The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Saturday, December 31, 2011

End of the year - what a welcomed time it is!  I love how quiet the house is, how nice the house looks without Christmas decorations, I really liked it decorated, but now that the time came to clean it all up, I appreciate how it normally looks. I also like to read all the compiled lists at the end-of-the-year.  The best . . .  The worst. . . I'm always amazed that so many things could happen in a year. 

 Today, we got everything put away.  (more about that to come) We've been working at it for a couple of days. Paul got the empty boxes out and  said it didn't seem possible that we put up all those decorations.

  I think of  the different memories Christmas brings.  Each year is so different.  I suppose we could call this year:  The Year of Epril. 

Epril continues to adjust to her new surroundings.  She's been here less than a week.  There's been a whirlwind of activity and yet Bill's tried to keep it quiet for her.  Bill said they're going to cousin Jonathan's house for New Year's Eve.  Lots of people, and relatives for her to meet.

The Lord works in mysterious ways.  Our backdoor neighbor, Brett is a church deacon.  He lives almost directly behind us.   God bless him - he said they have several Filipino people that go to the Catholic Church.  Epril has convinced Bill that they should go to church New Year's Day.  Good.

Getting back to the boxes: 

One of my gifts from Paul was a labeler.  I've wanted one for a long time.  Thanks to him, I've labeled all the Christmas boxes.  I started with the Christmas mugs box.  MUGS, Mugs1, Mugs, Christmas Mugs1, Christmas mugs.  As I progressed, my labeling got better.  Christmas linens, Christmas ornaments, etc. So - I went on to label my pantry shelves.  Not done with that yet.  That's a time-taker.  Needs more thought and some more straightening out.   We have three drawers of silverware.  It confused people last week.  So -  yesterday,  I labeled one drawer: Large spoons, Small forks.  Now I gotta do the other two.  The labeler's most difficult part was getting the backing off, but even that is becoming easier. I'm not the brightest light when it comes to reading and following directions.

Have heard from all our travelers.

 Noi is back home, where she belongs.  It's not fun at all to be sick and away from home. She was feeling well about one day, of all the days they were here,

 Brenda called this morning at 10:30 our time, 7:30 - hers.  They were up early because they had to go get their dogs.   She said their flight was fine.  NYC to Sacramento - getting in at 2:30 AM.  Her school starts on the 3rd, so she has some more time to recuperate.  Guess her hip is doing okay, and her sinus condition is on the mend.

Nancy sent an e-mail that they were also home.  Their car trip back to Chicago went well, except 14 month old Evie wet her diaper through (twice) and became very sad.  Speaking of Evie, and contradicting that,  Paul said he's never seen such a happy little one.  She waved and smiled at everyone and loved being picked up.   She was even gentle with Gracie.  Vincent (5) is growing up to be such a nice little boy.  When they got here, he ran ahead of them into the house.  And though mommy and daddy had told him there'd be a lot of people here, I guess he forgot.  It kinda overwhelmed him for a moment, but after that, he enjoyed all the cammeraderie with his teen-aged cousins.  

We had fourteen people staying with us at the Woods Edge.  For our Christmas celebration, Christmas Monday, we had twenty-eight people for  turkey dinner with all the trimmings.  There was so much food!  Everyone brought something to eat, and pitched in to help with clean-up.

My washer and dryer have withstood the extra usage.   Oh. My. Goodness.

Tonight, New Year's Eve, we're staying in, having a delicious steak dinner, and watching a movie.  Tomorrow night we're going out to dinner at the Harbour Hotel in Watkins.  It shouldn't be crowded, and they'll have their regular menu. 

So - guess that's all for now.  What's happenin' in your neck o' the woods?

Friday, December 23, 2011

Hooray! Hooray!

I did want you all to know that Epril got her Visa on this past Tuesday, Dec. 20th!

 She'll not be here for Christmas since she and her family would like to spend it together this year.  It'll be difficult to get together in future years (but not impossible!).  We're looking forward to her coming, so much.

 Epril, there are so many people waiting to meet you!  You will be showered with love. 

As far as I undertand it, her travel plans include:  flying to Manila on Monday, December 26th with her mother.  On Tuesday,  December 27th, she's taking a required course about not being exploited, which is required of all Filipinos going overseas.   December 28th I believe she leaves.  She should be in Tampa on evening of the 29th.

  I am so glad that she'll have some quiet time with Bill before we get down there.  It'll be so exciting for them, but they need the time together.  And she needs to rest.

As of us:
Right now, there are kids downstairs playing ping-pong, and a mysterious detective game requiring paper, crayons, paper.  They keep coming in here to get printer paper. There are six teenagers and Ida.(9)  Their ideas change by the minute. Some were up here wrapped in snuggies, using their laptops.

  Lina is doing better.  She seems to be over her homesickness.  We'll see when Christmas Eve comes (tomorrow) and Christmas day. 

Greg appears to be taking an on-line a professional engineering and land surveying course at the dining room table.  How do I know this?  It just printed out right next to me!

Nancy and Dan have supposedly left today from Chicago.  They'll plan on staying overnight - thank goodness.  It's a 10-11 hour trip, and having a toddler aboard, isn't easy on anyone.  So far, our weather seems like it is and will be fine for travel. 

Poor Lue, but lucky us, had her flight cancelled yesterday from Elmira to Tennessee, so she joined us at Sharon's home for Brenda's birthday celebration!  Lue's scheduled to go out today.  We're glad you unexpectedly could be with us, Lue.  Now - enjoy your family!

Brenda is sick with a sinus infection.  She went to the doctor and got a prescription.  Hope that helps her feel better fast. She's upstairs resting.  With all their travel plans, etc.  you can see how she'd get rundown - especially recuperating from her hip surgery.   Noi is also sick - with a stomach bug.  She's keeping to her room.   Let's pray for them both to be well for the holiday weekend.

I went out Christmas shopping this morning.  I had thought the stores would be packed.  They were not.  We only have one car, and so Paul had to wait for me to come back before he could go.  He just got back.  He said the stores were packed.  Lots of traffic!  The stores need it. 

So - have a Blessed Christmas - all of you.

This will probably be my last post before Christmas.  As of all the Christian world, we are busy!

Let me know what's happenin' in your neck o' the woods.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Lotsa, Lotsa,Lotsa things goin' on. . .

The week before Christmas certainly keeps people busy!  My goodness.  Everyone seems to be going here and there.  It's very easy to forget from year to year how much surrounds us - and keeps us on the go. 

 I realized before this week that I'd made three doctors' appointments for Paul and I.  Dentist, General Practitioner, and Eye appointments.  Tuesday, Wednesday, which we had to cancel - see down below for the reason why -  and Thursday in that order.  And in the back of my mind, I'd thought perhaps this wasn't wise.  We'll be here a couple of weeks in early January.   Good thing. I think we could have used our time more wisely.

 So -  our dental appointment - was early afternoon today.  After which we went to our favorite gourmet grocery store nearby - to  those of you who are from here - Wegmans'!  And from there we raced to Odessa to pick up Ida from school and bring her home.  Got there just in time. 

Our first house guests were here when we got home!  Brenda, Eric, Emma and Lena (their german exchange student) from Californa via NYC.  Poor Lena is very homesick.  Can't blame her.  This is the hardest time of year to be away from home.  Brenda tried to hook her up with her family on Skype, but I guess her mother wasn't home.  What a nice, pretty girl.  I'm sure they'll get together.

 Brenda is inside playing Christmas carols on the piano right now. Sounds really nice.

Paul got a phone call Sunday night from his oldest brother, Bob, 85.  His wife, Louise, 86, had been suffering from Alsheimers and was in a nursing home died Sunday.  The funeral is tomorrow at 11:00 in Du Bois, PA, so Brenda, Sharon, Paul and I are going.  Eric and the girls will stay here. We'll be leaving at 6 AM.  And get home late tomorrow, but perhaps before Greg, Noi, Brenan and NeeNee arrive from Gainesville.  They're traveling all today, staying  tonight in a motel, and come in tomorrow evening.

Nancy is sick.   I talked with her today and she's feeling poorly - she thinks it was a bad hotdog.   She's been ill since last night.  I told her if she needed me to get anything for the kids,  to let me know.  They'll be at her dad's for Christmas Eve, and to our house Christmas day.

