The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Friday, February 11, 2011

Computer, Electric Challenges

My computer has been acting up and it's difficult to get on-line at times. It starts up and then closes itself out if left on. This morning I kept pushing the on-button, and it would start up and then close out without really getting on at all. We finally got it going (obviously) and to my great happiness, Paul was also able to get my adobe fixed so I could read my Corning newspaper, The Leader, which I hadn't been able to do for many days.

Reading it was important because I wanted to read The Obituaries: to keep in touch with my age group. Now isn't that an icky problem? Right. I can remember my parents reading the obits in the paper every day and making the usual comment about looking for their own obit and joking - nope - I'm not in there - still alive - or some other inane statement. Now, I'm in that age category. (You know, it just seemed to happen without really trying. ) AND I didn't see anyone I knew. Good.

Showtime is going along full-speed. Carol O. has joined me as my page-turner. My problem with page turning became evident when I accidentally turned two pages and left the performers high and dry.

In January, when Carol arrived down here, and even when she was up north, she kept asking when we were going to put on Showtime. AND my next door neighbor kept asking when rehearsals were and reminding me that she really really wanted to be in the show this year. So I looped Carol in that thought and had the show's directress call her and invite her to join us also. No way. Carol really just wanted to see it, not perform in it. That. was. it. And final. But she really "saved the day" by helping me out and I appreciated it very much. We had our first full rehearsal yesterday and she was there for it. The directress introduced her - and joked that Carol joined the Showtime crew after all.

We've had cloudy days here lately. Carol and I went to Curves yesterday during a particularly dark cloudy period. We got back and the Heavens opened up. We need the rain, as a lot of the grass is brown out back. The flowers look lovely though. Paul has some new ones in the flower pots out front and they're growing beautifully. He waters them faithfully. Benevolent neglect doesn't work sometimes.

I watched the Today show the other morning and there was this terrifically smart border collie that could identify something like 130 different items and, when prompted, find them and put them in a basket.

That seemed like a challenge for us to see if Gracie could also do this. What a great idea. . .(perhaps locate a couple of toys?) because she takes out every toy from her toybox and scatters them around the house each time we pick them up. We'd been trying to have her recognize the word "toy". It wasn't working. Jil took over the job, and Gracie now recognizes Flat Rat. She goes over to it, puts her paw on it, and then comes back for a treat. Last night as I was on the sofa reading, in the living room. I asked her to find Flat Rat. She did, and brought it over to me. So I started a game of fetch Flat Rat. It lasted for quite some time. Of course, the secret is practice, practice, practice. And that's what Jil has been doing.

Got our microwave up and running! It looks like we may have to revise the circuit breakers, as we lost electricity yesterday when we had the mic on and something else and it blew a circuit. These "old" houses aren't equipt for these new fangled machines. Paul is working on re-doing the doors from from the space over it, so they can enclose the smaller area above the mic. My Dear One is always busy doing something. He's now down at Walmart on some project.

Okay. My $50 computer chair that I bought from Staples before Christmas is too comfortable. I find my eyes closing. It's almost lunchtime.

That's all the news from this edge of the woods. How're things goin' in your neighborhood?

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