The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Saturday, February 5, 2011


It's a gloomy day today. Unless the sun shines, we won't be going to the pool - it's just as well because Circlewoods is having a Garage Sale in its clubhouse today, which means lots of cars, traffic around that area. Paul took Gracie out for a walk and just came back - he said it wasn't the best of walking days. Lots of traffic. As we expected.

I've broached the subject of going to the movies to see The King's Speech this afternoon. That really sounds like a good idea to me. We'll see. Paul is usually agreeable to my ideas.

Last night we met Rosemarie and Ron, my/our good friends from Corning for dinner. (I taught with Rosemarie.) They've rented a place in Venice for the past couple of winters, while they were waiting to sell their northern home, so they could buy a place in The Villages. They sold it in December, came South in January, bought a new place, and were moving in at the end of this month, February. It's nice they're here in Venice, even if it's only for one month. Hope we can get together with them again before they leave. They want us to stop and see them on our way north. They still own a lake house up north near us, so we will see them up there. Good!

Carol O. and I went to Curves twice this week. It would have been three times, if Paul and I hadn't been flying back from Chicago, on Monday. It's amazing how less achy I am after this exercise. Curves is wonderful for us senior women. (egad what an awful description. . .senior women. But as they say, if the shoe fits, wear it.)

This week, Carol met us twice at the newly renovated pool/hottub complex. It's really really nice. To me, the water was just the right temperature in both places. Not too hot, in the hottub, and not too cool in the pool. We're finding that it's becoming quite popular, harder to find seating, and will become even more so when they close the other pool for a short time (a week?) to do completion work on it. But we'll deal with it. What a problem to have. Doesn't your heart ache for us?

I am making up a "hope chest" (not sure if that's the right description) for Epril when she comes to the U.S. so that when she and Jil move into their own place, she won't have to go out and buy the "little things" needed to get started. When I was getting married, my mother did the same for me. Nowadays most brides have already collected what they need. I know Nancy did. Which was fine. But Epril won't have anything, so I am collecting, i.e. kitchen towels, potholders, measuring cups, spoons, meat thermometer, spatulas, etc. These are inexpensive items, but necessary ones. I'm putting them in a medium sized plastic tote box. When it's filled, I will take it to our rented storage space, and then start over with a new box.

Right now, Epril is supposed to be here in August. What a lot of rigamarole and pain for them to get all the paperwork done and sent! It's a hurry-up-and-wait thing. So many steps and so much waiting.

I have wash in the tub, and other things to catch up on, so I'll close. It's still cloudy, so perhaps it's permanent for today. Movies?

What's new in your neck o' the woods?

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