The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Friday, January 31, 2014

A Cloudy, rainy day in Southern Florida

Now - what's wrong with that picture?

We've had cloudy, rainy, cool days here.  Nothing compared to Alpharetta, where Bob's son Jon's family live.  Right near Atlanta.  My thoughts were - they were from Long Island originally, but of course that was way before their children were born, so the grandkids were thoroughly excited about all the snow that came down.  Jon was due to fly out on business, and had his flight cancelled many times.  Thank goodness he was home. 

We're looking forward to some good weather again.  So - our long pants are in use again.  Need to do more wash, more often, as explained in a previous post.  Looking forward to short pants again. 

Everything is wrapping up, as far as the Kitchen Island is concerned. Paul did an amazing job.   It's been moved and is where it will reside for the next century.  I shall try to get some photos up.  I really really will.  (You never know. . . I may surprise you some day.  As they say - The road  to H--- is paved with good intentions.)

We ordered some new rattan counter stools last week.  They came in yesterday, so we went to pick them up.  They were the wrong color wood, so they're returning them, and they should be here next week.  Let's hope so.  We're having visitors, Hal and Marcia, from NC for a visit.   And it would be nice if the stools were here and we could use the island.  Rather disappointing, but it is what it is.

Epril passed her driving test! Now that's something to celebrate!   It took me five driving permits to get my license.  My excuse?  I never had time to practice, nor had anyone who wanted to go with me.  Finally after a couple of years (my 16th through 21st year) and getting ready to graduate from college, and getting a full-time job that required driving on parkways on Long Island, I did it.  I took a Driving Course from students up at Oswego who were learning how to teach driver ed..  So, Epril was smarter than I.  She started with a Driver's School and got her license lickety-split.  Good for her.  Congratulations Epril!  That's a big step. 

So - Epril and Bill are coming here tonight to go to a Fish Fry with Uncle Bob, Paul (nephew) and us. I wonder who'll be driving. 

Speaking of nephew Paul, he knocked on the back door a little while ago.  It seems his friend, Jen, had a cloth animal where some stitches had come out. He wanted to know if I had a sewing kit.  I did.  I had thought he wanted me to sew it up, but no - he wanted to do it himself, so I let him !

My daughter Nancy whose birthday was January 28th has always taken off from work for her birthday. For several years, Dan went to a convention at this time, so I would go up to Chicago to help out.  This year, he didn't.  So I didn't go.  So, this year, she decided not to take off, but her college shut down due to the Chicago cold, her kids were home from daycare with her on Monday, but daycare opened up on Tuesday, her birthday, and her college and schools were closed.  Happy Day! 

Talked with Sharon, my stepdaughter, who kindly picked up a small package I erroneously sent up to Millport.  To make a small story short (or maybe not).  when I first got my Kindle Fire,  I was frustrated by it  - I had trouble brushing my finger across the screen to make it change, and frustrated when I tried to use the keyboard on the screen.  I figured a stylus was what I needed!  So, I one-clicked the order.  When it didn't arrive, and didn't arrive, and didn't arrive, my brain clicked into realizing that the one-click order sent my stylus up to Millport, and not to my present location.  Duh.)
So I e-mailed Sharon, thus the phone call from Sharon.  No need to send it down here.  I'm doing okay with my fingers, but still frustrated and realizing that it is what it is.

Sharon said that Charles was off this week, except for one-half exam this Monday.  Regents week.  She gave him a list of things to do each day.  Good for her. 

Brenda, in California, just finished up being in an opera and had some pictures on Facebook.  Neat.  She was in the chorus as a lady, and as a gentleman.  I think they take advantage of her height!  Cute pictures.  She does enjoy doing that. Emma and Lena were also in it a couple of years ago.    Paul was able to fly out one year to see Brenda in one of the productions - when I was up visiting Nancy to help out.

Super Bowl Sunday coming up.  We don't have any plans but I'm sure we'll be watching, along with others.  Oh, yes. We have to!   My favorite team, from Seattle, will be playing.  If you remember the Seattle Skyhawks are my favorites because we visited their city in August.  Way to go, Seahawks!

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