The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Friday, April 27, 2012

My apology

Egads.  Somehow I sent out the same picture five times. (actually it was a pretty nice picture, at least). Five different blogs.  I'm hoping the sixth time is the blog I wrote about this morning.  Let's hope so.  Don't ask me how it happened.  I'm technologically challenged. 


Spring? Where? Not Here. . .

We didn't come north for winter weather..  because  we're snowbirds.  And we like it! What's up? Well, we've had cocktails once on the back deck.  The furniture's still  there, but we're not.   .  Life is rough, isn't it?  How spoiled can we get!

 Well, when we were floating in the pool with our friends, we'd discuss the weather "up north"  and everyone was surprised at the record-breaking lack of snow this year.  Now we get back, and we have snow???  Unfair.  Where's Spring?

 "They" say there's a drought  here.  Perhaps.  So.. . . I guess water in any form is appreciated.   Well . . . how about rain? . . . . Preferably in the middle of the night?

Tonight  our next-door neighbors and we are going their favorite restaurant (and ours too) -  Tanino's Italian Restaurant in Horseheads.  We've been trying to get together with them for a long time, and tonight's the night.

Got an e-mail from Nancy this morning - recommending an ebook.  How'd she know I was looking?  Great minds . . .

At the end of May we're going to California for granddaughter Emma's high school graduation. . .

 Which means we've got to do  something we should've done a long time ago - find a pet-sitter.

 It's been interesting.

 My first step was to follow Nancy's suggestion to look on the internet.  I joined; but our area here doesn't have many pet sitters listed.  We got one reply so far, and she was busy.  But she might be available another time.

  I'd driven past a small pet boutique store a couple of times.  So yesterday, on a lark I stopped by.   I figured that being a small pet place, the lady might know a small pet sitter. . ( I could have worded that differently.)  The owner recommended a teacher friend of hers. Always a hit with me.  I called. She called back.  We're taking Gracie there on Sunday to check it out. .  .She has a small dog of her own that's used to other dogs.

I'm also considering our cleaning lady who is young, single, and a good Christian lady who loves dogs.  Maybe she'd come and stay here.  She knows the house and Gracie.

 Before we got Gracie, Paul said a pet would tie us down.  Well, I hate to admit it, but it's true.  Especially for people who own a small dog who weighs less than 5 pounds and can be intimidated by larger ones and kennels.  But, I think once we find the right scenario, it'll be fine.  I don't mind spending the money.  As long as it's a good match.  And there's time.

 Paul and I agree that Gracie has enriched our lives tremendously and we're glad she's with us.

Say. . . .BTW - Do any of you have any petcare suggestions? 

It's noon time again - and  so I'll say - how're things goin' in your neck o' the woods?

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Remembering Gram

  This morning, I received a check via UPS.  It was expected. It was from  my (former)  mother-in-law, who died a couple of months ago at the age of 103.

Last month, while we were on our cruise, Carole, my (former) sister-in-law sent me an e-mail. I was one of several who were remembered in gram's will.  Carole requested my social security number so  I called her with it when I got back to Florida.  She  told me  that I shouldn't expect much - she said it was just a remembrance - and I suppose it was, but still. . . it was more than I expected. (Actually - I didn't expect anything).

  She and Pop lived on a 117-acre "Gentleman's Farm." Pop was a printer by trade, but he raised black angus cows at Elksem Farm.  Their big farmhouse was old and beautiful, and they took great pride in it, and enjoyed entertaining there with all their friends and family.  She was a gourmet cook. The house had plenty of bedrooms, it even had an apartment for guests - or family.  There were places for kids to play - both inside and out.  Their kitchen had a big picture window overlooking the "back 40" with a big kitchen table in front.  We had many cups of coffee there - looking out - discussing the world!

 Fall, up there, could be breathtaking, and we always tried to make it a point to  be there then.  Bill would remember this, but I think they sold it before Nancy was old enough (age 4) to remember much.  Carole's children were older, they lived closer, and  so they'd naturally have more memories of it.  But not dearer.