 As we spoke, she was holding Evie on her lap and she tried to get her to say "hi." but Nancy said all Evie did was to listen very intently as I spoke.  Can't wait to see her and Vincent.  And of course Nancy and Dan.  Can't leave them out!  Looks like we're gonna miss Bill.  But I'm so glad he has family in Fla. to help him through this, which will be a blue Christmas.  Thank you, dear brother.

When we arrived home, we saw a beautiful Christmas wreath hanging on our door!  Thank you, Lue!

So - Everyone,  how're things goin' in your neck o' the woods?

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Life is never dull at this time of year!

I'm supposed to be decorating the little tree we have in the dining room.  I decided to post instead.  My, my. . .we're certainly busy - but then, who isn't? 

Epril and Bill - haven't heard yet from the American Embassy in Manila about her Visa.  It was suggested to him that he contact his congressman in Florida.  (He's been there over a year, so he's considered to be a Floridian.)  Friday, he did. And low and behold - he  talked to a real live person, who put him in touch with another real live person who actually said they'd be able to contact the Embassy in Manila.  The man was used to "doing such things." We haven't heard yet, but we're hoping.  

See, they get hopeful and then. . .  Listen to this: 

Epril's hometown of Cagayan de Oro was flooded last night.  Bill talked with her and she was okay, but it was a worry until he found out she was.  He said she lives a distance from the river. Thank the Lord.  They're worried about her family though.  As of the last I heard, they hadn't heard from them yet. 

I wonder if the airport was flooded.  We - Nancy, her dad, and I - flew there for Bill's wedding three years ago.  I imagine Epril has to fly from there, to Manila, to here.  My friend, Ruth, called me this morning.  She has a daughter-in-law originally from the Philippines, and she has relatives in Cagayan.   And she was worried too.  Ruth wanted to know how Epril was doing. 

It's interesting to decorate two houses for the holidays - before we left, didn't take down our Fla. outside lights, so that our neighbors could enjoy them for the season, even if we weren't there.  I've become a Floridian in thinking about the northlands in mid-winter because whenever I pictured upstate NY, I pictured blinding, blustery gales of snow.    However, we've been blessed with beautiful sunny weather up here since we arrived on Thursday night.   It was warm yesterday for Paul to put the lights up.   

Gracie and her first flight:  To put it bluntly:  There's room for improvement.  We made a couple of errors.   Her medication worked okay, but we gave it to her later than we should have. Our problem was we didn't know when would be the best time, or how long it would last, once she took it. We didn't want it to wear off in the middle of our flight.  And it didn't.  She flew very well, but she was very anxious  beforehand.

 At  Tampa Airport Airtran terminal , all the cars and people stressed her out.  Another problem: We didn't  get her used to the travel carrier , so she fought getting in it, and didn't like the feeling of being carried.  There was just too much confusion. BUT- If we'd given her the medication an hour before we got to the airport, we didn't know how long it would last.

 Earlier in the week we had given it to her.    She had a lovely sleep on Bill's bed.   Perhaps we should have tried her out in the carrier then to see how she'd do.  So - the medication worked very well, but it wasn't an accurate comparison for when we really needed it.

 Oh, well.  There's always the return trip on Jan 16th.  I'm sure we'll all do better.  We know better what to expect.

Now we're up here in the northlands, enjoying a beautiful winter day. ( It's amazing how quickly you adjust to a change in environment.)   We went to church this morning and it was good to see everyone. 

We usually go to breakfast beforehand, but I got up too late!  We went afterwards. 

Our extended family should be arriving tomorrow afternoon or evening.  Brenda, Eric, Emma, and their exchange student, Lena from Germany, flew the red-eye from San Francisco to NYC, and should be enjoying the sights today.  It was a chance for Lena to see NYC. They'll take the train to Middletown, visit Brenda's cousin, and rent a car to travel up here.  Not sure of their time-table.

 Also Greg, Noi, Brenan and NeeNee will be coming up from Gainesville - probably leaving today - traveling 12 hours, staying at a motel, leaving in the morning and getting here late tomorrow night.

I guess I'd better start decorating that tree.  I've wrapped some presents.  Good for me.

So - how're things goin' in your neck o' the woods?

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Another apology is in order.  I meant to write before now.  Time is a-flyin' and soon we'll literally be a-flyin'.  Thursday, as a matter of fact.  Day after tomorrow.  Wash is being done.  Thinking about packing. (Thinking about making a list.)

 Having Gracie try out her calming medication.

 We're trying to learn from Brenda's trips from California with her Bode.  He also rode in his carrier under the seat in front, just like Gracie will.    Brenda tried benedryl.  It worked for a while, but after a while,  she ended up unzipping the carrier partways, and slipping her foot inside.  Guess it calmed him, too.  We believe that if we did that, Gracie would be out in a flash and on Paul's or my lap, or out on the wing.

 Papillons are tiny.  It's very (and I mean probably life-threatening very) important to lean towards less rather than more when using any meds.  And it's important to try first any calming meds we wish to use, so we can judge the reactions to it.  So - both Gracie's vets in upstate NY and here in Fla suggested benedryl.  Last week.  We tried it.  Twice. . .within two hours.  She was running around as usual chasing squirrels outside. It didn't have any effect.

 So we called the vets.  Did they have anything stronger? They suggested another medication "Happy Travels".  They were out of it, but it would be in stock on Saturday.   We got it.  Came in capsule form.  One capsule for up to 25 lbs.  So - heeding the less rather than more philosophy, we opened a capsule and gave her half.  Didn't work.  Tried a whole capsule.  Ingredients:  valerian root and chamomile. Same reaction.  Didn't work. 

Yesterday, we were back at the vets to get her papers to travel, and the vet gave us some tranquilizing pills, cut in quarters.  We gave her a quarter in the afternoon.  Within an hour, it worked.   Martini came over and they played a little.  After a while, she slept.  Today, Paul said - she didn't have a hangover.  She survived in one piece.  Hallelujah!

Last night Paul and I  had a pre-Christmas  dinner at Alice's house with Bob, Bob's friend, Marian, Bill, and my cousin Carol.

 Alice served our Grandma Lotte's chicken fricassee.  Now, I'm not sure of the whole story of the recipe, but I should remember it because I just should. . . . .    Grandpa Albert sometimes brought the men who worked for him home to have lunch.  Grandma would make the chicken fricassee recipe and add tiny meatballs to the chicken to make the meal stretch.   She called them barlows (?).  Alice remembers Grandma Lotte making it. 

Several years ago, Alice gave me the recipe and I made it for a group I belonged to. We were asked to make  a family recipe that had "meaning for you."  The recipe made a lot, cooked in a deep kettle, simmering on the stove  for hours. I think I made it the day before. . .warming it up  in a prettier pot to take it with me.  .  .leaving the rest on the stove to put away later.   When I came back home afterwards, my black part-lab, Cricket, had gotten into it, knocked it off the stove, and proceeded to have a field day.   Whatta mess.   Luckily she didn't throw up.

Now, here's the second half of the story.   

In the early fall before we left New York for Florida, I found a very very old picture of Anna Charlotte, or Lotte as she was known,  as a young unmarried adult with her family - three brothers, a sister-in-law,  and her parents (my generation's great grandparents).  It was taken around (and possibly before) the turn of the century.  Paul, bless him, took the photo and made 3 copies.

Below the picture, not on it, I recognized  my father's handwriting.  Dad had pencilled in, the birth/death dates for each person, and even wrote down the german town our greatgrandmother came from.  The pencil marks were faded, but I was able to determine pretty much what he wrote.  I typed out what I could understand of my father's writing.    I had brought the copies with me last night to give to Alice and Carol for Christmas.  Bob got his a couple of days earlier.

Now, isn't it an interesting coincidence that Alice cooked Grandma Lotte's chicken fricassee, at the same time  I decided to give them the pictures of Grandma Lotte's family?

In case you're wondering, there's nothing new to report on Epril's Visa.  We're still anxiously waiting and praying for her safe arrival.   Bill's showing a lot of patience.

So - next time I write, I'll be in upstate NY.  If you're in a prayerful mood, please pray for our trip, and of course Epril's safe arrival.

How're things goin' in your neck o' the woods?

Monday, December 5, 2011

Yes. Everything is fine.

I got a phone call from Carol O a couple of days ago, wanting to know if I was okay. 

