The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Friday, January 23, 2015

Winter Snowbirds have arrived in Florida. . . Now . . . winter is here!

No need for winter coats to tell us winter is here.  Altho some people do use them when the weather hits 50 degrees. 

Paul's eyes  are doing so much better each day.  (I know I just wrote that in my past blog, but wanted to relay it again.)  He's down to one eye drop in each eye three times a day - for a month.  Then he goes back to see the eye doctor again.  He notices things "all of a sudden." Like. . . all of a sudden, the wall clock isn't fuzzy any more.  Great news.

 Paul thinks he may need reading glasses, but who knows. . . with this progress, perhaps he won't.  We looked at the moon the other night.  It was just a sliver and he had such pleasure looking at Venus and the moon.  With one eye - it was great, with the other, it was double.  We can only look for improvement! 

He's back to driving.  That was hard on him to have to rely on me to take him places.  He's such an independent person.  I, of course, enjoyed the driving and intend to continue at times when we're together.  Tonight we're going to Port Charlotte (a town about 20 miles south of us) for a fish fry with Bill. He'll come up 20 miles.   Bill located a new restaurant there and wanted us to share it with him.. 

Last weekend Bill came and spent Saturday night with us.  Paul was still a little under the weather from his eye surgery, so we stayed home.  We cooked a steak, watched a movie, Bill stayed overnight, and went out to breakfast and to church with us on Sunday.  I guess all you Facebook readers know this since Bill published pictures from his I Pad. 

Showtime is starting.  There was a meeting last Thursday that I missed, due to Paul's recuperation time.  I could have gone, but I felt better being home with him.  I'm only accompanying a couple of people, but it usually gets more as the time goes on.  I think this will be the last year for Showtime.  Our fearless leader, Pat, has exhausted her supply of creativity.  This will be her sixth year.  There's no one available to take over.  I certainly would not want the job.

As you can see, we've been laying low, (or is it lying low).  As Paul eyes improve, we'll be headed for more activity.  In fact, we're due to have some friends come tomorrow and stay with us from Montour Falls - Daryl and Dayle.  They moved away a couple of years ago.  We're going on a five night cruise together next week.  We're dropping Gracie off at Bill's before we head for the east coast and Ft. Lauderdale and our Princess cruise ship..   

Paul is busy putting in new baseboards right now.  It's noisy in there.    We prefer the wider baseboards to the 40-year old narrow ones.  It'll look a lot better.

Yesterday, we ordered a new beautiful oval glass front cherry mahogany door at Home Depot.  That'll keep Paul busy for a while also.  We had done some window shopping for it and found out we needed a building permit.

 So we went to the county building  to take care of it before going to HD.  What a lot of rigamarole!  We had to wait for ages.    Of course, if he didn't get the permit, we couldn't claim the money off our home owners' insurance.  So, we stopped and got the permit ordering it from HD.  Now all we have to do is have the special order door arrive at the store,  and off we go!  It'll really look nice. 

Carol O is back!  She traveled the auto train with her friend Cindy.  Their teacher-friend Carol S. is here and Carol invited me for coffee this morning to see them. They've been busy seeing the Ringling Museum in Sarasota.  That is a good place to visit. . .

  We took Lue and Ruth there when they visited a couple of years ago.  Actually, it will be five years in March.  They were here when Paul said he'd like to get me a little papilon for my 70th birthday.  My 75th is coming up.  Gracie is 5.  Time flies.  Unfortunately.  or fortunately.   I don't like the idea of Gracie getting older.  Or me, or Paul. 

I talked with Nancy the other night, and Evie is starting piano lessons Monday evening.  Vincent has been taking for a couple of years and his teacher comes to the house.  Evie will have a 15 minute lesson after his. As a former piano teacher, I am very interested in all this. 

 The piano was my piano.  I'm so glad I gave it to her.   It's so good to know it's being used still - for another generation of lessons.  Both Nancy and Bill took lessons on it.   I know she still plays, when she has time.  (which is laughable, I know.  How much time can she have?) 

I'm glad the weather is a bit warmer (?) up north compared to last week.  Chicago, I know, was pretty cold.  It's hard for us to believe it all, down here in Southwest Florida.  We just know by the snowbirds who appear.  Yes, I know we're snowbirds.  But we came in November and could see the difference in traffic between then and now.  It takes three lights to get through an intersection rather than one.

Jeff, Paul's son, and his family - wife, Dorothy, son DJ are visiting their daughter, Alaina, in Uganda.  We've been trying to keep up with them and their itinerary, so it was nice to see some pictures posted on Facebook of their trip.    Nancy and Dorothy share the same birthday, next Wednesday, the 28th.  That's when Dorothy and family will be headed home.  The time has gone by quickly for me.  I wonder if it is going by quickly in Africa.   