 One of the first memories I have of Gram was in the late '60's of her reading a then unknown book called The Silent Spring by Rachel Carson. I'm sure you all know of it now. . . It became the ecologists' bible. She would quote from it even before ecology was popular. . .Living at the farm, she certainly could have related to the book

We certainly enjoyed their strawberries in the summer.  Their strawberry patch was something else.  There's a picture in an album, somewhere, of Pop with a HUGE strawberry in a manhattan (instead of a cherry).   It practically took up the whole glass.  What a grin he had!

Or the "balloon pumpkins" Pop hid in his garden for the grandchildren to discover.  Or the candy bird egg he hid in a nest and showed the grandkids the nest and then he ate the egg!

Gram loved to sew and made several lovely outfits for Nancy, Bill - a bathrobe that I still have stored away,(and me - a dress for a cruise, a vest that I wore many years to school.)

I could go on and on, but I won't - just wanted you all to know a little bit about Gram and know I miss her to this day.  Even though I didn't see her often in later years.

Where has the morning gone? I just glanced down and it's almost noontime. Wow.  

So - what's happenin' in your neck o' the wood?

Friday, April 20, 2012

On the Road Again

When we travel North, there's always speculation as to how high the grass will be when we arrive home.  One year, it had really grown, and I mean really.  This time we didn't have much to worry about.  Paul mowed a little bit yesterday, but it could have waited. . . despite the practically snowless winter.  You'd think there'd be more.

Yes.  We're home.  We arrived here Wednesday afternoon around 3. 

It was really a good trip.  We started out on Sunday for Greg and Noi's home in Gainesville.  We got there late afternoon, stayed overnight, and left the following morning for our first leg of the trip.  I don't count the trip to their home as part of our trip.  We say - we're leaving from their house. It's just nice to be able to spend time with them.  The kids are getting so big.

 I'm glad they'll be coming up North for a couple of weeks this July.  Brenda called while we were there.  Emma and she will be here the same time. . .  Wonderful!  Plus. . .  If all goes as planned, we'll be flying out for Emma's high school graduation the end of May.  

Back to our trip: 

We traveled around 450 miles on Monday - arriving in North Charlotte for the night.  The next day,  Tuesday - we drove to Chambersberg, Pa. - traveling about the same distance.   We were amazed at the amount of campers on the roads.  The one thing we commented on was how many of them were from Quebec.  And they traveled  in a caravan.  An approximate number of 40 sounds right. 

Wednesday, we had only a little over 200 miles to go, so we stopped at Edna and Mike's (Paul's sister and brother in law) home for lunch.

 Edna always has a wonderful lunch planned and we always enjoy seeing them.  Edna showed us the quilt she'd finished working on.  It's  beautiful. It took her a year to complete it - but she didn't work on it all the time.   Paul's mother quilted too, and it's obviously Edna inherited her talent. 

Edna said that her mother lived alone on the family farm,  and never learned to  drive.  So she'd do this.  She not only loved it, but it helped her earn a little money on the side.    Each day, she'd work  a couple of hours ast it, before breakfast, have breakfast, do a couple of chores, continue with the quilting til lunch,  and work after lunch til suppertime.  Lue has said she learned how to quilt from her.  We have several of Grandma Wayland's quilts.  They are beautiful. 

I miss everyone in Florida.  Especially brother Bob.  We spend a lot of time with him and having him next door has always been wonderful.  Many times he'd have coffee with us on our patio.  I hope he still uses it.  He said at 5:00 he'd fill his big glass with ice, and when Martini heard that sound, she'd run to the back door  to come to our house to see Gracie and us.   They both will miss each other.

  The time flew by too quickly and before we knew it, it was mid-April.  Yes - I really think the time flew.  You could see it happening  - March 1st the traffic lessens, by April 1st - it's obvious there's less people.  

