The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Chicago - Part 2

After I posted my last posting, Nancy wrote to correct me. Felix's brother is Cosmo, and the third little boy in the picture is Schuyler Hudson. Nancy said - you'd never guess he's from New York, would you! LOL.

Now I know why I put Oscar and Felix together - I just realized. . . .aren't they the Odd Couple? Jack Lemon and that funny looking man. Can't think of his name. My brain sometimes works mysteriously.

So - Dan came home on Sunday around noon-time.

Just in time to take care of Evie, so we could take Vincent to the French Market.

Before school on Friday, when we were waiting for the kindergarteners to go inside, we talked with Mariah: Cosmo and Felix's mom. She wondered if we'd like to go to The French Market for a couple of hours on Sunday afternoon. It's an annual affair held at the French School, which is located very near the Disney School. Vincent's school. The French School a beautiful old, three-story brick building. It was full of french foods, french clothing, jewelry.

They also had wonderful child-care available, and Cosmo and Felix had been going for several years,and had a great time. So while I registered Vincent outside the child-care area, in the basement, (No parents were allowed in the child-care room), Nancy parked the car. According to the child-care schedule - they had a Kung Fu exhibit and lesson for those interested, Puppet Shows, bead necklace making, tattoos, and other exciting kid things.

So Felix, Cosmo, Nancy, Keir and Mariah arrived. Felix and Cosmo ran inside the room and we could hear them yelling and greeting each other with excitement, as we climbed the stairs to the first floor. . . .

The food. Oh. My.: I'd never seen real crepes being made. Wow. They made all kinds. Nancy ordered a mushroom/cheese one for lunch. I had an apple one. We shared. Then we all went to various exhibits on the first floor. There were all kinds of pastries being sold in the halls, but we resisted temptation.

We went upstairs to the third floor where all kinds of clothing apparel, hats, scarves, mittens, children's dresses with swirly skirts, filled the whole gymnasium.

We went down to the first floor and I sat at one of the tables to rest, as they went on to look at some exhibits. Before long, they came back with the kids, and some crepes for them. They sat down to eat at the table with me. Vincent didn't care for his crepe, so Nancy had it. She got him a sandwich "to die for." Ham, on homemade french bread sliced and buttered. He liked it. Felix and Vincent wore some beaded necklaces they had made in the childcare room. Felix wore his two, Vincent wore his one.

There was something wrong with Cosmo. He was very sad. He sobbed. Evidently he didn't realize that they were making necklaces, and he missed out on doing that, and now felt that he wouldn't have done Kung Fu if he'd known about the necklaces. Well, Felix made two, Vincent one.

Keir and Mariah tried to convince Felix that it would be really really nice if he gave one of his necklaces to Cosmo, that he'd still have one, and Cosmo would feel better. . . .but that it was his choice. He said no. (It must be a brother/sibling thing.) After a few moments, Vincent took his necklace off, walked over to Cosmo, and put it on his neck, and said he wanted him to have it.

That was the highlight of the day - I am so proud of my grandson. I realize that Evie hasn't gotten to the pain in the backside stage yet, but Vincent got a lot of good vibes from all of us, and even Dan, when we got home. So - perhaps that will help him when Evie gets to this time/age, which of course she will!

So - what's happenin' in your neck o' the woods?

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