I talked with cousin Carol last night.  She has spent the week trying out a new kind of dialysis.  Some problems have come up.   However, she's at a facility where they give her lots of encouragement and other ways to handle it.  and she continues with her admirable outlook.  She is going to spend a week using the old dialysis to build up her strength again.    And then continue on with this new way where she can do it herself, in her apartment, and not have to go to the dialysis center three times a week.  Prayers would be good for her at this time.  Please pray for her, if that is comfortable for you..


An interesting aside about my Walmart post:

I had several comments come in regarding this.  Two said it probably was a scam. I can see their point.  We have to be overly cautious at places like Walmart.   One other said - that poor lady. 

Maybe I didn't make it clear.  She had a receipt that she was using to check off the items as she added them to her cart - and, let me repeat - .  She was putting the items in HER shopping cart.  She didn't ask for anything, except for me to listen.  I think I'm smart enough to know a scam when I see one.  But you never know.  I appreciate their looking out for me.   I do believe, however, with all the information that my eyes gave me and my ears gave me, and my brain interpreted,  that this was a lady in distress.

  I think we need to be aware of scams, but we also need to be aware of people in need of people.  Isn't that what Barbra Streisand said?  Thank those of you for responding.  It made me feel loved.

As you can see, we haven't been busy, but the days seem to fly by.  Hope you're all well.  Talked with Lue the other night and she seemed well.  It was good to talk with her. 

One picture. Just a little news.

Here's one of Paul's pictures of our flowers.  The pots make such a difference in our landscaping.  I will try to get some more up.  Seems like we're busy this year with doctors' visits.  Paul just had his second eye done last week, and now he is beginning to get excited about his vision.  He
is finding he doesn't need to wear his glasses for distance and is enjoying driving again.  I, of course, have been relegated to the job of passenger.  That's okay - but once in a while, I will drive.  It's too nice to not.  The traffic is really horrendous, but here in South Venice, we find that the driving is not so bad.  We even have time when we joke - where's all the cars?  You can really see the difference between November and January.  All the out-of-state license plates show that the Snowbirds are here.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

I had an interesting experience in Walmart.

 I must have a face that looks like a stranger can come up to me and start a conversation because that's what happened.

 I was in the pharmacy area doing some shopping.   A woman about my age came up to me pushing a cart, as I was doing.  She looked at me with tears in her eyes and said, "you'll never know what just happened to me."  She had a shopping receipt list in her hand.  She said someone stole all her items from Walmart out of the trunk of her car.  There wasn't anything left.

 What she said happened was that a couple came up to her in the parking lot.  She was putting packages in her trunk and wanted to know all about her Cadillac.  They admired it.  She was talking to them and when they left, she found out her trunk was empty.  Everything she bought was gone.  She went inside to Walmart to tell management, who  fortunately let her go through and get her cart refilled. 

 The thing about it is, and I think she's right,  she emphasized this:  that if  she'd been driving another kind of car, they probably would have left her alone.  She didn't look like she necessarily had money.  I don't remember much about what she was wearing.   All I remember is the hurt in her eyes. I left her after commiserating with her and feeling just awful for her.  A couple of minutes later we met again and she said  her husband would  be very worried because she was taking longer than usual.  She said he worried a lot.  He had Alzheimer's.  She was his caretaker.

I keep thinking . . . I wish I could have thought of something to make her feel better.  Should I have helped her fill her cart again?  It's easy to think of things after the fact.   I don't know what I could have done.  I was picked out by her so she could talk about it. Perhaps that's what my role was.   The poor lady.

Friday, January 9, 2015

A Quiet Week. . . How Nice. . .Kind of

Here it is Friday.  What a quiet, welcomed week it was too.  I don't know how long it takes to become used to being retired, but I think I may have hit that point. It's only taken me 12 years. 

 Paul and I were up early this morning and yesterday, even earlier. (To be explained later on.)  And we realized that all this earliness is for the birds.  That's funny.  For the birds.  The early bird gets the worm?  Get it?  Yesterday we were out in the dark - 6:30.  All the people, up and about.  I can remember being "one of those," in years past.  Believe me, those times go by fast.  Today we were out at 7:45.  It's a different life for those working.  Like I didn't know that.  But you do forget.

