The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Monday, February 28, 2011

Class Reunion in Daytona Beach

Paul and I got back on Saturday night from an overnight trip to Daytona Beach for my annual high school class reunion. We left Venice on Friday morning and took our time getting there. I75 traffic was okay, but I-4 was ridiculous going through the Orlando area both coming and going. It was bumper to bumper for miles. Next time, we'll go another route.
It is always good to get away for a while.

Paul signed us up for a room on the ocean side, king-size bed, at the Days Inn lodge. We got to our room - on the ocean - 1st floor - right in front of the pool. Old hotel. Two full sized beds. The desk manager said we asked for full beds, (we said no, we did not. ) Besides they were full up. Paul took down our confirmation sheet and low and behold, we got a 7th floor room - oceanside. And a reduction in price. They didn't have any king-size beds left, but we could see the ocean -it had a beautiful view.

There's something really special about a class reunion at our age. Everyone greets you like long, lost cousins. Lots of hugs around. Lots of reminescences - 26 of us. Of course some were spouses, but we are getting to know them too and they feel like classmates. It makes you feel so good. The reunion was at a beach restaurant. We had an area under cover, but outside - so the dress was casual.

Afterwards, toward sunset, we were invited back to one of the reunion-planner's home for drinks, coffee and cake. We used our TomTom to find the place. An interesting experience - it was dark - we had no idea where we were. . .but we got there! I don't think it was the quickest or easiest way, but the main thing was - we got there. We sometimes turned early, or late, but that was okay. We were learning. It was our first practice session on a route we didn't know, but it turned out fine.

Saturday morning we had coffee out on our veranda overlooking the ocean and watching the people walking the beach. And the cars driving on the sand. We had hoped to drive our car, but it didn't fit in our schedule.

No breakfast at the hotel - another negative for them - so we looked for a place to have breakfast - The Cracked Egg (what better name could there be?!) turned out to be an experience in itself. As we were walking in this diner-type place - one booth left - it was filled to the brim - the owner was leading the customers in the Funky Chicken hand movements. Everyone was smiling, laughing, enjoying themselves. Even the help. Unfortunately, the food wasn't as good as the ambiance. But we were glad we stopped.

We were to meet everyone back at the restaurant at 1:00. (We had permission to sit on the beach.) The water was cold. It was too cold - 58 degrees - no thank you. But when the sun was out - it was partly cloudy - it was very comfortable. We only stayed an hour because we wanted to get on our way.

We got home after dark Saturday night. We stopped at a new Venice restaurant (to us) that Paul had been wanting to try, called Ivy's Steak House. It was expensive, but the ambiance and food was delicious. It reminded us of the closed Sam Seltzer's in Sarasota. I wouldn't mind going back - for a special occasion though.

We're back to going to the later church service at Trinity Presbyterian. We find we like the traditional service best. Bob - almost - at the last minute - went with us. He came for coffee in the morning - But he had work to do at his house so he cancelled out. Perhaps next time.

Carol O. has a friend, Pam, from Bath staying with her until Thursday. Very likeable. She had been a neighbor of mine so we knew each other. Her first day, she lost a toe ring in the deep end of the pool. A kind man persisted until he was able to dive and grab it. It would have put a damper on her vacation if not for him.

Paul talked with Sharon last night. Ida had been sick -she still isn't back to normal. I wish she/they could come down and just sit in the sun, but that's not to be. Her eighth birthday is coming up at the beginning of March. Wow. That doesn't seem possible. Lee's winter break is next week. Not sure when the rest have time off. BTW - We're not having any visitors this year. All different reasons. Perhaps next year.

Next weekend is Showtime, which means this week there'll be lots of practices. I'm accompanying 5 groups, plus a magician - that needs background music (I have yet to locate in my repertoire.) It certainly keeps me busy. I'm happy.

Jil had a wonderful time seeing the space shuttle last Thursday. His blog has a video of his experience.; It's good he could take advantage of it.

