The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Started out this morning wanting to blog, about thankfulness/ being grateful. but time flew by.   It's now almost a quarter to four.  I suppose I could write about it after Thanksgiving; but it wouldn't be the same.

Thanksgiving is tomorrow. 

Today,  newspapers have all sorts of articals about thankfulness.

 So - this morning I was thinking about how spell grateful. Obviously I'm spelling it right or it wouldn't be here.  I skimmed through an artical  until I came to the word grateful.   Ah, yes. Then my mind started thinking about the word greatful - break the word up and it becomes . . . . full of great. No. Not right. Okay - now what about grateful - full of grate? No. BUT how about full of gratitude?  Couldn't grate come from the word gratitude? Now that seemed to make sense.

I could have quickly looked it up in the dictionary, but then my mind wouldn't have had such a splendid workout. Words can be such fun.

There is so much I am grateful for.  I look around and can't believe I've been so fortunate.  I'm not talking about material things (of which there is plenty.)   Not them.  It's the things we can't see that matter most and that I have such gratitude for.   The love from my husband, family, friends.  I am so blessed.  I continually give thanks to our Maker for everyone. 

 I called Cookie this morning to find out what last-minute thing I could bring.  (If you know Cookie, you'll get a kick out of this.  )  She said - There's nothing I need.  I've been shopping for a month.
If you bring anything, I'll send it back home with you.  We've got wine.  Plenty of wine.  Maybe some wine.   I've been cooking for days.

She's a marvelous cook and she and Clarkee are wonderful hosts.  It'll be fun to be with them and their family.  And see how the kids have grown!  So - I'm bringing flowers.  And wine.  I refuse to take those back home. 

Wishing you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving. 

So - how're things in your neck o' the woods?

Monday, November 21, 2011

Oops.  I just said I was getting used to the new settings for Blogger and the whole thing disappeared!  Good thing I just had written two sentences.  Now if I can understand why it did that I would be very happy.  And if I could preview these sentences, I'd be even happier.  Oh, well.  If I don't delete these sentences, I'll continue writing and you will be the beneficiary. 


We've had such great weather since we arrived almost a month ago.  And we'll be leaving less than a month (December 15th).  As they say, time flies.

We'll be up north for a month.  Leaving a month later - in January.  It'll be good to see the "upstate" and other traveling relatives!  Since I'm the shortest adult in the family, the children slyly (or shyly) stand next to me to measure how much they've grown.  I don't mind that.  Makes me feel unique.  This happens especially in the Spring when we're away longer.  The teenagers will have sprouted, and now use their moms and dads to gauge the change.

 Our California relatives have a German exchange student coming with them.  She's with them for a year so she'll be with them.  They're flying into the  NYC area and visiting there too.

 Brenda had an operation on her hip - and is taking time off from teaching.  Not sure how long she'll be off, but hope she's resting.  She deserves it.  She's going, going, going, all the time.

We got a phone call from Greg last night.  They're moving into their new home during Thanksgiving week.  That'll be a job and a half.  We'll miss seeing them,  BUT we'll see them at Christmas along with the rest of our families.  Please pray for good traveling weather. 

Bill's wife, Epril, will be flying in on Dec. 13th from Manila. He's been anxiously awaiting her for more than a year. They'll have to clothe themselves for winter weather, as they're coming up for the holidays.

Nancy and Dan have a set of grandparents visiting each Thanksgiving.   They usually travel during the Christmas Holidays, switching each year between Dan's family in St. Louis and ours.  When visiting us, they can visit their dad and Judy.  So we kinda share. 

 Our Thanksgiving plans this year are to join Bob's son's in-laws (nick-named Cookie and Clarkee).  Several years ago, my NC friend Marcia was here for Easter and we had an invite to  their home.   What a feast! So  I can just imagine all the goodies Cookie will have for Thanksgiving.  And their twin boy and girl grand-babies will be visiting from Long Island.

So - what's happenin' in your neck o' the woods?  What're your Thanksgiving Plans?


Thursday, November 17, 2011

So Many Words, So Little Time. . .

BTW, blogger changed its format.

One of the things that I don't like about my age is that I get easily confused with technology.  (You can note I left out the o_d word and replaced it with the word "my.")  That word  o.l.d stinks.  Even if I feel it.  Bluntly - I wish I were new. Or newer.

 I've missed the boat. No. That's not really true.   I had the opportunity thirty years ago to get in on the beginnings of computers.  And I did.  Both school districts where I taught had computer courses. 