 It'd been so long since I'd written.  I assured her that everything was alright.   But, if she called, then maybe others were thinking the same thing.

  I just was spending my writing time on our annual Christmas letter.   Saturday, we took it to Staples, picked out some Christmas paper,  and for a nominal fee, they printed out the number I needed.  I picked them up yesterday.  Now I'm busy addressing envelopes.

 Last year I had the bright (?) idea of sending  them out after Christmas.  We were here in Florida, and were busy, busy. How did it work out?  Mid-summer, I found a whole bunch of computer -addressed Christmas envelopes.  So - it didn't quite.  Of course you don't know who you were, but if you usually received  a letter:  I am sorry.  And to compound the error, I threw the envelopes away.  (I could have used them this year.)  Goodness.  I guess timing doesn't matter in this case, but - look for your letter before Christmas this year.

We all know that the difference in Christmas between Florida and up North:  No snow.  As we do up North, they also decorate to the nth degree, but also take advantage of their weather. They have an annual Christmas boat parade through the inland waterway.  It was beautiful.  They  decorate homes, streets, and have regular parades.  We're going to a community Christmas party this Saturday night at the Clubhouse.  Some time this week, we're also going to Sarasota to see some spectacular decorations we've heard about, and have some hot chocolate and cookies.  I joined a Bible Study at cousin Alice's house last week, and this week they're having a Christmas luncheon.

 Paul thinks our circle has the best decorated houses.  I agree.  BUT - it's early in the season. 

Bob and Marian are camping at Oscar Sherer State Park - a half hour away.  They've invited us to come Tuesday for a cook-out.  Looking forward to it.  We're to come at 7:00. 

Bill is still awaiting Epril's Visa news.

 He's tried all sorts of means to get calls through to the American Embassy in Manila because he was afraid her information was lost on somebody's desk. 

Remember.  They're 13 hours ahead of us.  

One of the internet sites, he's been monitoring  suggested  to call very early in the morning. He called last night (Sunday)   at 6:30 PM at dinner time. (7:30 AM Monday morning their time).  He'd never been able to get more than one ring from the extention number.  So as we ate, he put it on speaker phone  and let it ring and ring and ring.  After a half hour someone answered! Yes!  Epril's information was in the system but it still hadn't been processed yet.  So. . . . it was not lost.

I just looked at the time and it's lunchtime. 

May you all have a great day. 

And. . . how're things goin' in your neck o' the woods?

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Started out this morning wanting to blog, about thankfulness/ being grateful. but time flew by.   It's now almost a quarter to four.  I suppose I could write about it after Thanksgiving; but it wouldn't be the same.

Thanksgiving is tomorrow. 

Today,  newspapers have all sorts of articals about thankfulness.

 So - this morning I was thinking about how spell grateful. Obviously I'm spelling it right or it wouldn't be here.  I skimmed through an artical  until I came to the word grateful.   Ah, yes. Then my mind started thinking about the word greatful - break the word up and it becomes . . . . full of great. No. Not right. Okay - now what about grateful - full of grate? No. BUT how about full of gratitude?  Couldn't grate come from the word gratitude? Now that seemed to make sense.

I could have quickly looked it up in the dictionary, but then my mind wouldn't have had such a splendid workout. Words can be such fun.

There is so much I am grateful for.  I look around and can't believe I've been so fortunate.  I'm not talking about material things (of which there is plenty.)   Not them.  It's the things we can't see that matter most and that I have such gratitude for.   The love from my husband, family, friends.  I am so blessed.  I continually give thanks to our Maker for everyone. 

 I called Cookie this morning to find out what last-minute thing I could bring.  (If you know Cookie, you'll get a kick out of this.  )  She said - There's nothing I need.  I've been shopping for a month.
If you bring anything, I'll send it back home with you.  We've got wine.  Plenty of wine.  Maybe some wine.   I've been cooking for days.

She's a marvelous cook and she and Clarkee are wonderful hosts.  It'll be fun to be with them and their family.  And see how the kids have grown!  So - I'm bringing flowers.  And wine.  I refuse to take those back home. 

Wishing you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving. 

So - how're things in your neck o' the woods?

Monday, November 21, 2011

Oops.  I just said I was getting used to the new settings for Blogger and the whole thing disappeared!  Good thing I just had written two sentences.  Now if I can understand why it did that I would be very happy.  And if I could preview these sentences, I'd be even happier.  Oh, well.  If I don't delete these sentences, I'll continue writing and you will be the beneficiary. 


We've had such great weather since we arrived almost a month ago.  And we'll be leaving less than a month (December 15th).  As they say, time flies.

We'll be up north for a month.  Leaving a month later - in January.  It'll be good to see the "upstate" and other traveling relatives!  Since I'm the shortest adult in the family, the children slyly (or shyly) stand next to me to measure how much they've grown.  I don't mind that.  Makes me feel unique.  This happens especially in the Spring when we're away longer.  The teenagers will have sprouted, and now use their moms and dads to gauge the change.

 Our California relatives have a German exchange student coming with them.  She's with them for a year so she'll be with them.  They're flying into the  NYC area and visiting there too.

 Brenda had an operation on her hip - and is taking time off from teaching.  Not sure how long she'll be off, but hope she's resting.  She deserves it.  She's going, going, going, all the time.

We got a phone call from Greg last night.  They're moving into their new home during Thanksgiving week.  That'll be a job and a half.  We'll miss seeing them,  BUT we'll see them at Christmas along with the rest of our families.  Please pray for good traveling weather. 

Bill's wife, Epril, will be flying in on Dec. 13th from Manila. He's been anxiously awaiting her for more than a year. They'll have to clothe themselves for winter weather, as they're coming up for the holidays.

Nancy and Dan have a set of grandparents visiting each Thanksgiving.   They usually travel during the Christmas Holidays, switching each year between Dan's family in St. Louis and ours.  When visiting us, they can visit their dad and Judy.  So we kinda share. 

 Our Thanksgiving plans this year are to join Bob's son's in-laws (nick-named Cookie and Clarkee).  Several years ago, my NC friend Marcia was here for Easter and we had an invite to  their home.   What a feast! So  I can just imagine all the goodies Cookie will have for Thanksgiving.  And their twin boy and girl grand-babies will be visiting from Long Island.

So - what's happenin' in your neck o' the woods?  What're your Thanksgiving Plans?


Thursday, November 17, 2011

So Many Words, So Little Time. . .

BTW, blogger changed its format.

One of the things that I don't like about my age is that I get easily confused with technology.  (You can note I left out the o_d word and replaced it with the word "my.")  That word  o.l.d stinks.  Even if I feel it.  Bluntly - I wish I were new. Or newer.

 I've missed the boat. No. That's not really true.   I had the opportunity thirty years ago to get in on the beginnings of computers.  And I did.  Both school districts where I taught had computer courses. 

BUT - computer classes I took eons ago, are obsolete.  For example,  I took a college class called:"How to write computer programs to use in your classroom." I did, and used them.

I can't think of one good reason to know that now.   There are thousands/millions of great programs you can buy that do it better.

But since I've retired nine years ago. . . well.  It's a new generation in there now.  Perhaps I wouldn't get so frustrated when "new words" are not understood, or plans to change the look of my blog go up in thin air.  You see, it's hard to use the right words, when I don't know enough words to describe what I want to do. 

I still feel frustrated: as if I'm groping and it's just luck if everything turns out as it should.  OR - I don't remember the steps to repeat something I did correctly.  Yea!  I did get my blog-look changed!  But how'd I do it? When I think about it more,   there are a lotta words  I don't know.

Pictures will be forthcoming.  I've got some really great ones.  My camera is plugged into the computer, but nothing's happening.   One of the reasons I got on this morning were pictures.  I'll soon re-learn how to do this..I have faith in myself.  I can do this.


My new mantra: I can do this.  Think positively.  I am great. 

For instance: I can "keyboard" faster and more accurately than a lot of people.  I'm so great at that.  We called it "typing" when I was in school.  A very beneficial course.  I'd rank it up there as  No one.  No search and peck for me.  No sirree.

So - how're things goin' in your neck o' the woods?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What Can Ya Do? It's So True!

