The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Thursday, October 20, 2011


I don't know about the rest of the world because I haven't found it important to know, but I was wondering, just wondering, if a lot of places besides here have a stretch of good weather, then the crappy stuff comes in for a few days to ruin it.

We're trying to get ready to leave for Florida. One reason we stick around is so that Paul can get all the leaves up. Not being a leaf-collector afficianado, I never thought about it - but the leaves should be dry to be swept up. So Paul claims, and I believe him. You can't mow in the mornings because of the dew and dampness. And it poured last night. Paul started mowing about a half hour ago. It's raining again now. Such plans need to be adjusted. So - He's wandering around here doing other stuff on his Close-up-the-house-list.

Speaking of plan adjustments: Do you remember when I mentioned that Paul had the kolliwobbles (sp.) a week or so ago?

Well he wasn't being truthful. For several days afterwards he hid the fact that he continued to have a pain in his side. When I found out, . . . .we decided it was time for him to make a doctor's appointment.

His appointment, last Monday, coincided with my appointment to see my endocrinologist, so I couldn't go with him. He said something to the affect - don't worry - all he'll do is prescribe the medication I had before for IBS.
He told the doctor that the pain was similar to something he'd had before when he had IBS, and requested a prescription for medication he thought would take care of it. The doctor ordered it for him. Note: the medication worked well, over three days, while I was gone.

But, our doctor also wanted him to have a CT scan of the area. This meant he was to go to Sayre, PA (about a half hour trip) last Friday. I already had my tickets for Chicago - leaving on Thursday, and coming back on Monday. It really bothered me that I couldn't be there with him, and I told him so, but he told me not to worry. . . .There's nothing to worry about, he said.

The whole procedure would just take time. He needed to be there by 10:30 AM so they could use a dye to flush the kidneys -for the 5 - minute noon-time test. The flushing took about four hours. So he didn't get home til mid/late afternoon.

I called him on his cell, from Chicago - before he left, while he was there, and after he left, and when he got home. As he explained it - He said he had a very comfortable recliner to lie on, with a blanket around him and took a nap - just like home, read his Kindle, had lunch delivered to him, watched tv. It was all nothing to worry about.

Since he was gone almost all day, Sharon came and let Gracie out (in the rain,). Our little dog never "works" under those circumstances.

We received the info in the mail yesterday about the CT scan. The results: mild "ileus" intestinal blockage. Also enlargement of the right adrenal glands. He sees our doctor Monday morning at 8:45.

We're planning on packing the car up Sunday, and if the good Lord is willing, we'll be leaving after his appointment.

Otherwise, after all, we're not on a set schedule. Isn't it great that we cancelled our plane reservation down there? The Lord works in mysterious ways.

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