Friend Marcia had a birthday last week. Happy Birthday, dear friend. Sorry we didn't speak, but from your e-mail it sounds like you had a good time dining out.

Talked with daughter Nancy last night, and everything seemed to be going along as can be expected with a four (almost five-year old) and four month old at home. Very very busy. I don't know how these young mothers do with working and all. They all seem to do it though. Facebook keeps them in touch and they can relate with similar experiences. I enjoy reading about them and their comments.

All the news is done from this end. How're things goin' in your neck o' the woods?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Here it is Thursday. It has a different feel to it - lots of things going on, but none pressing right at this minute, so I can post!

Jil left about an hour ago (10:00)for the East Coast and the last shuttle launch. He has a vacation day. Jil works 7 days (nights) a week so this is quite something. It's at least a four-hour trip, so he's giving himself a lot of leeway. The launch is scheduled for 4:50. The TV Florida news said it was still on schedule - the weather should be perfect. Sunny and clear. He has a video camera and stand, a digital cameras, binocs, a cell phone, plus sandwiches, the garmin set up, a full tank of gas. I think it's a "go!" As they say to the astronauts - God speed.

Our house phone is hooked up through a separate modem through Comcast. The past couple of days we can't talk out. It's all garbled. Really really bad. Paul called them today, using Bob's cell phone. Thank goodness for cell phones. Using hindsight, we should have called yesterday. We're going to be away Friday and Saturday - so the earliest they can get here is Sunday. Obviously we forgot about Jil being here. . .oh, well. It is what it is.

Practice this afternoon for Showtime up at the Clubhouse. The show is next weekend. Where did the time go??? This morning is gone, so I need to fix lunch. (Did two loads of wash. Very strenuous

Paul took Gracie for a walk around the circle this morning and he said she walked very nicely.

I told him that she probably felt guilty for getting him up at 4 AM this morning to go out.

That's all the news from here at the woods circle. How're things goin' in your neck o' the woods?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

So. . .

Yes. I did write yesterday and I don't have that much to say, so I guess you could probably delete this if you'd like! But I hope you don't.

There - that's overwith. Busyness is here at The Woods Circle. Today may be the day for small things to get done: Clothes to go to Good Will, I've got two big bags full in my closet and we could use the extra room. We also have the plastic tote pretty much full of items for Jil and Epril when they move out. Yes. . .! We found the serial numbers for the storage place, and now we just have to locate the correct key in the 4 key rings we have for the two cars. That means purchasing another tote and filling it also. I'm wondering if I should make a list of what's in this tote so I don't duplicate. These things are quite needful (?) however so that I don't think duplication is a problem.

There is piano music on the piano that is in my mind (bubbling) for Showtime. Some of the musical pieces need work, but what can you do - when schedules don't jive. (jibe? - I do need a dictionary.) Two of them are/were ill. And practice time isn't available. After all, I also will be away for two days at the end of this week when Paul and I go to the east coast for a class high school reunion. (mine) I know everything will be okay, and if it isn't - well, we're amateurs, aren't we? And we're trying hard to do the best we can.

Jil got up early (9:00) this morning - Reminder: he works nights - through midnight into the early morning - I think he's trying to get his sleep schedule changed so that when he goes to the east coast to watch the shuttle launch this Thursday late afternoon, he's not so exhausted afterwards. Nice try. He's taking a night off. I would think that driving four hours (more or less) each way, in one day, to watch this event, would be more than tiring. Well. . .whatever happens. . .it is what it is. He's capable of taking care of himself, mom. Let it be. So be it. Our old garmin will be in the Spectra to help him get there and back. And two cameras (video and digital) to set up. Let's just hope he pulls to the side and takes a nap if he's tired.
Tomorrow night Jil is driving in to Sarasota where USF is having an informational talk/meeting about their radiography program. Jil is interested in beginning in May at the Venice campus. He's been studying anatomy in his spare time on my old computer. He has it added to his work computer (which is used exclusively for work) and the netbook he uses to contact Epril every day. It's a good thing he has a long folding table for this accumulation.