BUT - computer classes I took eons ago, are obsolete.  For example,  I took a college class called:"How to write computer programs to use in your classroom." I did, and used them.

I can't think of one good reason to know that now.   There are thousands/millions of great programs you can buy that do it better.

But since I've retired nine years ago. . . well.  It's a new generation in there now.  Perhaps I wouldn't get so frustrated when "new words" are not understood, or plans to change the look of my blog go up in thin air.  You see, it's hard to use the right words, when I don't know enough words to describe what I want to do. 

I still feel frustrated: as if I'm groping and it's just luck if everything turns out as it should.  OR - I don't remember the steps to repeat something I did correctly.  Yea!  I did get my blog-look changed!  But how'd I do it? When I think about it more,   there are a lotta words  I don't know.

Pictures will be forthcoming.  I've got some really great ones.  My camera is plugged into the computer, but nothing's happening.   One of the reasons I got on this morning were pictures.  I'll soon re-learn how to do this..I have faith in myself.  I can do this.


My new mantra: I can do this.  Think positively.  I am great. 

For instance: I can "keyboard" faster and more accurately than a lot of people.  I'm so great at that.  We called it "typing" when I was in school.  A very beneficial course.  I'd rank it up there as  No one.  No search and peck for me.  No sirree.

So - how're things goin' in your neck o' the woods?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What Can Ya Do? It's So True!

I had a choice this morning: Go to Curves or post. Guess what won. Curves is open from 8-12, and 4-7. Which eliminates the early afternoon hours. I like those hours.
It's so true. Time is going by fast down here. We're set to fly up on Dec. 15th. One month from today. I've taken the summer bird sounds for granted. And the sunny blue skies with white puffy clouds. In a month we'll be heading north to winter. That's okay too. Quietness. Perhaps white on the ground.
It'd be nice to have a white Christmas, especially since Epril will be with us. Coming from the Philippines, she's anxious to see snow. She and Bill will travel up around Dec. 20th, stopping in D.C. to at least just drive by the important buildings. Naturally, Bill is very excited and can't wait to see her and show her the sights - in D.C. and possibly in NYC. It'll be fourteen months since they've seen each other.
Good driving/flying conditions for all our people, please, Lord:
Driving up and across to upstate NY will include: Greg, Noi, Neenee and Brenan from Florida; Nancy, Dan, Vincent and Evie from Chicago; Bill and Epril from Florida. Brenda, Eric, Emma, and german exchange-student, Lena flying in from California.
Not many came to the Fall BBQ at Circle Woods Saturday. We went. Lots of people didn't come because they didn't serve any beer - because of insurance fears after the subject of insurance came up at a Board Meeting. Some people liked standing around and having a glass or two with their bratz. The name of the event used to be Beer and Bratz. The title changed to BBQ. How silly. But what can ya do. We brought wine.
We went to Early Church last Sunday. I still miss The Lord's Prayer. I must tell Pastor Chuck about this. I do miss it, and I can't understand why it's missing. And the old hymns. The new ones are "okay" but they lack hummable (is that a word?) tunes. The prayer band/choir sings enthusiastically. Not much harmony. That won't change. BUT - I do like sitting at tables, having a cup of coffee, meeting new folks, and it really feels freer, more relaxed.
I feel like the late Andy Rooney - that old curmudgeon - commenting on items of interest (?). At least to me. But - that's what a blog is for.
It's cousin Carol's birthday today. Happy Birthday, Cuz! She started celebrating a couple of days ago with her sister, Alice. Tonight she and Alice will be here for dinner.
BTW Alice is recuperating from knee surgery, and her leg looks like a mummy/leg. It's all bandaged up from toes to hip joint. I visited her on Friday when she came home, and her recovery I thought was remarkable. She's now walking (without a walker) dressed, and getting ready for her daughter, Sue and son-in-law, Craig, and granddaughter. They're coming in from Peru, where Craig is a missionary.
They'll be in the states for four months. They have a car here with Alice, so they'll pick it up, and continue up north to their Missionary place. ( Not sure what you call that, or what state it's in.)
Susan said this is the Year with No Summer for them. They're leaving Peru in their summer and coming up north in our winter, and returning down to Peru - in their winter. I don't envy them that. But I'm sure they must like being in touch with family here and keeping connections with the churches that support their ministry.
So - what's happenin' in your neck o' the woods?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

With a sigh of relief . . . .