 Then, Easter week brings everyone's children and grandchildren and the pool is full of such fun and happiness. We love to notice  how much the grandchildren have grown each year.  Unfortunately, some of the guests are rude.  (They're in the minority.  Thanks goodness.) Ex: eating, drinking there, (ants, sticky lounge slats) and complaining and arguing when someone reminds them of the rules.   They're signs posted on two walls.  Hard to miss.   Yes.  I know - old people with their rules.  We don't have much to complain about.  And a lot to be thankful for. 

Son Bill and daughter in law Epril left yesterday for a road trip.  Destination:  a Dallas, Texas wedding.  Neat.  Wondering how they're doing.  How very exciting for them.  They were planning on driving 12 hours the first day and 10 the second.  Lots of prayers for a safe trip.  They were looking forward to it so much.

Yesterday Carol O. left for home too.  She uses the auto train from Sanford to Washington, D.C..  She plans to stop at her son's home in Pennsylvania today for a couple of days, and then drive home from there.  She does this all alone.  Good for her!  She's a good role model.  Remember Mary Tyler Moore's boss who said -  She's got spunk.

Okay.  That's all the news from the woods edge.  How're things goin' in your neck o' the woods?

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Time is tumbling by

I forgot to consult Bill as to how to get paragraphs back in here, so I guess this will be one big paragraph. I guess you can just imagine when new subjects arise, that's where I'd have put them. Pictures in the next posting. I promise!

We have all the windows open and a cool breeze is helping to air out our home. What a gorgeous day. Makes me want to stay. BUT - we do miss our northern friends, family and home. It's true - being a snowbird makes you wish to be with the people you are not with! Now we'll be up north and thinking about our southern friends and family. What a great idea: I'd like to be in Star Trek where you can be almost instantly go from one spot to another. How great that would be! Spend the morning having coffee on our patio. . . the evening drinks on our deck up north - looking up at the trees, sitting in our hottub. A "sway of thought."

When it's time to go - you can feel it. For me, it takes a while for things to gel. Found my old October list of things I brought down. That'll be my list-of-choice. We loved flying back and forth. Well, I guess love is not quite the right word. It was convenient at the time. Now driving - we can consider all the items we need to bring back. Paul wants to leave some of his clothes here, and then supplement what he needs up there. Good idea.

Paul's on the other computer as I write and he said - Going home - according to Google map directions - the route we normally take: stress-free: I-81 1297 miles. 21 hrs. and 49 minutes. Alternate - stressful: I-95 through Washington - 1267 miles, but it takes 21 hours and 48 minutes. So we save one minute. Which one would you choose? Yup. You're right.

Good Friday

Bill and Epril's church put on a Cantata with another small church in Port Charlotte. We all went. First, we left early so we could stop at the Northport Moose for a fish fry. Great place! Then we went on to the church. Our TomTom did a great job finding it because it was out in the woods. Now. . . Having been in a church choir for many years, I know it's a lot of work. A big job. Epril's pastor sang a solo. Bill found out that the pastor had been joking with him because he said that they must go to the Cantata because there would be a great Filipino soloist. Everyone was very friendly and happy to meet Bill's family.

Easter Sunday:

Bill and Epril joined us at the Presbyterian church. The church service was outstanding, music wonderful, choir beautiful. and it was so nice to have them join us. They both looked so nice. Bill looked good in black pants, a white shirt and yellow tie that matched Epril's yellow dress: Epril wore a beautiful strapless dress, she brought with her from the Philippines. she covered her shoulders with a white cardigan. She wore pearls and black patent leather heels.

Our plans for dinner changed: I had bought a ham, BUT at the last minute, Carol and John, (Bob's son Jon's in-laws) invited us to their home in Sarasota for Easter dinner. Somehow the invitation got mixed up . . . unbeknownst to us, they were planning on us coming. BUT Someone forgot to tell us. They're wonderful hosts. She's an excellent cook. (an understatement.) She said she started cooking four desserts on Friday. Saturday - she prepared the many side dishes. They cooked prime rib and leg of lamb Sunday. We were to eat at 2:00. Sharp. We did. There were 15 of us.