I've done three loads of wash, and am ready and rarin (sp. I need a dictionary down here.) to go out to do the errands mentioned above.

So - what's happenin' in your neck o' the woods?

Monday, February 21, 2011

More Ho-Hum Days in Paradise. . .

This morning Paul rode his bike to the hottub at the clubhouse. What a wondeful idea! It really started his day off well! I've just gotten back from Curves with Carol O. His car and Gracie are no where to be found. . . which means they're either at the dog beach, Lowe's or Home Depot - all places that dogs are allowed. No note was found, so I imagine he'll be returning shortly.

It is getting hot out, so I think I'll try to get him enthusiastic about going to see "The King's Speech". If you remember, we tried and couldn't get in that rainy Saturday afternoon. Although perhaps we'll go to the pool. And cool off in the water. We have such huge problems, don't we. I worry about sunburns.

Update: We saw "The King's Speech" this afternoon and it was all it has been made out to be. Really fantastic. I'm really glad we saw it in the theater. I did make one comment to Paul: Before the movie and the trailers started, there were a lot of advertisements. If we'd seen this on our DVR, we would have fast-forwarded past them. Isn't it a shame that when we have to pay for tickets to see a show, we are subjected to commercials beforehand and can't do anything about it?
Actually - there are few live shows we watch now. We even have the evening news taped, and fast-foward thru the commercials - always. If the show is live, it seems like so much time is taken up with them!

Friday night Paul and I were guests of Cousin Alice at her Choir party in her church's fellowship hall. We were invited because she, and her duet partner and choir member, were part of the entertainment - singing the Showtime Duet we practiced. Alice's choir has more than 60 members, and people volunteered from it to put on the entertainment. What a lot of talent there was! There were over 100 people there - at least half or more were choir members. (But, of course, not everyone participated. We would have been there all night! I think there were 10 "acts.") Their "Hall" was lovely, carpetted with round tables that seat 8 comfortably, and the dinner was delicious. The hall would easily serve 200. They had a patriotic theme - so if we wanted we could wear red white and blue. We did.

Saturday morning we met Carol O. at the Clubhouse at 9:00 for the monthly pancake breakfast. We didn't break any records getting there early - 7:30-9:30 serving times. At that point they said they served over 130 breakfasts. It's good to see such a turnout.

Our pool area is just beautiful and very popular - new, what I call venetian tile - kinda light gold, tan around the pool, and hottub. I'll try to get pictures when my camera comes back to me from the factory. We always had trouble with cold water from the before-you-go-in-the-pool/hottub shower. Now it's delightfully warm! They re-strung/strang(?) :0) the plastic on the lounges or purchased new ones. They've been filled almost every day we've been down. Funny - that Saturday and Sunday are usually quiet. But - Everyone loves it, and it's a great place to meet and greet everyone. The hottub is a big draw.

This is Presidents' Week and lots of families are down. We had a couple of cute little girls - approx. ages 2 and 4 in the neighborhood.

Okay - that's all the news that's fit to print. What's happenin' in your neck o' the woods???

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Not Actively Looking . . .

After having so many different problems with my computer, you'd think I'd be actively looking for a new one, or at least window shopping. Nope. Carol O. wanted to know how to get to Sam's Club (You know where this is going, don't you.) so we took her with us yesterday, walked inside, saw all those computers at low low prices so, of course, we got one. This one. My goodness - it is amazing how FAST this one is, and how many mistakes I'm making typing, which doesn't have anything to do with how FAST it is, but how I need to "clean up my act/typing." I'm really enjoying this new machine very much. My old machine is still in front of me (kinda) and I'm noticing that the new keyboard has a wrist rester (?) that is very comfortable. Something the old one doesn't. Maybe that's my problem.

So - enuf about my new computer.

