The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Friday, April 20, 2012

On the Road Again

When we travel North, there's always speculation as to how high the grass will be when we arrive home.  One year, it had really grown, and I mean really.  This time we didn't have much to worry about.  Paul mowed a little bit yesterday, but it could have waited. . . despite the practically snowless winter.  You'd think there'd be more.

Yes.  We're home.  We arrived here Wednesday afternoon around 3. 

It was really a good trip.  We started out on Sunday for Greg and Noi's home in Gainesville.  We got there late afternoon, stayed overnight, and left the following morning for our first leg of the trip.  I don't count the trip to their home as part of our trip.  We say - we're leaving from their house. It's just nice to be able to spend time with them.  The kids are getting so big.

 I'm glad they'll be coming up North for a couple of weeks this July.  Brenda called while we were there.  Emma and she will be here the same time. . .  Wonderful!  Plus. . .  If all goes as planned, we'll be flying out for Emma's high school graduation the end of May.  

Back to our trip: 

We traveled around 450 miles on Monday - arriving in North Charlotte for the night.  The next day,  Tuesday - we drove to Chambersberg, Pa. - traveling about the same distance.   We were amazed at the amount of campers on the roads.  The one thing we commented on was how many of them were from Quebec.  And they traveled  in a caravan.  An approximate number of 40 sounds right. 

Wednesday, we had only a little over 200 miles to go, so we stopped at Edna and Mike's (Paul's sister and brother in law) home for lunch.

 Edna always has a wonderful lunch planned and we always enjoy seeing them.  Edna showed us the quilt she'd finished working on.  It's  beautiful. It took her a year to complete it - but she didn't work on it all the time.   Paul's mother quilted too, and it's obviously Edna inherited her talent. 

Edna said that her mother lived alone on the family farm,  and never learned to  drive.  So she'd do this.  She not only loved it, but it helped her earn a little money on the side.    Each day, she'd work  a couple of hours ast it, before breakfast, have breakfast, do a couple of chores, continue with the quilting til lunch,  and work after lunch til suppertime.  Lue has said she learned how to quilt from her.  We have several of Grandma Wayland's quilts.  They are beautiful. 

I miss everyone in Florida.  Especially brother Bob.  We spend a lot of time with him and having him next door has always been wonderful.  Many times he'd have coffee with us on our patio.  I hope he still uses it.  He said at 5:00 he'd fill his big glass with ice, and when Martini heard that sound, she'd run to the back door  to come to our house to see Gracie and us.   They both will miss each other.

  The time flew by too quickly and before we knew it, it was mid-April.  Yes - I really think the time flew.  You could see it happening  - March 1st the traffic lessens, by April 1st - it's obvious there's less people.  

 Then, Easter week brings everyone's children and grandchildren and the pool is full of such fun and happiness. We love to notice  how much the grandchildren have grown each year.  Unfortunately, some of the guests are rude.  (They're in the minority.  Thanks goodness.) Ex: eating, drinking there, (ants, sticky lounge slats) and complaining and arguing when someone reminds them of the rules.   They're signs posted on two walls.  Hard to miss.   Yes.  I know - old people with their rules.  We don't have much to complain about.  And a lot to be thankful for. 

Son Bill and daughter in law Epril left yesterday for a road trip.  Destination:  a Dallas, Texas wedding.  Neat.  Wondering how they're doing.  How very exciting for them.  They were planning on driving 12 hours the first day and 10 the second.  Lots of prayers for a safe trip.  They were looking forward to it so much.

Yesterday Carol O. left for home too.  She uses the auto train from Sanford to Washington, D.C..  She plans to stop at her son's home in Pennsylvania today for a couple of days, and then drive home from there.  She does this all alone.  Good for her!  She's a good role model.  Remember Mary Tyler Moore's boss who said -  She's got spunk.

Okay.  That's all the news from the woods edge.  How're things goin' in your neck o' the woods?

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