So - why were we up so early.  Paul had a cataract removed yesterday.  His appointment was 6:45.  All went well.  No I patch  (gonna keep that mistake.  That's a beauty.)  NO EYE PATCH.   He came home and used his comfortable recliner for most of the day.   He couldn't read, watch tv, or use the computer.  It was a very boring day for him.  And me.  I felt very guilty using the computer, reading.  And I didn't until I couldn't stand it any more.  So after we were talked, napped, out,  we found a talk-radio program on iheart radio.  He needed two kinds of drops in his eye every two hours. 

Today we were back at the doctor's office for an 8:00 appointment, and back home by 8:30. All going as planned.  He now has the same drops four times a day.   Next week we are scheduled to do the same thing for his other eye.  He says he sees an improvement in his eyesight, which is great. 

Carol O.  should be on the auto train at this moment  (3:45).  It leaves at 4.  So exciting.  I can picture her there.  Her sister Patti didn't come with her this time, but her friend, Cindy, is.  They'll be here tomorrow.    Carol will be here for three months.  It'll be great to see Cindy and her.

 BTW - An interesting part of my past:

 After my mom passed away,in 1993, Marcia and Hal and I took the auto train for our Spring Break and came down here. The plan was to fill up the car with items I wanted, clean out my mom's clothing, get the place all set to rent.   So I can picture Carol's train trip very well.  I myself think it's a tiring venture.  I didn't sleep well, even tho I had a chamber all to myself.  It was fun, though, being with Marcia and Hal, eating and drinking. Meeting other people.   When we got off, we headed to the East coast so they could look at a boat that was for sale.  Then we headed to Venice.  So it was a long haul, that day.  Then on the trip back, we didn't have our own chambers, but slept in reclining seats.

Got a nice long e-mail from Marcia yesterday.  It's always nice to hear from Marcia. 

Speaking of responses.  Thanks to you who took the time to tell me you read my blog.  It means a lot to me.  I appreciated it. 

Bill is going out to dinner with us tonight.  We're headed for the Northport Moose Club.  We were there early in the Christmas season, so it's been several weeks ago, and we had a good meal.  The service was slow because they didn't have many servers.  They have a nice selection of good food.   We had prime rib which was delicious. 

I went to Curves on Monday for the first time in a long time.  The days have just been filled and I had no time to go.  I had hoped to get there again, but no.  Today I went to the Club House Exercise room and tried some of those machines.  Unfortunately, the only ones that I felt comfortable with were the treadmills, so I spent some time on them.  The others used knee-power, and the condition of my knees made them unsuitable.  (One of my knees has bone on bone.  I don't need any problems with those!)

Paul has been biking around the community and seems to be enjoying it.  One day he didn't come home for the longest time and I started to worry, but when he arrived, he said he'd stopped at the exercise room and used the treadmills, etc. That's when the thought came in my mind about using it.   Also my next door neighbor and her sister go there three times a week.  I think Paul prefers to putter around here, ride his bike.  He does NOT like to be unable to do things, so these past days have been hard.

Paul's granddaughter, Alaina, is in the Peace Corp in Uganda.  Her parents, and brother DJ are headed there for a visit.  They're leaving on Monday and will be there until the end of the month.  Alaina left a year ago October and is scheduled to be there two and a half years. Total.   She writes a blog  It is extremely interesting' They have a wonderful time planned with travel, a safari, and all sorts of interesting things.  We have their itinerary so we can follow along each day as it comes.  We're hoping that they put things up on Facebook!  I'll share if they do.

We got new computer chairs - a beautiful faux leather tan color.  So comfortable!  And the garbage men took our old crummy ones.  Paul tried to give them to the Salvation Army(?), but they refused them.   They were pretty awful.  I wasn't surprised.

My cousin Carol is going to begin her training for her dialysis that she can do at her home.  It will begin in about a week.  She had prepared for it, but complications (that could be fixed) came up, and the Christmas holiday and therefore, it was postponed until the present date.  Thoughts and prayers if you wish.    Since beginning dialysis, she looks and feels better - more perky. Lot more smiles.   It's one of those things that you don't realize how uncomfortable you were, until you realize how much better you feel.  God bless her.  She's got spunk!

We had a nice conversation with Bob up in Alpharetta, GA. last night.  Since it's very close to Atlanta, we knew it was very cold.  Bob wants to come down for a visit or two while we're still here.  He knows he's always welcome.  It's so nice to see how happy he is up there.  He sent me a Kindle recipe book - for Gluten Free.  Wasn't that nice? 

You should see our flowers.  (I always feel guilty when I write things like that.  I should take pictures and post them.  I'll try again!  Soon. . .) They are perfectly beautiful.  Most flowers down here are in containers, and ours are no exception.  Paul has done beautiful things with them.   Our "new" grapefruit tree is coming up from the old.  Paul's put a cement border around it to protect it from the mowers, etc. 

