The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Here it is Thursday. It has a different feel to it - lots of things going on, but none pressing right at this minute, so I can post!

Jil left about an hour ago (10:00)for the East Coast and the last shuttle launch. He has a vacation day. Jil works 7 days (nights) a week so this is quite something. It's at least a four-hour trip, so he's giving himself a lot of leeway. The launch is scheduled for 4:50. The TV Florida news said it was still on schedule - the weather should be perfect. Sunny and clear. He has a video camera and stand, a digital cameras, binocs, a cell phone, plus sandwiches, the garmin set up, a full tank of gas. I think it's a "go!" As they say to the astronauts - God speed.

Our house phone is hooked up through a separate modem through Comcast. The past couple of days we can't talk out. It's all garbled. Really really bad. Paul called them today, using Bob's cell phone. Thank goodness for cell phones. Using hindsight, we should have called yesterday. We're going to be away Friday and Saturday - so the earliest they can get here is Sunday. Obviously we forgot about Jil being here. . .oh, well. It is what it is.

Practice this afternoon for Showtime up at the Clubhouse. The show is next weekend. Where did the time go??? This morning is gone, so I need to fix lunch. (Did two loads of wash. Very strenuous

Paul took Gracie for a walk around the circle this morning and he said she walked very nicely.

I told him that she probably felt guilty for getting him up at 4 AM this morning to go out.

That's all the news from here at the woods circle. How're things goin' in your neck o' the woods?

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