Life is going on in the usual way here at the Woods Edge. Or the Woods Circle, as we are still in the warmth and sunshine of Florida. Actually, it's really perfect summer weather right now - with low humidity, warm temperatures. The new hottub near the clubhouse has proven to be a popular draw, as we have many more people there than earlier in the season. The hottub seats 7 people comfortably - up from the 4 or 5 in the old one. Carol and I were in it yesterday with 5 other people. I never realized how high the waterline gets with 7 people in it. (Interesting. I wonder why. LOL) Sometimes it's even difficult to find a lounge chair to lounge in. So many people. So few lounge chairs. Don't our problems seem large. (?) Like the hottub waterline.

Our Showtime rehearsals are getting more common now that the time is getting closer. . . first weekend in March. What's neat about this is. . . this is such a great way to meet other people. We have two new people in one of the groups I'm accompanying. Very nice people. Plus Carol O., as stated in my last post, is helping me out by turning music pages.

Speaking of Carol, we were supposed to go to Curves this morning, but she called around 9 with such a deep deep voice and plugged up nose, that even before she told me, I knew from the tone of her voice that she wouldn't be going. Such a bad cold she had. She was suffering.

Bob stopped over for some coffee early this morning and so since I had just made a big pot, that worked out well. He had just dropped Martini off at the vets to be spayed. Martini will be there overnight. She does everything with him - so I know he misses her very much.

Okay. Laugh if you like. I always shook my head at people like us:

We bought a toothbrush and toothpaste at Pet Supermarket on our way to Sam's. Well - the Vet last week when she looked at Gracie's teeth said she was developing tartar. Little breeds like Papillon are susceptible to gum disease because of the close proximity of their teeth. She doesn't recommend putting her under, (which requires drugs) which would need to be done to clean her teeth, because of their her small size and weight - 4.4 lbs. The least amount of drugs in her life is best.

So we need to brush her teeth every day. An interesting proposition. A rubberized finger-tip brush was included with the toothbrush to practice having it in her mouth when we massage her gums. She enjoyed biting it - Ouch. But I think it will help getting used to the brush. Of Gracie: The Westminster Dog Show kept her interested quite a long time last night before she fell asleep.

I hope your problems aren't as large as ours are down here at the Woods Edge Circle, and if they are that they're as easily solved.

What's happenin' in your neck o' the woods???

Friday, February 11, 2011

Computer, Electric Challenges

My computer has been acting up and it's difficult to get on-line at times. It starts up and then closes itself out if left on. This morning I kept pushing the on-button, and it would start up and then close out without really getting on at all. We finally got it going (obviously) and to my great happiness, Paul was also able to get my adobe fixed so I could read my Corning newspaper, The Leader, which I hadn't been able to do for many days.

Reading it was important because I wanted to read The Obituaries: to keep in touch with my age group. Now isn't that an icky problem? Right. I can remember my parents reading the obits in the paper every day and making the usual comment about looking for their own obit and joking - nope - I'm not in there - still alive - or some other inane statement. Now, I'm in that age category. (You know, it just seemed to happen without really trying. ) AND I didn't see anyone I knew. Good.

Showtime is going along full-speed. Carol O. has joined me as my page-turner. My problem with page turning became evident when I accidentally turned two pages and left the performers high and dry.

In January, when Carol arrived down here, and even when she was up north, she kept asking when we were going to put on Showtime. AND my next door neighbor kept asking when rehearsals were and reminding me that she really really wanted to be in the show this year. So I looped Carol in that thought and had the show's directress call her and invite her to join us also. No way. Carol really just wanted to see it, not perform in it. That. was. it. And final. But she really "saved the day" by helping me out and I appreciated it very much. We had our first full rehearsal yesterday and she was there for it. The directress introduced her - and joked that Carol joined the Showtime crew after all.

We've had cloudy days here lately. Carol and I went to Curves yesterday during a particularly dark cloudy period. We got back and the Heavens opened up. We need the rain, as a lot of the grass is brown out back. The flowers look lovely though. Paul has some new ones in the flower pots out front and they're growing beautifully. He waters them faithfully. Benevolent neglect doesn't work sometimes.

I watched the Today show the other morning and there was this terrifically smart border collie that could identify something like 130 different items and, when prompted, find them and put them in a basket.