I had a choice this morning: Go to Curves or post. Guess what won. Curves is open from 8-12, and 4-7. Which eliminates the early afternoon hours. I like those hours.
It's so true. Time is going by fast down here. We're set to fly up on Dec. 15th. One month from today. I've taken the summer bird sounds for granted. And the sunny blue skies with white puffy clouds. In a month we'll be heading north to winter. That's okay too. Quietness. Perhaps white on the ground.
It'd be nice to have a white Christmas, especially since Epril will be with us. Coming from the Philippines, she's anxious to see snow. She and Bill will travel up around Dec. 20th, stopping in D.C. to at least just drive by the important buildings. Naturally, Bill is very excited and can't wait to see her and show her the sights - in D.C. and possibly in NYC. It'll be fourteen months since they've seen each other.
Good driving/flying conditions for all our people, please, Lord:
Driving up and across to upstate NY will include: Greg, Noi, Neenee and Brenan from Florida; Nancy, Dan, Vincent and Evie from Chicago; Bill and Epril from Florida. Brenda, Eric, Emma, and german exchange-student, Lena flying in from California.
Not many came to the Fall BBQ at Circle Woods Saturday. We went. Lots of people didn't come because they didn't serve any beer - because of insurance fears after the subject of insurance came up at a Board Meeting. Some people liked standing around and having a glass or two with their bratz. The name of the event used to be Beer and Bratz. The title changed to BBQ. How silly. But what can ya do. We brought wine.
We went to Early Church last Sunday. I still miss The Lord's Prayer. I must tell Pastor Chuck about this. I do miss it, and I can't understand why it's missing. And the old hymns. The new ones are "okay" but they lack hummable (is that a word?) tunes. The prayer band/choir sings enthusiastically. Not much harmony. That won't change. BUT - I do like sitting at tables, having a cup of coffee, meeting new folks, and it really feels freer, more relaxed.
I feel like the late Andy Rooney - that old curmudgeon - commenting on items of interest (?). At least to me. But - that's what a blog is for.
It's cousin Carol's birthday today. Happy Birthday, Cuz! She started celebrating a couple of days ago with her sister, Alice. Tonight she and Alice will be here for dinner.
BTW Alice is recuperating from knee surgery, and her leg looks like a mummy/leg. It's all bandaged up from toes to hip joint. I visited her on Friday when she came home, and her recovery I thought was remarkable. She's now walking (without a walker) dressed, and getting ready for her daughter, Sue and son-in-law, Craig, and granddaughter. They're coming in from Peru, where Craig is a missionary.
They'll be in the states for four months. They have a car here with Alice, so they'll pick it up, and continue up north to their Missionary place. ( Not sure what you call that, or what state it's in.)
Susan said this is the Year with No Summer for them. They're leaving Peru in their summer and coming up north in our winter, and returning down to Peru - in their winter. I don't envy them that. But I'm sure they must like being in touch with family here and keeping connections with the churches that support their ministry.
So - what's happenin' in your neck o' the woods?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

With a sigh of relief . . . .

Did y'all get this post? I see it's listed just as a draft. Am sending it out on November 15th.
So - Bill fixed my computer so that I have spaces between paragraphs, and I can correct my mistakes.

Thanks, Bill. Wish there was someone out there who could fix my brain. Ex: I wrote that our cleaning lady comes every week. I meant to say every other week. I left out one word.

Good news! Bill's wife, Epril, had her interview at the American Embassy at Tuesday 6 AM ( Monday, 7PM our time). She and her mother flew into Manila Sunday from the island of Mindanao, town of Cagayan de Oro . . We were eagerly awaiting her phone call to see how everything went. All went well. She called Bill at 11:30 PM Monday night. . . . our time. 12:30 PM Tuesday . . . . her time. Considering my brain, I think that all that timing was correct! I'm open to corrections, Bill.

After a bit of stress . . . .

She and Bill didn't check the list of things she needed when she went to the interview until Saturday night.

She was supposed to show proof of payment for her VISA, and have her medical records with her for her Tuesday appointent.

She didn't have either. Monday was a holiday there. All the banks, offices were closed.

So the plan was: It was too late to do much, but she and her mom were to be up and out by 5:00 AM Tuesday morning. Epril was to get her medical records. Her mom was to go to the bank to pay for the VISA and bring back proof of payment. Her appointment was 6 AM. Her mother couldn't come into the embassy with her. Epril couldn't bring her cell phone in with her, so she couldn't know when her mom was back outside with the proof of VISA payment.

But all of that is neither here nor there - since it turned out okay. Now she should have her VISA, green card and passport somewhere around two weeks.

So - how're things goin' in your neck o' the woods?

Monday, November 7, 2011

Paradise again.

Bill fixed some glitches in my computer for me, so I should be able to edit my mistakes - like calling Evie - Gracie!  OMgoodness.  Sometimes I wonder where my mind is!  There are several differences in the new version he put me into but I'm hoping it continues as easily as before. 

Here it is Monday.  Debbie, my cleaning lady, who comes once a week arrived today and did her great job of cleaning for me.  She's only here for two hours, but she does so much in those two hours.  Great!

Bob, Paul and I sat outside this morning on the patio having coffee.  It was a beautiful morning for sure.  It was on the cool side for Bob, so he sat in the sun.  We were fine, and sat in the shade.  Martini and Gracie enjoyed being there.  Gracie did some zoomies (running fast - tail out back - doing figure eights).  Martini is five and has slowed down a bit.  They get along so well.  Gracie is so demonstrative - grooming Martini's face.   They run towards each other when they greet each other. 

This morning, Paul got on the ladder and trimmed the dead branches off our old grapefruit tree out back and it looks so much better.  We were considering cutting it down because of age - it was planted by my father when they moved in in 1980.  Paul, brother Bob, neighbors Bob and Phil had a meeting of the minds outside and it was decided it is quite healthy considering its age.  And actually when I think of it, the grapefruit may seem small, but it's only November.  Perhaps they'll still grow now that Paul's trimmed the branches.  I was comparing it to Greg's tree up in Gainesville, which is considerably younger. 

Cousin Alice is due to have her knee operated on.  She has a torn miniscus - which she had planned to ignore because it seemed better, but within a day or two it started hurting again and she decided she'd go through with the procedure.   I have some of Bill's chicken soup in the freezer that he made for our dinner last week and that'll go great with Alice's take-it-easy time.

Yesterday Bill, Bob and we went to downtown  for their Venice art festival.  They close off Venice Ave. and you can walk up and down the street admiring all the art work.  They came from all over the country.

We're going down to the pool this afternoon for the first time.  We've been so busy - hard to believe that on Thursday it will be two weeks.

Well, must close now.  Hope all is well with you all. 

What's happenin' in your neck o' the woods?

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Good to be back! On the computer. . . and here.

Here it is Thursday morning. My brother, Bob's, brother-in-law had a T-Shirt that read "Another ho-hum day in Paradise." You can really get used to the good weather - cause that's what it is. It's in the mid-seventies. Low humidity. Our lanaii is open to the screen and you can hear the birds outside.

Paul has planted marigolds around our outside lamp post, and some impatiens in the back shade. He also planted two tomato plants which should give us tomatoes in January.

Nancy sent a bunch of Halloween/Fall pictures to us.

There's a picture of Evie in Vincent's Lion outfit, he wore when he was two, that you could swear was Vincent. Vincent was a transformer guy. Cute. Nancy sent several others.

Paul printed out a picture of Evie and Vincent at the dining room table and put it on the fridge. Evie looks very smug, and Vincent has a good smile on his face. You know that he's learned to smile when the camera is on him, but Evie, obviously has not. Paul preferred this picture to another one where the photographer told them both to shout, or (Evie) practice roaring. That was my favorite.

My next picture lesson: getting pictures from the net on board my posts.

Our trip down:

Well, we missed all that snow, that appeared up in the Northeast, thank goodness! We had a really uneventful trip. Gracie is much calmer, and she even slept on a towel on the backseat or inside her travel carrier which we left open for her to use. She did like lying on my lap looking at her favorite person, Paul.

Thursday, we stopped at Mike and Edna's on our first day of our trip. She had a lovely lunch of homemade soup, sandwiches, bread, homemade strawberry jelly, and homemade ginger cookies. She gave us the jar of jelly and some cookies to have on the trip down. They were scrumptious! Thanks, Edna! We're still enjoying the jelly.

