation-wide  educational guidelines that so many states have adopted and  found "lacking". Common Core didn't think cursive writing was necessary,  so they left it out.  They didn't include it.

Florida adopted the Common Core, but want to make it more user friendly for Floridians.  So, among other things, they're thinking about adding fourth and fifth grade standards for Cursive writing.  Yea! Add one more state possibly joining the Cursive Writing Team!.


There are nights when I find sleep eluding me.  As hard as I try, I can't get to sleep.  I can either lie awake or get up and read.  So at 1:30 the other night, I did just that.  I got on my robe, and went into the living room/lanai with my kindle and settled in my chair for an hour's worth of reading.  John Grisham's Sycamore Rowe.  If you haven't read it, I can highly recommend it.  You Kindle readers - it's only $6.49 and on the bestseller list - How different the prices are from a couple of years ago!  Even last year.  It would have cost twice that much and I would have been very annoyed, and waited to read it.   It was like waiting for the paperback copy of a hardcover book to come to the stores, but worse. 

Well, while I was reading, I happened to look up at the door and saw my brother Bob's face in the glass door.  He was grinning and shining his flashlight on his face to let me know who it was so I wouldn't be scared.  He had seen my light on and was concerned that there was something wrong.  He's a late-night person.  Enjoys puttering around, watching tv, etc.  It was not my usual habit to be up at that hour. That's not me at all.

 It made me smile, however, to see him do that, because it reminded me of when we were children.  My three and one-half year older brother would do that to scare/tease  me at night after we'd go to sleep. ) He'd creep to my door, shine the light on his face and say it was the Boogey Man.  Of course I always knew who it was, but as a younger sister, I'd always come through and be completely annoyed, frustrated,  and yell and scream for mommy or daddy.


Bob came by yesterday morning to see if he could borrow some Little Cesar's dog food from us.  He was out, and would go shopping that afternoon.   (Martini and Gracie use the same food.)  So when he came back at 5:00 for cocktails, he brought two bones for Martini and Gracie, a big bottle of wine, and some cheese. We had a very good cocktail hour.   It was fun to watch the two dogs - I don't think  sharing is found very often in the animal kingdom. They loved teasing each other.  They even growled a bit.  Just like two siblings.  They were always after one bone.  But, after a while they tired of this and decided to each enjoy their own treasure.


So - we have an invitation to see Lue when she's visiting her  daughter and son-in-law, Gayle and Arthur, in March on Sanibel Island.   They have a new condo there.  That'll be wonderful to be there and  see them all. 

 Bill and Epril said they'd take care of Gracie when we go to Sanibel Island. They love her and always make a fuss over her.  Sanibel is just a half hour further down the road so we can drop her off on the way.  We talked about it with them last night. . .

Bill and Epril stopped by last night just in time for a beer. They were on their way home from Tampa where they'd been getting Epril's Green Card taken care of, and her passport stamped.  Tampa is the closest place they can go for such problems. It's an all-day event because it's several hours from Punta Gorda,.

 It was good they could stop here part way in Venice and tell us all about their day.  They looked really nice - all dressed up. Now, in April, they can go to the Philippines for her sister's wedding and come back here without any problem. They had been worried.  What a relief! We all went out to dinner in Englewood, and then they continued on  home from there. 


Saw Vincent's picture of the Science Fair on Facebook yesterday.  He looked so proud.  I hope to get in touch with him this weekend so I hear first hand about it all.  Paul worked with him on it during Christmas Vacation. 

If I remember correctly, and I may have some of my facts wrong:

Vincent's second grade science project was: He wanted to show that by putting a toy car on different inclines, would cause it to crash.   Vincent built a ramp with Paul's help. That's down Paul's alley - he loves things like that. Vincent could change the incline, and he kept a chart of height of the ramp each time and the length the car would roll.  And when it would crash. We all took pictures.  Brenda and I spent about an hour that night getting the 8 pictures off the computer.  Thanks Brenda!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

It's a little cold in Paradise.

Yes.  We have a problem here.  Long pants are lacking, so that I have to do a lot more dark washes than usual.  I have about 7 pairs of shorts.  It's a tough problem to work through, but I'm sure I'm up to it. 

Even though it's cold, we still have a bright sun in the bright blue sky, and cocktail hour proves to be just beautiful with gorgeous sunsets that we see out through our new windows.  We now have two beautiful big mirrors on the opposite wall from the windows so that anyone who sits in the sofa under the windows can see the sunsets.  It was planned that way.