That seemed like a challenge for us to see if Gracie could also do this. What a great idea. . .(perhaps locate a couple of toys?) because she takes out every toy from her toybox and scatters them around the house each time we pick them up. We'd been trying to have her recognize the word "toy". It wasn't working. Jil took over the job, and Gracie now recognizes Flat Rat. She goes over to it, puts her paw on it, and then comes back for a treat. Last night as I was on the sofa reading, in the living room. I asked her to find Flat Rat. She did, and brought it over to me. So I started a game of fetch Flat Rat. It lasted for quite some time. Of course, the secret is practice, practice, practice. And that's what Jil has been doing.

Got our microwave up and running! It looks like we may have to revise the circuit breakers, as we lost electricity yesterday when we had the mic on and something else and it blew a circuit. These "old" houses aren't equipt for these new fangled machines. Paul is working on re-doing the doors from from the space over it, so they can enclose the smaller area above the mic. My Dear One is always busy doing something. He's now down at Walmart on some project.

Okay. My $50 computer chair that I bought from Staples before Christmas is too comfortable. I find my eyes closing. It's almost lunchtime.

That's all the news from this edge of the woods. How're things goin' in your neighborhood?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Beautiful day. . .

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, but cool - 59 degrees this morning. The sun was out, but I put on a sweater (but still wear shorts) to go to the clubhouse to have a practice for Showtime. The ladies are very dedicated people and certainly want to try their best. As mentioned before, some of them don't read music at all, but they're all doing fine. I think each practice makes them better and better. And they're getting to feel more assured. I know I'm progressing - and doing better on the accompaniment. Especially when there are 5 sharps in the key signature! I did some practicing last night and today it worked better.

Since our rehearsal was set for 9 AM, I set my alarm for 7 and got up with Gracie. Paul slept (?) in a little while. I got a load of wash dried, put away, and did some other things. Now I feel I have the whole rest of the day to do the little other things. That's a great feeling. Ex. writing in my blog. Ex. My camera's flash doesn't work. We've tried everything. Paul even looked up the manual on the computer because that's also upstate. We need to contact Nikon about the flash not working. Well. . .Paul got it down here at Walmart, but the receipt is up in NY. I'm going to try to figure out how we can get another receipt from here, so that we can "talk" with Nikon about our problem. (visit Walmart's service department) We're sure the camera's still under warranty. That info is also up in NY too!

Paul and I stayed home Sunday to watch the Superbowl. We're not big football fans unless it's college games, but it's still fun to root for a team that means something to you.(The Pittsburgh Steelers - since Paul grew up in Pennsylvania, and went to Penn State). Oh, well. You can't win them all.

Anyway - we also watched and taped the Puppy Bowl on the Animal Planet for Gracie. Yes. We really did. It's become an annual event during Superbowl. I guess they figure everyone's watching the Superbowl, so they postpone all their programming and put on "The Puppy Bowl". If you haven't seen it, it is awfully cute. There are a bunch of different types of puppies in a closed in room shaped like a football field, a bunch of toy footballs and some announcers "announcing" the game. They have kittens for cheerleaders, and hamsters in the "blimp" over the "stadium". I imagine they have a large viewing crowd, since they continue doing it each year. What we enjoyed most was watching Gracie watch the puppies. She becomes completely engrossed in it.

Paul is very busy with his newest project. We ordered a new over-the-stove microwave from Lowe's a couple of weeks ago. We wanted a bisque color to match our stove, fridge, and dishwasher and they didn't have it in stock. It arrived yesterday, he picked it up, and began working on it again. This is turning out to be more challenging than expected.

He knew he had to remove the old yucky vent above and cut off the bottom of the cabinets over the stove, to make room for it. All these old houses (1980 era) have this problem, otherwise, it's difficult to stir a pot on the stove. Not enough room. So he did that, early on, figuring he wanted to get as much done and out of the way as possible before he had to begin putting it in. Now he's building a shelf to put it on.