We're trying to be aware of pet-friendly hotels, and keep a record of all of them for future trips. We stayed in Staunton, Va. the first night and the Sleep Inn was as good as I remembered. Paul thought it had gone down hill a bit. The second night we stayed in a Sleep Inn again in Hardeeville, S.C. This was better than I remembered. Older, but good.

On Thursday we got up early and on the road by 7:40. We had told Bill that we wouldn't be home til later because we wanted to spend time with Greg at his new home. Great!

My goodness, it was beautiful, but both Paul and I commented on the amount of outside work he'll need to do with four acres of landscaped flowering trees, bushes, pathways, grape arbor, etc. BUT, we both thought that we'd have a different point of view if we were thirty or forty years younger.

The house, itself, was a brick two-story house built in the seventies. So the live oak trees with their spanish moss were beautiful . . . . Just gorgeous. The house has four bedrooms, the master on the first floor. I did get pictures on my camera.

Oops something happened to my post. I just erased a subject area sentence and I don't know why or how. It said - Paul is working on our noisy refrigerator.

The freezer fan is noisy. He ordered a new fan that came yesterday, along with my computer. The UPS guy made two separate trips. That was strange.

Done! My amazing husband has corrected the problem! It took less than an hour - he/I thought it would take a while longer than that. I thank my lucky stars for him. How'd I become so lucky in life?

We bought the fridge, at least two years ago at a very reputable place, in their "sale section". I mention the reputable part because we also bought a dishwasher from them last year and it is working fine. In fact I love it more than my upstate one.

I talked by cellphone with my friend Marcia in NC. They were in N. England buying a boat. We had hoped to stay overnight with them, but the best lain/laid (?) plans are . . . . Better luck next time, I guess.

Gracie has quickly acclimated herself and after a few times, remembers the name Martini very well. She's even looking out the screen in the lanaii when 5:00 arrives. Unfortunately, Bob and Marian have gone on a five-day cruise and will be back on Saturday. Thus, Martini hasn't been to visit this week.

Marian has the most adorable little 8-month old puppy, Daisy, who came here for our conversation hour with Bob, Martini, and Marian. She is Gracie's "aunt," born to Gracie's grandmother, and they both share the same personalities and curly tails. Daisy is smaller in size (Marian said she was fully grown) - and mostly light brown and blond coloring with mostly white background. Gracie is more a tri-color. Bill said that it was a competition of cuteness between the two of them. They played well together.

Got to Curves and was welcomed back by open arms. Patty, the owner, is looking forward to seeing my friend, Carol, who will be down in January. I always worry about Curves franchises. So often they "go under." Patty looks like she's doing okay.

Well, I'm getting used to typing on a laptop keyboard. It's going to take a while, but I'm enjoying it somewhat. This modern stuff! I gotta get with it!

So - how're things goin' in your neck o' the woods?

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Hi there everyone

This is my first try at using my new laptop to post a blog. 
We traveled to Florida last week - Tuesday thru Thursday - arriving around 5:00.  We stopped at
Gainesville to visit with Greg Thursday morning and to see their new home.  They're not in it right now but intend to be there after they've painted and done all else they want to do.  It is a beautiful home and they're all excited about it.  The grounds are fantastic - four acres of paths, live oaks, fruit trees, flowering plants and grape arbors.  They'll have different views each season. 

I ordered this computer on Sunday and it arrived today.  Paul got it set up for me.  And now I'm getting used to it.  I can see I need a new light here. 

Well hope this prints out okay.  I imagine it will. 
Take care!
How're things goin' in your neck o' the woods?

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Small dogs

About a week ago (perhaps two?) we got a letter from the dog-licensing bureau, that Gracie was due to have her license renewed, and reminded us that she'd need proof of her rabies shot.

So -We scheduled an appointment for Friday, yesterday, at 10:30 with her Veterinarian, Dr. Kyle to give her the shot.

As an afterthought, we brought Gracie's folder with us.

This folder has her shot record, copies of veterinarian visits, and anything else that needed recording.

For Ex: Paul had written notes about times when she'd been bitten by a tick.

Well, as we drove to the Vet's office, perhaps a 12 minute trip, Gracie sat on my lap.

And low and behold I found two ticks attached to her. There was one attached: just about an inch above her eye - hiding in her fur, (I told Paul about that one, and he tried to see it while driving. Not a good idea. I didn't mention the second which was on her belly. Til we got there.)

We couldn't have been going anywhere else that would have befitted
the situation more, and we congratulated each other on the good timing.

We got to there, weighed her - exactly 5 pounds! Yeah! She gained an ounce or two!

The receptionist wanted to know the reason we made the appointment. Rabies shot?
She said Gracie didn't need it - she'd had one in June. Good for three years. Oh? We checked her file, and sure enough -there was her tag was indeed taped to the inside of her folder.

You're thinking - why wasn't it on her regular collar? The reason: it was too big and cumbersome for her small neck.

Good heavens. As they say - short-term memory is the first to go! But - good timing for tick-removal!

Dr. Kyle, is a young Vet. And very gentle, knowledgeable, positive. He talked at great length about ticks, and the high prevalence of lyme disease in this area (Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York State) for dogs and people.

He would remove the ticks and then he wanted to give Gracie a heart-worm blood test, because one section of the test shows whether a dog has developed anti-bodies for lyme disease. Some dogs do develop the anti-bodies and some don't. If she did, she would only get some antibiotics, if she hadn't developed them, he would vaccinate her with a new serum to protect her. So we agreed.

He took her into what he called their "hospital section" and got the blood sample. And removed the ticks.

We waited a short time in the waiting room for the test results. It was negative.

So - she didn't produce the needed antibodies. We gave him permission to innoculate her.

He also suggested medication to prevent ticks from attaching. Gracie has had bad reactions to flea medication put on her neck, which was how this medication needed to be applied. Obviously, we didn't want to go that route if it was at all possible. So he suggested a tick collar, which we got for her. Even being the smallest - it was 25 inches. (The majority was cut off, of course.)

On the way home, Gracie became lethargic. And when we got home, I thought she'd yelped when the site of her stomach tick was accidently touched. BUT - Paul was also checking the smoke/gas alarms and putting new batteries in them, and that noise was similar to her yelp, so I made the assumption that what I heard was the coincidental noise. She was trembling. Was she upset about the alarm? BUT even after the alarms were fixed she kept trembling -She was trembling last night and this morning also. Her tail was completely uncurled. She was so sad and unhappy.

We took the tick collar off her this morning, and waited to see if that was her problem. She continued being uncomfortable. And she yelped again. We called the vet. Too late. They were closed. We called their emergency number and this Vet said it was okay to give her some pediatric benadryl.

To make a long story short. She's slowly acting better on her own. We haven't given her the benedryl yet, but it's here in case she needs it. Also - it's recommended for when she flies with us in December so she'll sleep and not bother the passengers around us.

When little dogs get sick, it's hard to ignore the symptoms because there's a very small window of time when they can get very sick.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Chicago - Part 2

After I posted my last posting, Nancy wrote to correct me. Felix's brother is Cosmo, and the third little boy in the picture is Schuyler Hudson. Nancy said - you'd never guess he's from New York, would you! LOL.

Now I know why I put Oscar and Felix together - I just realized. . . .aren't they the Odd Couple? Jack Lemon and that funny looking man. Can't think of his name. My brain sometimes works mysteriously.

So - Dan came home on Sunday around noon-time.

Just in time to take care of Evie, so we could take Vincent to the French Market.

Before school on Friday, when we were waiting for the kindergarteners to go inside, we talked with Mariah: Cosmo and Felix's mom. She wondered if we'd like to go to The French Market for a couple of hours on Sunday afternoon. It's an annual affair held at the French School, which is located very near the Disney School. Vincent's school. The French School a beautiful old, three-story brick building. It was full of french foods, french clothing, jewelry.

They also had wonderful child-care available, and Cosmo and Felix had been going for several years,and had a great time. So while I registered Vincent outside the child-care area, in the basement, (No parents were allowed in the child-care room), Nancy parked the car. According to the child-care schedule - they had a Kung Fu exhibit and lesson for those interested, Puppet Shows, bead necklace making, tattoos, and other exciting kid things.

So Felix, Cosmo, Nancy, Keir and Mariah arrived. Felix and Cosmo ran inside the room and we could hear them yelling and greeting each other with excitement, as we climbed the stairs to the first floor. . . .