(Originally, the sofa had been on the opposite wall and I used to ooh and ahh  about the sunsets when I looked directly out,  and how when we changed the seating order, that those who sat on the sofa, facing the wall, shouldn't  just see a blank wall, but how beautiful it was outside.) However, I find that those beautiful mirrors also reveal smudge marks from my glass cleaner when the low sunlight hits it and I spend part of the time with paper towels, glass cleaner, and two people who direct my cleaning as I try to make the smudge marks go away.  An interesting problem that I didn't anticipate.  I shall keep the glass cleaner handy as we continue to converse every early evening, so that I can continue to perfect the view. 

Our Kitchen Island is coming along nicely.  We're in the process of ordering a top for it.  We've decided to add a wooden trim  that will match the wood on the rattan stools .

We  ordered the four rattan stools this afternoon and they'll be there in ten days.  Then we went to Lowe's and did some more window-shopping.  I love that store.

 We went to the lighting area and we had a discussion about lighting and globes. There were two that were fairly similar.  I kept saying that one was definitely wider, but shorter than the other.  One was out on a shelf, and one in a box.   He took the one out of the box and we compared sizes.  Paul has a great eye for size.  ., He was right, of course.  they were the same width but different lengths. ., so we took one home with us to try it out.   He's so good to me..  On the way home, he said - don't let me influence you in what you want.  He keep forgetting.  It's his home too!

We came out of Lowe's and it was beautiful - nice and warm.  Pool weather.  However, it was 4:00.  Tomorrow is another chance for beautiful day in Paradise.


Paul and I have good Card Club friends that used to live up in Montour.  Dayle and Daryl.  They moved to Virginia a couple of years ago, but we kept up with them.  Dayle had breast cancer, before I was in the picture.  It came back two years ago - just a couple of weeks  before they were to leave on a six-month cruise half-way around the world.  Dayle went through another grueling  set of chemo again, and now after a two-year postponement - they're on their wonderful trip to celebrate their 45th wedding anniversary!

 We are so excited for them.  They've sent everyone their itinerary so we all know when and where they are.  Every day.   They left from Miami aboard the Pacific Princess on the 20th, Monday.  According to their schedule - Tomorrow they will be going through the Panama Canal. They'll go to Australia, in March, where two other Card Club friends, Tom and Carole,  are flying out to tour with them for a week or so. Dayle and Daryl will be back in Seattle on May 10th - taking the train to Chicago, DC to Richmond Virginia and home.  Doesn't that sound exciting!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Check this out . . .

Paul's 22-year old granddaughter, Alaina, (and I'm proud to call her, my step-granddaughter), is a recent Peace Corp Volunteer in Uganda. She graduated with  honors from University of Rochester this past June,  and she began her two-year Peace-Corp service in November.

 Alaina comes by this naturally!  Her Uncle Greg (Paul's son) was a volunteer in Thailand.  Her Aunt Brenda (Paul's daughter) was in Botswana.  We surmise that this was in the late 80's and early 90's. 

Paul and Donna couldn't keep in touch with their kids as easily as Jeff and Dorothy can with Alaina: They not only have Skype now, but. . . .

Alaina has begun writing a blog telling of her experiences and it is very fascinating to read.  I started reading it today and  I think you all would like it, so I'm putting her blog address here:;

She seems very enthusiastic about her experiences, and it's enjoyable reading.   I just spent 45 minutes doing so.


Speaking of all the bad weather they're having up north. . . It's hard to realize how it is when it's sunny outside, or at least the weather hasn't been really cold.  We've actually had some "winter" weather here.

 I can remember my mother saying that she enjoyed having this  "cold" weather so she could wear some sweaters and slacks, put on the electric blanket at night.  We're using our long pants, so I've had to do a lot more wash because we have a limited supply!  Our short pants are hanging in the closet awaiting use.  No water aerobics for a while.

We had a busy weekend.  Friday night we went to the Fish Fry at the Moose Club in Venice, and surprise, surprise. . . it wasn't crowded!  That's a miracle at this time of year.  Perhaps the cold is keeping the old folks away. Bob came with us, which we enjoy.  We also invited our next door neighbor Linda and our good friend Carol O.   So, even with five people, we found a table easily. 

Afterwards they came back here for some home-made pie.  (lo-cal!)

Saturday night, we had the Board Appreciation Dinner.  Carol O sat with Bob and us.   I accompanied my cousin Alice and her friend Audrey, on the piano.  This was mentioned on my previous post.  We were pleased at how well that went.  Unfortunately,  the dinner of ziti, meatballs and spaghetti sauce wasn't that good.  Rather so-so. 

Sunday, Paul and I went to the 9:00 Contemporary Service at church and saw my good friends from Bath, Carolyn and John.  They've settled in since mid December and happy to be down here.   We all commiserated about our friends up north.  Their winter has been very cold.  We can certainly attest to that by the short period we were there.