Jil is busy filling out forms to get Epril here. The present due-date is August. He had to make a copy of all the pages (76 pages) on his Passport, so yesterday that was his project, using Paul's computer and printer. I just proof-read the present form he's presently working on. BECAUSE on the first form he mistyped the area code down here and delayed the long process by days because it was sent back. Two sets of eyes are better than one.

We never did get to see The King's Speech on Saturday. We arrived just before the show was to begin and they only had single seats in the first row. No thanks. We ended up going to Books A Million and having some coffee. . .and windowshopping. Actually I bought Paul a John Grisham book. It's on the bestseller list and I know he loves John Grisham books. And I will enjoy reading it when he's done.

Okay, Jil helped Paul put up the microwave, and it looks great! I pulled the cord through - big deal. Looks like it'll be operative tonight.

That's all the news from the Woods. How're things goin' in your part o' it all?

Saturday, February 5, 2011


It's a gloomy day today. Unless the sun shines, we won't be going to the pool - it's just as well because Circlewoods is having a Garage Sale in its clubhouse today, which means lots of cars, traffic around that area. Paul took Gracie out for a walk and just came back - he said it wasn't the best of walking days. Lots of traffic. As we expected.

I've broached the subject of going to the movies to see The King's Speech this afternoon. That really sounds like a good idea to me. We'll see. Paul is usually agreeable to my ideas.

Last night we met Rosemarie and Ron, my/our good friends from Corning for dinner. (I taught with Rosemarie.) They've rented a place in Venice for the past couple of winters, while they were waiting to sell their northern home, so they could buy a place in The Villages. They sold it in December, came South in January, bought a new place, and were moving in at the end of this month, February. It's nice they're here in Venice, even if it's only for one month. Hope we can get together with them again before they leave. They want us to stop and see them on our way north. They still own a lake house up north near us, so we will see them up there. Good!

Carol O. and I went to Curves twice this week. It would have been three times, if Paul and I hadn't been flying back from Chicago, on Monday. It's amazing how less achy I am after this exercise. Curves is wonderful for us senior women. (egad what an awful description. . .senior women. But as they say, if the shoe fits, wear it.)

This week, Carol met us twice at the newly renovated pool/hottub complex. It's really really nice. To me, the water was just the right temperature in both places. Not too hot, in the hottub, and not too cool in the pool. We're finding that it's becoming quite popular, harder to find seating, and will become even more so when they close the other pool for a short time (a week?) to do completion work on it. But we'll deal with it. What a problem to have. Doesn't your heart ache for us?

I am making up a "hope chest" (not sure if that's the right description) for Epril when she comes to the U.S. so that when she and Jil move into their own place, she won't have to go out and buy the "little things" needed to get started. When I was getting married, my mother did the same for me. Nowadays most brides have already collected what they need. I know Nancy did. Which was fine. But Epril won't have anything, so I am collecting, i.e. kitchen towels, potholders, measuring cups, spoons, meat thermometer, spatulas, etc. These are inexpensive items, but necessary ones. I'm putting them in a medium sized plastic tote box. When it's filled, I will take it to our rented storage space, and then start over with a new box.

Right now, Epril is supposed to be here in August. What a lot of rigamarole and pain for them to get all the paperwork done and sent! It's a hurry-up-and-wait thing. So many steps and so much waiting.

I have wash in the tub, and other things to catch up on, so I'll close. It's still cloudy, so perhaps it's permanent for today. Movies?

What's new in your neck o' the woods?

Losing "It."

Paul said I'd made an awful mess.

I forgot to put the coffee urn in place when I filled Paul's coffee pot last night for this morning. He said I was "losing it." I agree. I really lost it. We've got "his" (decaf) and "mine" half-caff) coffee pots and I often use one of the urns to fill both with water.

I never saw the mess because My Dear One cleaned it before I got up. So. . . I may be fired from my job. That. . .I doubt. I hope I've learned from my mistake. Everyone should be given a second chance.