Did y'all get this post? I see it's listed just as a draft. Am sending it out on November 15th.
So - Bill fixed my computer so that I have spaces between paragraphs, and I can correct my mistakes.

Thanks, Bill. Wish there was someone out there who could fix my brain. Ex: I wrote that our cleaning lady comes every week. I meant to say every other week. I left out one word.

Good news! Bill's wife, Epril, had her interview at the American Embassy at Tuesday 6 AM ( Monday, 7PM our time). She and her mother flew into Manila Sunday from the island of Mindanao, town of Cagayan de Oro . . We were eagerly awaiting her phone call to see how everything went. All went well. She called Bill at 11:30 PM Monday night. . . . our time. 12:30 PM Tuesday . . . . her time. Considering my brain, I think that all that timing was correct! I'm open to corrections, Bill.

After a bit of stress . . . .

She and Bill didn't check the list of things she needed when she went to the interview until Saturday night.

She was supposed to show proof of payment for her VISA, and have her medical records with her for her Tuesday appointent.

She didn't have either. Monday was a holiday there. All the banks, offices were closed.

So the plan was: It was too late to do much, but she and her mom were to be up and out by 5:00 AM Tuesday morning. Epril was to get her medical records. Her mom was to go to the bank to pay for the VISA and bring back proof of payment. Her appointment was 6 AM. Her mother couldn't come into the embassy with her. Epril couldn't bring her cell phone in with her, so she couldn't know when her mom was back outside with the proof of VISA payment.

But all of that is neither here nor there - since it turned out okay. Now she should have her VISA, green card and passport somewhere around two weeks.

So - how're things goin' in your neck o' the woods?

Monday, November 7, 2011

Paradise again.

Bill fixed some glitches in my computer for me, so I should be able to edit my mistakes - like calling Evie - Gracie!  OMgoodness.  Sometimes I wonder where my mind is!  There are several differences in the new version he put me into but I'm hoping it continues as easily as before. 

Here it is Monday.  Debbie, my cleaning lady, who comes once a week arrived today and did her great job of cleaning for me.  She's only here for two hours, but she does so much in those two hours.  Great!

Bob, Paul and I sat outside this morning on the patio having coffee.  It was a beautiful morning for sure.  It was on the cool side for Bob, so he sat in the sun.  We were fine, and sat in the shade.  Martini and Gracie enjoyed being there.  Gracie did some zoomies (running fast - tail out back - doing figure eights).  Martini is five and has slowed down a bit.  They get along so well.  Gracie is so demonstrative - grooming Martini's face.   They run towards each other when they greet each other. 

This morning, Paul got on the ladder and trimmed the dead branches off our old grapefruit tree out back and it looks so much better.  We were considering cutting it down because of age - it was planted by my father when they moved in in 1980.  Paul, brother Bob, neighbors Bob and Phil had a meeting of the minds outside and it was decided it is quite healthy considering its age.  And actually when I think of it, the grapefruit may seem small, but it's only November.  Perhaps they'll still grow now that Paul's trimmed the branches.  I was comparing it to Greg's tree up in Gainesville, which is considerably younger. 

Cousin Alice is due to have her knee operated on.  She has a torn miniscus - which she had planned to ignore because it seemed better, but within a day or two it started hurting again and she decided she'd go through with the procedure.   I have some of Bill's chicken soup in the freezer that he made for our dinner last week and that'll go great with Alice's take-it-easy time.

Yesterday Bill, Bob and we went to downtown  for their Venice art festival.  They close off Venice Ave. and you can walk up and down the street admiring all the art work.  They came from all over the country.

We're going down to the pool this afternoon for the first time.  We've been so busy - hard to believe that on Thursday it will be two weeks.

Well, must close now.  Hope all is well with you all. 

What's happenin' in your neck o' the woods?

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Good to be back! On the computer. . . and here.

Here it is Thursday morning. My brother, Bob's, brother-in-law had a T-Shirt that read "Another ho-hum day in Paradise." You can really get used to the good weather - cause that's what it is. It's in the mid-seventies. Low humidity. Our lanaii is open to the screen and you can hear the birds outside.

Paul has planted marigolds around our outside lamp post, and some impatiens in the back shade. He also planted two tomato plants which should give us tomatoes in January.

Nancy sent a bunch of Halloween/Fall pictures to us.

There's a picture of Evie in Vincent's Lion outfit, he wore when he was two, that you could swear was Vincent. Vincent was a transformer guy. Cute. Nancy sent several others.