 It's too crowded to go to breakfast on Sundays, but we still try.  The first restaurant had too many people waiting, so we tried a second - there was a wait there, but it worked out. 

Early afternoon Carol and Alice came by to practice a Showtime song they're doing. "It Was Raining on Prom Night" from Grease.  Have any of you heard it? It's hilarious.  It can be found on

Epril and Bill came for dinner on Sunday afternoon with Uncle Bob.  My nephew Paul was also invited but he was working at the gun shop and has been working long hours for several days now. His hours are from 10 to 9 four days a week, but he's been working constantly for 8 days or more! As Bob says - they must love him there.  And it's good for him there's so much business.

Here's a fun-fact from Bill:  There're more Gun Shops in the US than Starbucks and McDonalds put together. . And why is this important for us to know?    Paul graduated from Gunsmithing School last May. 

We watched one of the football games before dinner. 

 I watched Seattle win the game and  I've decided to root for them in the Superbowl.  Here's stupidity first-hand:  That's where our cruise left for Alaska. When we got back, we had a tour of the city and I liked it.  We even saw the stadium, but I forgot what it looked like. 

 Epril had a bad cold and wasn't feeling up to par, but I gave her some over the counter medicine and I think it helped.  I meant to call her last night to see how she was doing, but it slipped my mind. 

There's so much more room for company in the new dining room.  It is a pleasure to have company. . . not that it wasn't nice in the old area.  Lots of good memories there.  Dinners, card games.

Paul is still busy working on the Kitchen Island.  It's really coming along.  I suggested putting  masking tape on the floor to see where it'll be.  We did.  It'll fit fine.  We're looking for lighting, and the top.  Not sure what it'll be made of.  I think we're going out this afternoon to window-shop.  .  Half the fun is in the looking. 

If I go out to the carport to see how Paul's doing, Gracie has separation anxiety.  We have to yell at her.  If she doesn't have at least one of us in her sight, she whines and becomes upset.  We've created a 5 pound monster.  But - just a sharp NO, and she stops.  Good dog.

Friday, January 10, 2014

More of the same old, same old. . .

  We got here with just the ordinary problems:  a three hour delay in Elmira due to maintenance problems in Florida. 

 As we boarded the plane, we heard the crew announce that they insisted that the plane be fixed before they took off from Clearwater.  (What's not to be happy about that!  Yea for them.)  Paul says these are old planes.   I read in the newspaper, or was it Time Magazine that the airline industry is ordering thousands upon thousands of new planes.  However,  most of them are going to Asia or India.  It figures.

Being on both ends of the flight - coming and going -  I felt like I now knew how the other half felt, since we were in Florida on the Florida-delay end three weeks ago when the plane didn't take off for three hours. (because they didn't have a pilot.  He was sick.  Remember?  They had to send for one.)  I guess you can count on delays whenever you fly nowadays.  It's difficult to avoid.

Now here's the thing:

 Paul kept track of our flight, but on a different site.  He knew that the plane hadn't left Clearwater.  The Elmira airport site still kept saying it was on time.

  This went on for two hours but we had to go because:

 We had to drop my car off at the Kent-Brown dealership in Horseheads.  It was the end of my lease.  (I'm not getting another one until we get back from Fla.  No sense in paying out four-five months worth of car payments just to have the new one sitting in the garage up north.)  On a good note: Kent-Brown drove us to the airport. 

Even when we got there, the people at the counter didn't "let on" that the plane hadn't left yet - and that there would be a two-hour delay.  The agent finally announced the delay to everyone crowding around the counter.  You know, I feel sorry for airport personnel nowadays.  Nothing's fun any more.  Who would want to do it?

We broke one of the cardinal rules and took Gracie into the eating area so we could have some supper.  She was as good as gold.  She never left her open carrier, but she did wiggle incessantly when people came near to pet her.  She loves people so much.  And vice versa.  As Paul says - she's an old chick magnet.

 The plane arrived at 9:00 - two hours late, We boarded at 10:00.  They said, because of a head wind, the flight would be 2 hours 43 minutes, instead of the 2 hours we had coming up.  So we got into Clearwater around 1 AM.  I was so glad I had my winter coat - it was 38 degrees.

 Okay.  I know it wasn't as cold as we had it in upstate NY, but with a heavy wind blowing, it felt really cold.  We got our rental car and left for our hotel at 2 AM.  Weary.  Did we sleep well!

Tuesday - we got home a little before lunchtime.

It's now Friday - doesn't seem possible  three days have gone by. 

We're going out for a fish fry tonight with Bill and Epril at the Venice Moose Club.  They're coming in, after Epril has a driving lesson after work, so they'll be later than usual.  the Moose Club will be crowded, but that's the way it is.  