So. . .Bob helped us eat our ham yesterday.

Several weeks ago we made plans for Carol, John, Jon and his family to come for dinner this Saturday. We just made up the list of foods we're serving. And seating arrangements. Our house is small.

Tonight, Bob is joining us for dinner at The Outback. He gave me a gift certificate for my birthday - so we'll be using it, and the pleasure of his company.

That's all the news from the circle-wooded edge. How're things happenin' in your neck o' the woods?

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Check Lists

Make a check list: I make one - When I find I have a lot to do, with different unusual kinds of items, that could be forgotten, but are important to do. (An aside: You know - Going on our cruise has given me more thought to complete these things. Almost like Spring Fever.) No need to list them here, but it's sufficient to say - there's about five items on today's list. Two of which are completed. Sometimes I'll add more. I'm on the third item now. Ah, yes. Here's one I'll add: Tuesday, Lue's grandchild, Eric, and his wife, Jen had their first child born, named Robert! I asked Lue for their address. Which brings to mind: will Lue want to be G.G. (great grandmother) or Grandma Great, which I think is "great!" or what?. We're so happy for her. And for the first-time grandparents, Jen and Garland, andfirst-time parents Eric and Jen. The weather is getting hotter. Getting a tan quicker at the pool these days. Got to be careful. We go after two o'clock, but usually before three, when the sun's not as hot. Brother Bob and Carol O. were there yesterday. The pool is delightful. The hot tub too. Paul went to the pool on Tuesday and kept his shirt on when in the sun. He's using 50sp. He has a hat with a brim too. Me too. We're both being careful. April 1st begins the oddysey of people who have three months' rental. Less people on the roads. Less lines at restaurants. It's almost like Floridians breathe a sigh of relief. Alice and Bob say they like it here in the summer months. They enjoy the peace and quiet. I don't blame them. Cousin Alice had been having two Bible Study groups at her house on Wednesdays - one in the morning, and one in the afternoon. Since I was new to the group, I agreed to go with the newer group, the later one. I would pick up cousin Carol. Now that a lot of the snowbirds are gone, Alice has combined the two into the morning. We go then. I think I like the morning better because there's more people. Alice had more than 20 - (25?) coming regularly, so she'd split it up. (Our homes are small here.) I can honestly say - that I've never ever been to a bible study group led by such a knowledgeable and interesting speaker/teacher. Now I have to also say: I feel like I'm being prideful, myself, and I shouldn't be, when I write this just because I'm related to her. She's my cousin! Yea! But, of course, I know I don't have anything to do with all this great talent of hers. I just feel a lot of pride in her. Bob and I lived "round the corner" from her and Carol, in our early growing-up years, and now - in our later years. Interesting and very heart-warming. And very fortunate. We're getting "in gear" to begin our trip home on Monday, April 16th. This means getting list/s prepared for that too. Haven't begun that or those yet. I just asked Paul if he has a check list for going home and he wasn't sure. He's checking that out. BTW - we both have our own computers, and often, like now, are on them at the same time. He just found one he did from last year. He's wondering if he had another one. He's checking. It's a check list for leaving the woods edge, which doesn't help him from this end. He's more confident in his ability to go from room to room. Me? Nope. I need my checklists to see what needs to be done. I'm so absent-minded. That's an interesting phrase. Absent-minded. Sounds like brain-gone. That's a good possibility. It's a good thing my dear husband has so much patience. Going to try to get pictures up from the cruise today with Bill's help. Also I find I've lost my paragraphs! Darn. Darn. Darn. But I won't bother him now - not in the morning. Bill and Epril sleep during the morning hours, since he works nights. At that time she stays up and checks with her friends/family, in the Philippines. Bill and Epril have been preparing delicious Filipino dishes. They're very good. Especially chicken adobo. Yum. Guess that's all the news from the Woods Edge. How're things goin' in your neck o' the woods?