The food. Oh. My.: I'd never seen real crepes being made. Wow. They made all kinds. Nancy ordered a mushroom/cheese one for lunch. I had an apple one. We shared. Then we all went to various exhibits on the first floor. There were all kinds of pastries being sold in the halls, but we resisted temptation.

We went upstairs to the third floor where all kinds of clothing apparel, hats, scarves, mittens, children's dresses with swirly skirts, filled the whole gymnasium.

We went down to the first floor and I sat at one of the tables to rest, as they went on to look at some exhibits. Before long, they came back with the kids, and some crepes for them. They sat down to eat at the table with me. Vincent didn't care for his crepe, so Nancy had it. She got him a sandwich "to die for." Ham, on homemade french bread sliced and buttered. He liked it. Felix and Vincent wore some beaded necklaces they had made in the childcare room. Felix wore his two, Vincent wore his one.

There was something wrong with Cosmo. He was very sad. He sobbed. Evidently he didn't realize that they were making necklaces, and he missed out on doing that, and now felt that he wouldn't have done Kung Fu if he'd known about the necklaces. Well, Felix made two, Vincent one.

Keir and Mariah tried to convince Felix that it would be really really nice if he gave one of his necklaces to Cosmo, that he'd still have one, and Cosmo would feel better. . . .but that it was his choice. He said no. (It must be a brother/sibling thing.) After a few moments, Vincent took his necklace off, walked over to Cosmo, and put it on his neck, and said he wanted him to have it.

That was the highlight of the day - I am so proud of my grandson. I realize that Evie hasn't gotten to the pain in the backside stage yet, but Vincent got a lot of good vibes from all of us, and even Dan, when we got home. So - perhaps that will help him when Evie gets to this time/age, which of course she will!

So - what's happenin' in your neck o' the woods?


I don't know about the rest of the world because I haven't found it important to know, but I was wondering, just wondering, if a lot of places besides here have a stretch of good weather, then the crappy stuff comes in for a few days to ruin it.

We're trying to get ready to leave for Florida. One reason we stick around is so that Paul can get all the leaves up. Not being a leaf-collector afficianado, I never thought about it - but the leaves should be dry to be swept up. So Paul claims, and I believe him. You can't mow in the mornings because of the dew and dampness. And it poured last night. Paul started mowing about a half hour ago. It's raining again now. Such plans need to be adjusted. So - He's wandering around here doing other stuff on his Close-up-the-house-list.

Speaking of plan adjustments: Do you remember when I mentioned that Paul had the kolliwobbles (sp.) a week or so ago?

Well he wasn't being truthful. For several days afterwards he hid the fact that he continued to have a pain in his side. When I found out, . . . .we decided it was time for him to make a doctor's appointment.

His appointment, last Monday, coincided with my appointment to see my endocrinologist, so I couldn't go with him. He said something to the affect - don't worry - all he'll do is prescribe the medication I had before for IBS.
He told the doctor that the pain was similar to something he'd had before when he had IBS, and requested a prescription for medication he thought would take care of it. The doctor ordered it for him. Note: the medication worked well, over three days, while I was gone.

But, our doctor also wanted him to have a CT scan of the area. This meant he was to go to Sayre, PA (about a half hour trip) last Friday. I already had my tickets for Chicago - leaving on Thursday, and coming back on Monday. It really bothered me that I couldn't be there with him, and I told him so, but he told me not to worry. . . .There's nothing to worry about, he said.

The whole procedure would just take time. He needed to be there by 10:30 AM so they could use a dye to flush the kidneys -for the 5 - minute noon-time test. The flushing took about four hours. So he didn't get home til mid/late afternoon.

I called him on his cell, from Chicago - before he left, while he was there, and after he left, and when he got home. As he explained it - He said he had a very comfortable recliner to lie on, with a blanket around him and took a nap - just like home, read his Kindle, had lunch delivered to him, watched tv. It was all nothing to worry about.

Since he was gone almost all day, Sharon came and let Gracie out (in the rain,). Our little dog never "works" under those circumstances.

We received the info in the mail yesterday about the CT scan. The results: mild "ileus" intestinal blockage. Also enlargement of the right adrenal glands. He sees our doctor Monday morning at 8:45.

We're planning on packing the car up Sunday, and if the good Lord is willing, we'll be leaving after his appointment.

Otherwise, after all, we're not on a set schedule. Isn't it great that we cancelled our plane reservation down there? The Lord works in mysterious ways.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Chicago trip - Part 1

As you know, I've been to Chicago to help Nancy look after my grandchildren while Dan was away at a conference in Washington, D.C. I left on Thursday and came back on Monday. The time went by very quickly, and yet, we did so much - it seemed like a nice long time. Is that possible?

I came in the late afternoon of rainy Thursday. The rest of the time, it was sunny.

We took Vincent to his school Friday morning.

Then we brought Evie home, and after the sitter came, Nancy and I went window shopping at a lovely area near them called Lincoln Park. It had a beautiful variety of little shops: children's clothing, kitchenware, books, games. We did lots of fun looking around, and had fun buying little spur of the moment things.

Ex: A long story - Nancy and Dan are friends of Keir and Mariah, who have two children - Felix and Oscar. Keir is a writer. Oscar is in Vincent's kindergarten class at the Disney School.

Here's a picture of Vincent - right, Oscar - middle, and another friend outside before school started.

Don't know why the above and here is blue and underlined. I'm keeping it as is because if I do anything, knowing me, I'd probably delete it by mistake.

Felix is in second grade. Their dad, Keir, has written several adult books, and just had his first children's book, The Real Felix, published. (Obviously about Oscar's big brother) Oscar's dad came to Oscar and Vincent's class last week and read the first chapter of his book to their kindergarten class.

There was a bookstore at Lincoln Park which had Keir's book, so I bought it for Vincent. (Kinda neat knowing a real live author! Felix, Oscar's brother, was the subject, of course.)

Below - Vincent modeled his new shirt.

On Saturday afternoon, we went to a birthday party for a four-year old little girl, Mia, that lives at their complex, so he and Evie dressed up. It was cute to see all the little girls all dressed up in pretty dresses. Vincent was one of three boys there too. Interesting to note: the little girls giggled, screamed, and crawled under the table, and behaved pretty much like little boys. Maybe, if I thought about it, they were a tiny bit more subdued.

Evie and I are below. The Windy City did a number on my hair - so I'm not happy with the picture, but it's the only one of Evie and me.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

How come?

Here I am . . . .getting ready to fly to Chicago tomorrow to help Nancy take care of Evie and Vincent while Dan goes to a conference in Washington DC.

I have my list typed up of what I need to bring.
My wash is done.
I've gotten my e-ticket on-line, and prepaid for checking in one suitcase. (It'll be big - since I have lots of "stuff" to include for my wonderful grandchildren beside what is on my list. I know, I spoil them. Nancy works full-time (and probably more) as a math professor. Evie is almost 13 months old, and Vincent is 5 1/2 years old, in full day kindergarten at the Disney School. So Nancy needs someone to help out when Vincent has other things going on, or needs to be picked up.

Alright, already. How come?

Well - I have to backtrack a little. I'm prediabetic. I have been for a while.

OK. I have a little book I write in, and for a long time (a couple of years) I kept track of my blood sugar. It was never or hardly ever high. And never ridiculously high. If I ate right, it was good. I exercise (not regularly, but try to), but that's not what I'm here to write about.

My little book - God bless it - always showed that for a long time, my glucose levels were good. Excellent, in fact. Paul and I try to eat healthily. But - I got tired of checking every day, and stopped completely. Wouldn't you? Perhaps not. But, I did.

Recently, I started feeling guilty, but still fine. I decided I should probably check my levels for old-times' sake. I tried. My accucheck compact meter wouldn't work. I thought, well, the test-strips are old. So, last Friday, I called my doctor's secretary, to renew the prescription. Plus the lancets.

We get our prescriptions from Walmart up here. One went through fine. The other was too old. Okay. I called to ask what the bill was the one waiting for me? I expected within a couple of dollars to $0.00.

Medicare pays for diabetic equipment for seniors. It was almost $40.


Well, Walmart didn't have the medicaire diagnosis code from my doctor, (I don't know why, because I've been with Medicaire for six years)so they couldn't adjust the price to include medicare.