I talked with Bob twice this week.  He's coming in late on Saturday.  We'll see him on Sunday.  His son Paul, who lives with him is very excited.  He starts work at a new job today. It is a half hour closer to home than the job he had previously.

There are mobs of people here now.  There's quite a difference from when we were here three weeks ago.  The Snowbirds have arrived, and are still arriving.   As Paul says - all the old people are here again.  And if you don't see anything funny in that remark, well. . .  

The traffic is very heavy.  Luckily where we live, the traffic's not quite as heavy, but when you're driving, you know the difference . 

We've been in long pants since we got here.  The weather is getting warmer, though,  and I had shorts on today.  Don't think it.  That's why we're here. 

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Last Day in the Freezing Cold . . .

I don't know about these computer things.  This error message keeps coming up, and then it clears by itself, and is fine.  I hope this gets out.

Tomorrow, God willing, we leave for Florida.  We've had a very very cold time up here.  

Most of my statements about the weather  are negative - But I must say - About the cold  -  It sure was pretty to see the snowflakes coming down - especially the great big ones that Evie tried to catch on her tongue when we got out of the car.  And it did look pretty at night as it was coming down -  And the kids did love the sledding and such.


It will be good for Paul to not have to wear his snowmobile suit to get to the mailbox. Plus obviously he has had to plow the driveway several times. 

Gracie will be happy to be a Florida dog again.  Paul had shoveled out a spot for her to do her business, but she has had to wear her snowsuit outside and still comes in shivering.  Also her little paws are getting quite cold on the ice.  No nonsense there.  She's all business.  No more than 30 seconds.

 Gracie adjusted well to all the company.  Now she'll be facing her flight home.  I don't anticipate a problem there because she did so well on the trip up. 

I was just looking at the Facebook pictures that family has taken.   You can see that everyone had a good time.  The house was "rockin'" for two weeks.  The big cousins were so good to Evie, Vincent and Walter.  Over all, they were very patient with them, and really did an excellent job!  It was much appreciated, kids.  If they weren't around, Vincent would say "Where are the cousins?"

We went out to breakfast this morning and then church.   It did my heart good to see my friends and how happy they were to see me.

The house is quiet now.  We're doing wash, putting things away.  My washing machine got a real work out - it "took a lickin but still is tickin."

I found some old piano music downstairs in the basement (I kept insisting that it was in the attic in a big box, but Paul knew better and, bless his soul, put up with me looking all over the attic. He didn't even say - I told you so, but then he never does.  )and I'm hoping I can take some of it to Florida with me.  I played for a couple of hours this afternoon. 

I talked with Bill a couple of days ago.  He's getting driving lessons for Epril.  Good idea!  It's so hard to teach someone yourself.  Especially someone who's not at all familiar with driving.   She needs the consistency of practice too. 

This has been the Departure Schedule for this past week:  I talked with Brenda earlier tonight and I think I got some of the dates wrong - so these things happened - but on different days.  It's a mish-mash.

Friday:  (I thought it was Thursday.)  Brenda, Eric, Emma and Lina left for Middletown to visit Brenda's cousin, Sue, and her family.  Then they went in to the city to see Mama Mia.  They stayed in Middletown, took the train into the city. to see Mama Mia, then took the train back and stayed with Sue again.  They took the train in early this morning because they all had flights out:  Brenda and Eric back home to California.  Emma to Ohio to visit with her boyfriend's family.  Lina back to Germany.  Update:  Brenda called tonight while they were in Cincinatti - all their flights were delayed, so they're getting to San Francisco, but an hour later - but still at a reasonable timeframe - they'll be home by 10:30 tonight. 

Friday: Dan had been away a week, but he was due back Thursday.  He had three flights to get to Elmira.   The final  third one was canceled, so after a long wait at the airport, and then going to a hotel room,  he came in instead on Friday afternoon from Philly. 

Saturday: So Nancy, Dan, Evie, Vincent and Walter left for home yesterday, instead of Friday.   Nancy called late last night to say they were delayed getting home due to a snowstorm.  That's something they didn't need, with three little kids in the car.  Update:  Nancy called tonight and everything is cancelled in Chicago due to the extremely cold weather:  Her school, Dan's school, and Vincent's school. All schools.   So, even though they left a day late, they still have an extra day to get organized. 

Monday:  We're all that's left.  I hope we get out okay.  As Paul would say  - it is what it is.  Doesn't matter what we hope for. (I suppose prayers could be in order.)   At least our home, here, isn't far from the airport - 15 minutes.  I have to stop the negative thoughts!  We will be on a nonstop 7 PM flight  to St. Petersburg, a rental car will be there, a good night's sleep at a motel, and then home to Circlewoods on Tuesday.