Well, guess that's all the news from this end of the world.  What's happenin' in your neck o' the woods?  That means let me know how your life is going.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Let's get the ball rolling .. . . . 2015

 Time to begin the New Year.  Happy New Year, one and all!

Paul and I were not interested in going out last night, but we did watch a good movie on Netflix, after a steak dinner, and watched the ball fall at Times Square.  We're always so glad NOT to be there.  I understand there were a million people.  So. . .   I've watched the Rose Bowl parade today.  Read the New Year's newspaper.  I'm expecting to undecorated the house some time today.  

I slept in this morning and awoke to the smell of cooked bacon and eggs.  Paul was making a delicious breakfast!  I am so lucky to have such a thoughtful husband.  It was so late that we skipped lunch.  I have a pork roast dinner for us marinating in the fridge. 

Paul just turned off the air-conditioning and we opened up the windows.  It is 70 degrees outside.  Time to let in the outside air.  We just began taking down the Christmas decorations and it seems warm now because we're moving around.  So, we'll close things up.  It was a warmer Christmas than usual for Florida.  Even Gainesville, which is usually a lot cooler than here, was not.


In my last post, as a Christmas gift to you all, I sent out my yearly quotes from my 2014 journal.  I had wished for some sort of response from some of you.  It didn't happen. I did hear from one person, but that was all.  Thank you Carolyn.  I appreciated it.  That plus a nice note from Barbara on her Christmas card saying she still reads my blog, made me feel good too.  It would be nice if I knew for sure others read it too.   I prefer to think you read it, and if you feel funny responding, that's okay.  I write because I like to write.  I don't write for a response.  (But it would be nice.)


That's enough grumpiness! 

We had a very nice first Christmas up in Gainesville with Greg and his family.  We arrived on Wednesday, Christmas Eve and left on Saturday. Brenda, Emma and Eric flew in from California.  The lighting outside their house looked perfectly beautiful and the inside was very tastefully decorated.  You could see they put a lot of effort into it.  Delicious dinners, (and thoughtfully, gluten free items for me.)  It was fun playing card games, scrabble, having coffee and conversation.  Also wine and conversation!

We stayed at a motel nearby so that Brenda and Eric could use their guest room.  And cousins, siblings could see the most of each other.  And Paul and I had some alone time.

  Gracie and Gus are getting along better.  They're growing up and are more tolerant of  each other. Gus is protective of his territory.  They got lots of toys.  BTW - I think we took some of Gus's toys home with us by mistake, but we'll put them aside for the next time we see him.  Thank you one and all for all our gifts. 

Bill came for dinner at our house on Sunday.  The roasted chicken was big enough that he had leftovers to take home, and we had another meal out of it also!  He didn't go with us to Gainesville, so we exchanged gifts with him then.

We had a chance to Skype with Nancy, Vincent (8) and Evie (4).  Walter was napping. It was nice that Bill had a chance to talk with them.  What a blessing that was!  Evie and Vincent are so good on Skype because they began doing it when they were toddlers with Scott and Jane, their other grandparents.  Thank you Scott and Jane!

They had a wonderful time in Cancun with Scott, Jane and Dan's siblings, spouses and significant others.  There was quite a crew!  The Facebook pictures turned out great.

When we were talking on Skype, we could see in the background a tent-castle that Evie's Uncle Robbie got her for Christmas.  All three children can fit inside it at once.  Evie was very proud of that tent and decorated the outside of it with some new books she'd gotten for Christmas.  When asked why she did that,  she said she was putting them in order.  She didn't elaborate.  

I heard from my good friend Marty (short for Martha) when we got back from Gainesville before New Years. Marty and I grew up together on Long Island, went to the same school, so she's like family.   We had a good long chat. She said in December, they sold their weekend  home in South Hampton,  on Long Island, for over a million dollars.  Marty said Kevin's parents bought it for 60K in the 60's.  That's quite a tidy profit, I'd say.  Don't you wish you had a crystal ball then.  Oh. my.

What a strange day it seems to be.  It seems like a Sunday, not Thursday.  We've had cloudy weather for the past couple of days.  Very unusual for the sunshine state.  Got a telephone call from Carol O.  She's looking forward to being down here again.  She can't wait!  We can't wait to see her too. 

Time for a cup of coffee and a kindle/time - reading one of the books I have downloaded using a gift certificate from my daughter.  I think the greatest gift someone can give me is an card.  I have already bought some things for myself and I have a booklist that I can now put a dent in!