So, I called the doctor back and she, Carolyn, the secretary was to fax the diagnosis code to Walmart, (plus the other medication that needed a new prescription). so I could get this medication for medicaire's most reasonable price.

Did she? This was the Friday before our long weekend. When I called yesterday, Tuesday, they hadn't received it. I called Carolyn back. She called again. I called them. They got it. Plus the new medication was much lower than it would have been without medicare.

But the old medication was still close to $40. I asked them to please give it to me using the medicare diagnosis code. They said they couldn't. I needed a new prescription. Meanwhile, I've been on medicare for six years. How come????? Why didn't they have the medicaire diagnosis code?

Well, since I'm feeling well, I guess I can wait till I get back from Chicago to continue on with this saga. Don't you hate it when things like this happen?

And how're things goin' in your neck o' the woods?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

How could I forget how beautiful it is up here in the Fall?

These past couple of days have been absolutely gorgeous up here and I just happened to have my camera with me! I couldn't resist taking pictures. And - It gave me practice with "cutting and pasting." I never seem to be able to post pictures in the correct order. But - Some still seem dark. I need to learn how to fix that

Sunday, the day before yesterday, as we were driving out of Woods Edge for church, the fog was lifting from the valley and I got this picture. The colors weren't fully out, and we expected it to take another week.

The weather fooled us yesterday- and our area was perfectly gorgeous - lots more color. We had a fun day, even though it started out a bit worrisome: We found a deer tick attached to Gracie Sunday night.

Paul tried to get it off with tweezers, but part of it wouldn't cooperate. We made an appointment with our vet in Watkins Glen on Monday morning, and took her. The technician completed it. All was okay, but we need to get a blood test in a month to see if she develops lyme disease.

It was Columbus day - and such a beautiful day, we stopped and had a cup of coffee outside at a main street cafe and people-watched. Then we went down to the lake and walked the length of the boardwalk. Lots of tourists. We noticed something interesting about Gracie. She walks well on a leash, if she walks between us. It must give her confidence. She charmed lots of people.

The next two pictures show our Fall decorations.

The next two pictures: On Saturday, Montour had their Fall Festival. They've been known to have serious weather problems (I've experienced rain, above 90 degree weather) - but they lucked out this year, and we took Gracie for a walk down through main street.

I didn't know The little girl looking at the pumpkins, but she added nice color (with the purple balloon). In the other picture, if you look closely, you can see The Falls in the background.

Saturday night, grandson, Lee, had his 16th birthday party - he invited his whole class. He even had fireworks! We were going to go to it, but unfortunately, Paul had the kolliwobbles and we didn't make it. (He's feeling fine now.) That afternoon, we did drop off an outdoor game Lee wanted for the party, and his present.

Yesterday was Columbus day, so after we finished in Watkins, we dropped Gracie off at home, and went on exploring. We decided to have lunch at Glenora - outside on the deck overlooking Seneca Lake. The place was quite full, but we did get a table, and had a sandwich, with a glass of chardonnay.

Our picture is dark, but in the background, you can see how beautiful the day was. Actually, it didn't show the bright emerald green the grass was. Paul says the light green color comes from new grass coming from the combination of the morning dew and the warm days and cool nights.

The next picture shows a nursery we stopped at. We got a Burning Bush and the two big yellow chysanthemums plants that you can see in the first pictures of our front porch.

The last three pictures were taken as we rode through the hills near Seneca Lake. My brain had missed the "beautiful before time" of Indian Summer. That's what's here now. I'm glad we're not missing this.

So how the heck are things goin' in your neck o' the woods?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Hamburgers and Fries- Oh, My. . . .

The big freeze is tonight. The weatherman says it should go down to 23, between 1AM and 10AM.

So - we're not going to cover the plants. Their time is up. Our weather? It's been cloudy or rainy. Raw. But it's beautiful now. Maybe Paul can even mow. Right now, there's still a lot of dew on the grass. (10:30AM) (It looks good for this afternoon.) Most of the outside furniture will be brought in. Except for two chairs we're gonna leave out - just in case.

We have a brand new hamburger place over by Panera Bread that we've been to, two times. It's a restaurant chain called Five Guys. Have you heard of it?

They've got all kinds of rave notices tacked on their walls. (from newspapers around the country.) The only way to describe it is: The minute you enter the store, your cholesterol count rises. Take note: Their portions are extremely large. Plus add-ons are all free: tomatoes, grilled onions, mushrooms, cheese, lettuce - you name it.

They offer two size hamburgers - Regular and Small. You'd think that the regular size would have one burger. So, the first time we went, we ordered it. Nope - it's two burgers. It's too much. Our second time, last Saturday, we ordered two small ones. Still too much. Maybe next time we'll order one small, cut it in half, and share it.

Fries: As kids would say - "they're to die for." And rightly so. Freshly cut, and fried right there. We didn't order any the first time, but we got some this past time. Again - Their portions are big. Way too much. The hamburger and fries come in a paper bag. Again - we ordered the smallest. They give you a cup and it overflows with as much outside the cup as inside it. More than enough for us to share. We left there stuffed. Very bad for you, but once in a blue moon we'll suffer through it without feeling too guilty.

So - we'll have our frost tonight - and we'll be ready for it. Looking forward to going south.

So - what's happenin' in your neck o' the woods?

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Good News

Three years ago, my son, Jil and his wife, Epril were married in the Philippines with his dad, sister and myself in attendance.

They just celebrated their third wedding anniversary . . . . but after spending a full year apart. She's still in the Philippines.

He's been back home here since last October - because a year ago his U. S. medical transcriptionist company told him they wanted him to come back and work in the states or plan to lose his job. The only out-of-country people they'd employ, were those in India. So he returned. They've both been anxiously waiting for a year, going through all kinds of red-tape for Epril to get her green card. She and her mother (who will be there for moral support) will fly to the embassy in Manila for her interview on Nov 8th. I bet that will be a nerve-wracking day.

She should be in Florida around Thanksgiving. But "should be" are the words to look at. I go to a Thursday morning Bible Study group. My prayer request: to pray for Jil and Epril to be together soon. So, yes, prayers are being hopefully answered. At least one day (November 8th) seems to be written in stone.

So: Good News!

Friday, September 30, 2011

Lue's birthday

After Lue's family left on Sunday, she came to our house for dinner. Then afterwards, Sharon's family and Randy came for cake and ice cream.

There were lots of celebrations for her 80th birthday: cards, flowers, and on her birthdate- Monday - she went for lunch with a friend. While she was gone, Paul and Sharon went to her house, blew up 80 hydrogen balloon and tied them to her back deck before she got home. Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of that, but it looked great!
Today began as a beautiful Fall day. Lots of leaves coming down. Now it's just dark and gloomy. Summer's gone.

It seems early for the leaves to fall, but Paul said all the leaves were gone last year when we left for Florida. It's not even October 1st. We left last year around the end of October.

We're flying down this year around the same time, with Gracie, of course. This will be a unique experience for her, and for us. Benedryl seems to be the "drug of choice." by owners of small pets. I have to make an appointment with her Vet before that, to get her flying papers and we'll check with him.

So - what's happenin' in your neck o' the woods?

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Unbelievable timing

Lue: poor lady - had such troubles with the floods around Labor Day Weekend. She really needed help. And naturally so. Well - it seems luck continued NOT being with her, or it WAS, depending on how you look at the following.

Lue called us Thursday night around 9:30 in the evening. Paul answered it. I could tell from his face that it was bad.

It seems a drunk driver drove his car directly into her front porch and almost into her living room. She had been in the back of the house in the kitchen at the time. The drunk driver fled the scene, along with his drunk girlfriend. They were found and arrested later.

Lue was really really upset. Who wouldn't be? Paul drove up to her house to help her in any way he could. He had his camera to help her take pictures for insurance. (He took the pictures below.) I would have gone, but we had the kids staying here and we didn't want to leave them alone.

About forty-five minutes later, Paul came back home and he told me what happened. The police, state troopers, fire fighters, and neighbors were there. It was the usual crime scene: police-car lights and others were flashing, fire engines running, the area was roped off with tape, lots of spectators. He had to park way up the street.

Now here's the happy ending. . . .if there could be one. And there was.

Remember, it was Lue's 80th birthday on Monday.