Paul printed out a picture of Evie and Vincent at the dining room table and put it on the fridge. Evie looks very smug, and Vincent has a good smile on his face. You know that he's learned to smile when the camera is on him, but Evie, obviously has not. Paul preferred this picture to another one where the photographer told them both to shout, or (Evie) practice roaring. That was my favorite.

My next picture lesson: getting pictures from the net on board my posts.

Our trip down:

Well, we missed all that snow, that appeared up in the Northeast, thank goodness! We had a really uneventful trip. Gracie is much calmer, and she even slept on a towel on the backseat or inside her travel carrier which we left open for her to use. She did like lying on my lap looking at her favorite person, Paul.

Thursday, we stopped at Mike and Edna's on our first day of our trip. She had a lovely lunch of homemade soup, sandwiches, bread, homemade strawberry jelly, and homemade ginger cookies. She gave us the jar of jelly and some cookies to have on the trip down. They were scrumptious! Thanks, Edna! We're still enjoying the jelly.

We're trying to be aware of pet-friendly hotels, and keep a record of all of them for future trips. We stayed in Staunton, Va. the first night and the Sleep Inn was as good as I remembered. Paul thought it had gone down hill a bit. The second night we stayed in a Sleep Inn again in Hardeeville, S.C. This was better than I remembered. Older, but good.

On Thursday we got up early and on the road by 7:40. We had told Bill that we wouldn't be home til later because we wanted to spend time with Greg at his new home. Great!

My goodness, it was beautiful, but both Paul and I commented on the amount of outside work he'll need to do with four acres of landscaped flowering trees, bushes, pathways, grape arbor, etc. BUT, we both thought that we'd have a different point of view if we were thirty or forty years younger.

The house, itself, was a brick two-story house built in the seventies. So the live oak trees with their spanish moss were beautiful . . . . Just gorgeous. The house has four bedrooms, the master on the first floor. I did get pictures on my camera.

Oops something happened to my post. I just erased a subject area sentence and I don't know why or how. It said - Paul is working on our noisy refrigerator.

The freezer fan is noisy. He ordered a new fan that came yesterday, along with my computer. The UPS guy made two separate trips. That was strange.

Done! My amazing husband has corrected the problem! It took less than an hour - he/I thought it would take a while longer than that. I thank my lucky stars for him. How'd I become so lucky in life?

We bought the fridge, at least two years ago at a very reputable place, in their "sale section". I mention the reputable part because we also bought a dishwasher from them last year and it is working fine. In fact I love it more than my upstate one.

I talked by cellphone with my friend Marcia in NC. They were in N. England buying a boat. We had hoped to stay overnight with them, but the best lain/laid (?) plans are . . . . Better luck next time, I guess.

Gracie has quickly acclimated herself and after a few times, remembers the name Martini very well. She's even looking out the screen in the lanaii when 5:00 arrives. Unfortunately, Bob and Marian have gone on a five-day cruise and will be back on Saturday. Thus, Martini hasn't been to visit this week.

Marian has the most adorable little 8-month old puppy, Daisy, who came here for our conversation hour with Bob, Martini, and Marian. She is Gracie's "aunt," born to Gracie's grandmother, and they both share the same personalities and curly tails. Daisy is smaller in size (Marian said she was fully grown) - and mostly light brown and blond coloring with mostly white background. Gracie is more a tri-color. Bill said that it was a competition of cuteness between the two of them. They played well together.

Got to Curves and was welcomed back by open arms. Patty, the owner, is looking forward to seeing my friend, Carol, who will be down in January. I always worry about Curves franchises. So often they "go under." Patty looks like she's doing okay.

Well, I'm getting used to typing on a laptop keyboard. It's going to take a while, but I'm enjoying it somewhat. This modern stuff! I gotta get with it!

So - how're things goin' in your neck o' the woods?

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Hi there everyone

This is my first try at using my new laptop to post a blog. 
We traveled to Florida last week - Tuesday thru Thursday - arriving around 5:00.  We stopped at
Gainesville to visit with Greg Thursday morning and to see their new home.  They're not in it right now but intend to be there after they've painted and done all else they want to do.  It is a beautiful home and they're all excited about it.  The grounds are fantastic - four acres of paths, live oaks, fruit trees, flowering plants and grape arbors.  They'll have different views each season. 

I ordered this computer on Sunday and it arrived today.  Paul got it set up for me.  And now I'm getting used to it.  I can see I need a new light here. 

Well hope this prints out okay.  I imagine it will. 
Take care!
How're things goin' in your neck o' the woods?