Have you ever thought about something that could happen, or how awful it would be if it did happen, and you think about it every time you do the task, and say - oh, no. That couldn't happen. And it does?

Do we learn from our mistakes? My deceased father-in-law would say, "Do you have a frog in your pocket?" So - do I learn from my mistakes? Hope so.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

We're Back. . .

It seems so long since I've blogged. Time passes differently when you're away. It seemed longer than it really was.

I probably mentioned this before, but if so, I'll repeat myself. . .
Two away-things happened at the same time for us. Family events.

We left Ft. Myers Airport -Paul flew to California to see Brenda's choral group perform in "Romeo and Juliet" at Modesto. I flew to Chicago to help Nancy with my grandchildren while Dan was away at a conference. Jil stayed here and worked, and Gracie kept him company. Paul flew in to Chicago Saturday, getting there Saturday evening, and we flew home from Chicago together. . .

on Monday - and missed all the hoopla related to that awful Monster Snowstorm that Chicago and the whole east coast had, which began a day later, on Tuesday in Chicago. Nancy said schools were closed, and she was very happy - she had time to get more caught up with school work.

I had a chance to bond with my little granddaughter, Evie - who is four months old. Paul met his step-granddaughter for the first time. What a cute age - she smiled a lot and she laughed out loud for the first time when I was there. Nancy got a sitter and on her birthday, Friday, we went out shopping in the morning and she got some clothes, and then we had lunch out.

Then, that evening we took the kids to a pizza place around the corner. It's not your usual pizza place, as it has appetizers, wine, and desserts. Vincent "quietly" informed the waiter that it was his mother's birthday, and we all(the waiters, other customers) had smiles when her dessert arrived with a candle in it and he (and I) sang Happy Birthday to her. Very cute. Nancy is 39. That's hard to believe. That makes me very old.

So - a related story: Vincent is very interested people's ages. Last time I was visiting with Vincent, he asked me how old I was. I said I was Old as Dirt, and that I was 70 years old.
A couple of days later, Vincent and Dan were speaking with a visiting professor (not sure of the facts, but it was an older person) at Northwestern.

Vincent asked him how old he was. He said - 71. Vincent said - Oh, you're Old as Dirt. A lesson learned. I will try to be more careful what I say around him. At least I hope I will, Dan. I understand. Please accept my apology.

Oh. . .It is good to be back! We were in the renovated pool area near the clubhouse, yesterday. Carol O. and I were in the hottub - which is beautiful and seats 7 now! The pool water was very comfortable too. Eat your hearts out, you northerners. No. I'm not sorry. Well, maybe a little bit . . . It's kinda cloudy today. No pool.

Nine AM Tuesday I had rehearsal with the group I mentioned in my last post. (I was so very very tired from being away and traveling.) They're doing a lot better. One of the male members of Showtime had sung this song before, and he came to the rehearsal and helped them a lot. He suggested that they all sing melody rather than learn parts because there was only a month til the show. Great idea. Sounds good. Added another voice to the chorus too - my next door neighbor, Crystal.

I also had a rehearsal this morning with a soloist, using the clubhouse piano. That was ten minutes! Then, I had time to go do some errands afterwards.

Tuesday, we accidentally gave Gracie the leftover cat flea dip, rather than the small dog one. It had been put in the same outside package with the small dog one. It was stronger and she had a reaction to it. She became quite lethargic and her normally happy curled tail was as straight as can be. She didn't want to be near either of us and wouldn't come when called. She was very unhappy.

I can tell you one thing, she'll not get that medication again. We threw it away. We're taking her to the nice lady vet down here and get her set up with something else. As soon as I finish here, I'm making an appointment with her. Gracie is back to normal now, and was okay, even yesterday.

Still . . .this lady vet helped us a lot with her last year when she was a little 2.5 lb. puppy. She's now 4.5 lbs. Huge dog. Jil gave her a bath in the kitchen sink this afternoon, and she looked like a drowned rat . . . zooming all over trying to dry off.

That's all the news from The Woods here. What's happenin in your neck o' the woods?