Her three kids, living in Massachusetts, Connecticut and Tennessee, decided to surprise her and come for the weekend Thursday night to celebrate her birthday. . . . Arriving together, just after this happened, and seeing all the emergency personnel must have been extremely scary. What a sight! There must have been a couple of harrowing moments until the emergency personnel assured them she was okay.

But - How wonderful for Lue to have her family nearby to comfort her, and I'm sure the kids felt the same way. They spent the weekend doing some more picking up from the flood, and Thursday evening's event, and after I picked up Ida at school on Friday, we drove past, and there was a big blue tarp up there to keep the weather out.

Well, things seem to happen in threes, and her kids joked there was the flood - one, and the accident - two, that did she think the satellite orbiting the earth and pieces falling who-knows-where, would land . . . .

So - how're things goin' in your neck o' the woods?

Monday, September 26, 2011

Expiration Date

I usually write in the mornings but have some time to write this late afternoon.

Last week was truly busy taking care of Sharon's kids while Sharon and Dave were at the conference in Orlando. Everything worked out very well. Sharon's detailed lists were a great help.

We split up the responsibilities: Paul was to take the boys up to Route 13 to be picked up each morning and picked the boys up at Notre Dame after football practice every night. I took Ida to her class in Odessa. After picking Ida up from school each afternoon, she and I went to the house so she could do her chores: making sure the cats and chickens had fresh food and water, taking care of kitty litter, getting the mail.

When I wrote last Tuesday morning, I wrote that we would be there that afternoon.

As we drove up, Ida said - "oh, my. One of the chickens is lying down and the others are pecking at it. It's old and dying and we have to shoot it." As a born and bred Long Islander, the only thing I do to animals is pet them, feed them, and take them for walks to poop. Shooting them is not in my ability range.

So - we called the expert-on-everything: Paul.

He suggested separating the chicken from the others so they couldn't peck it. Great idea. I would have thought of that, but he said it first.

Ida covered the chicken with an old tee shirt of Charles', picked it up, and put it in the back room of the chicken shed (with a little water. . . .my suggestion. I also had her wash her hands extra good.)

Later that afternoon, Sharon called to talk to Ida. We talked about the chicken and discussed several options.

Paul, I and Ida were going to Ida's Open House at her school that night, so we'd stop by and he'd "see what needed to be done."

Meanwhile, Charles and Lee needed some things at their house and decided to do their homework there, while we went to see Ida's third grade classroom. So we dropped them off there, and we went on. Dave called the boys on his cell phone, and told Charles what to do. So -Charles waited for Grandpa, he got the gun, and with Grandpa looking on, disposed of the almost expired chicken. And that was that.

BTW: Happy 80th Birthday today to Lue, and Happy First Birthday to my little granddaughter, Yvonne. Or Evie, as she is known on this blog. Last year at this time, we were here celebrating Lue's 79th when Nancy called from the hospital, announcing the birth of my granddaughter.

So - what's happenin' in your neck o' the woods?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tuesday morning.

We've got a busy week ahead of us.

As I mentioned in my most recent post - we're taking care of Ida, Charles and Lee for the week while their folks are at a conference at Orlando. Sharon gave us a very detailed list of their schedules for the week. Luckily, Lee and Charlie are on the same football team (as also noted in last time's post.) so they can get picked up at the same time each day from practice. Late, but at the same time.
That's Paul's job. My job is getting Ida to school on time. (She goes to a different school from the boys.) In the afternoon, I'll pick her up and see that we stop at their house so she gets her chores done: to feed the cats and the chickens.

So - the boys had to be up at 6 AM, and Ida at 6:30. Before we went to bed last night, Paul set the alarm for us for 5:30. But he forgot to put it on and it didn't go off. Luckily, we woke up at 6:15. Jumped out of bed. The boys were up and dressed already. Paul started breakfast - toaster waffles and pre-cooked sausages. I took over as he took Gracie out. Thank goodness the boys are at an age to take responsibility. At home they need a little nudge, Sharon said. But being in a different place, under different circumstances, helped. This morning, Charles even toasted an english muffin for himself before we got out to the kitchen.

Ida got up on time. I even braided her hair - but not as well as her mother does, and so a front section fell over her face. She was very polite about the whole thing, but I could see she wasn't happy. We didn't have any bobby pins, so she said, could we stop home and get some? By now, the boys and Paul had left to meet their ride to their school. Right on time. And believe it or not, we girls were right on schedule too. So on the way to her school, we stopped at the house, which is two minutes from her school. She ran upstairs, got some bobby pins and we got to school with two minutes to spare.

Now we have five bobby pins for tomorrow. Pretty nifty.

We both took a nap in our chairs.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Boom - a cold spell

Boom - summer is gone. We had our winter coats on Friday night, and could see our breath. I know they're sweltering still in Florida, and we should be glad we're here, but it's cold up here! Three days ago, it was nice. It'll warm up again because it's too early to be permanent, but it won't be warm long enough or soon enough for me.

All I ever do is keep starting my posts with the statement or a facsimile of - where has the time gone. It sounds like a broken record. . . .

For those of you who remember phonograph records. . . . Remember the really really old ones that were so delicate you had to handle them by the edges in fear that a scratch would appear and ruin it? And Perry Como would go "on and on and on and on" saying the same thing over and over again, and you'd have to pitch the record into the wastebasket because it was un-fixable. Yeah. I know. My, oh my. That was a long time ago.

Some people have written to me about my posts- Good - the more the merrier!

Unfortunately, they're all in e-mails, and not in the comment section of my blog (which I'd like) to share. So - I need to remember what's what and respond to those who give permission, rather than just click on the comment section. So. . . . If people read this as a post, it would be nice.

A note: Please don't misunderstand me - I appreciate any comments. . . . how ever they come.

Daughter Nancy corrected me: Vincent's school is NOT within walking distance. And it is a Magnet School - not a Charter School.

Cousin Carol, speaking of our early morning church service experience: had a similar incident with a lady in her church. . . . when this lady keeled over too. But it was a heat problem.

Here's an update on that: Zelda does not have diabetes, but she has a heart problem and is now wearing a heart monitor. Plus Paul said the nurse doing artificial respiration. As far as I know - Zelda's doing okay now.

If Paul and I just sit back, we can expect activities to settle in around us:

Mid-week, we got a call from son Jeff who lives up near Rochester. Jeff was going to crew for a friend who's racing up at Watkins Glen International Raceway this weekend. Since we live in close proximity to WGI, could Dorothy and he stay here overnight two nights? Friday and Saturday nights? Of course.

Friday night, Grandsons, Lee, 11th grade and Charlie, 9th were playing football for Notre Dame H.S. at Odessa-Montour H.S. Both boys used to go to O.M., and know many kids. Plus their cousin is a star player on it was an exciting game for them. They had both sets of grandparents, plus parents and sister: Sharon, Dave and Ida, and I'm sure many relatives from the Odessa side in the stands.

So - late Friday afternoon, Paul called Jeff on his cell phone, and they met us there at the game. Lee is quite a football player - he scored 2 touchdowns and had a two point conversion. Wow. We all were very proud of him. His cousin from O.M. did well too, with a lot of high yardage. But N.D. won by quite a few points. Charlie played also. He's a freshman so we were glad he had a chance to play. They played mostly upper-classmen.(They didn't have enough JV players for a team, so they combined both teams into the varsity.)

Paul wasn't feeling up to par Saturday, so he took it easy. He spent the day on his recliner watching football games. When Paul takes it easy, you know he isn't feeling well. Today, Sunday, he seems a lot better.

We went shopping at Sam's Club this morning. Sharon and Dave are going to Orlando for a conference Monday through Friday. So we're gonna take care of Ida, Charles and Lee here at our house. I've heard through the grapevine that teenage boys eat a lot. In fact, Sharon said her boys eat A LOT. Emphasing A LOT. We don't mind getting A LOT of food, but I just hope we got enough. We got the gigantic, super-size, largest ever of whatever we could. (TGF Sam's Club sizes.) Oh, well. We can always go again.

An aside: we're not used to having those snacky type stuff around, so they'd better eat them all up, or take them with them at the end of the week.

So - now we're having a beautiful Sunday afternoon. It's gorgeous out. Paul is out mowing the lawn.

How're things goin in your neck o' the woods?