The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I can hear things being slid across the floor, and sawing and hammering sounds upstairs above me, so I know my Dear One is happily at work. We planned (actually I wished for) a larger bathroom space. However, in order to do that, we needed to make one of the walls of the media room narrower, making it impossible to put a sofa and end tables in the spot planned for them. So - Paul is knocking down some of that section and redoing it. Of course there aren't any walls yet, just studs. Nevertheless, he has such patience. The first picture shows him working in that area. The second one is of the view from the attic over the garage down into the woods. The third is the part of the attic where the picture was taken.

I learned something about blogging. Once you write something and publish it, you can't take it back. Just like a word spoken cannot be taken back. Case in point: I made a typo, yes, Lue - it was a typo!!! that she was 88, not the 78 years young she is. Paul caught it when he read it and told me. I immediately went to Edit, changed it to 78. Well, I guess those who read my real blog can get that change. Those who get it via e-mail, cannot. At least that is my assumption. Anyway, sorry Lue - and I'm glad you've forgiven me...Also, we all enjoyed Lee's Grace prayer..."And we all hope Aunt Lue celebrates another birthday next year."

We all sure hope so, Lue!

Yesterday I went to Bath for a hairdresser appointment and started the day earlier than usual because I had some errands I needed to do beforehand. One involved getting a gift certificate from a store at the mall. However, the store didn't open til 10, and I needed to be in Bath at 10:30. I was amazed that I got to Bath on time without speeding...much. I brought a sticky-bun home for Paul from The Chat-A-Whyle Restaurant which I see he inhaled this morning for breakfast. Good for him. Not necessarily, but glad he enjoyed it.

As everyone who knows me, knows that I love to read a good book. So, I have taken to looking at's which has their own Bestseller list and The NY Time's Bestseller List. Each title is followed by up to five stars. The ones that have four or five stars and interesting title, will catch my eye. If it looks interesting, I'll read the reviews. The ones that are there for a long time can have as many as 500 reviews . No...I only read a couple. They give a synopsis of the plot and why they think it's good. Then I'll go to Sam's Club and see which ones are there. Sam's has a good supply at a good price. If not, I'll check on the price at Barnes & Nobles and Paul is reading The Help which I was sorry to finish, wishing it would go on forever.
Would anyone like to know which books I've read and recommend?
Guess that's all for now, folks! What's happenin' in your neck of the woods?

Monday, September 28, 2009

All is well with my children...

Yesterday, Sunday, was Jil and Epril's first wedding anniversary. They had a small party at the resort where they were married. Complete with pictures on his blog.;
There is exactly 12 hours between us, so I called them Saturday night, which was Sunday morning in the Philippines, and their anniversary. I didn't get an answer.. After an e-mail to him...I found out I had the wrong telephone I ended up calling the new number, and talking to them on Sunday evening, which is Monday morning there. Funny, I talked to Jil on his birthday, August 7th, so at that time, I had the correct number on a sheet of paper, but instead of writing it in my phone book, I must have thrown it away. C'est le vie. Tis what it is.

Talked with Nancy also. She has a bad case of laryngitis which everyone knows sounds awful to the listener, but usually doesn't hurt the person, and that was the case with her. She did sound awful. She mentioned that she was glad she doesn't have to teach this year, as she's working for the president instead. Laryngitis is the bane of all teachers. We teachers ex - and otherwise - all know that. Nancy was also involved with a birthday. My other blog will tell you more. - Jane and Scott, her mother-in-law and father-in-law, came to Chicago for the weekend, to celebrate Jane's birthday. All her sons are living in Chicago now.

Definitely a busy weekend

I like those times where nothing is planned/or written in stone...but things just happen.
Oh my gosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh! I wrote Lue's age as 88 - if you got that "edition" ohmygosh,ohmygosh, ohmygosh. Lue - it was A. TYPING. ERROR!!! Believe me!!!
It was Lue's 78th birthday Saturday, which is just so hard to believe. Friday evening, I called her and made plans for her to come for a birthday dinner on Saturday. Meanwhile, Sharon, Paul's daughter, called her to tell her she was making a birthday cake for her. So we combined forces and had a lovely, if I may say so myself, dinner for Lue on Saturday night: BBQ'd chicken breasts, hashbrown potato casserole, various vegetables, cole slaw, cake and ice cream. Paul's family, and in-laws (Lue, as an example) have so much energy and joi de vivre! (I don't speak french, or usually write it, but I do think that's correctly spelled). The kids were able to go in the hottub after supper, in the rain, that they found really neat. They liked the lights that flashed and changed colors. The cake was delicious - a boiled raisin sheet cake with lemon icing - It was Sharon's mom's family recipe which I don't believe Sharon ever made before. It was one of Lue's favorites, though. She took some home, left some for Paul.

Yesterday, we went to FUMC (First United Methodist Church of Horseheads) at their 10:30 service, after stopping for breakfast at a small luncheonette nearby. There was a coffee hour afterwards and several people came up and introduced themselves, which made me/us feel better. As Kermit says, It's not easy being green. Or different. Or unknown. Or strangers.

The choir sang a beautiful rendition of On Eagles Wings, which is the solo I played a couple of weeks ago. Neat.

Late yesterday afternoon Paul suggested we go to to an organ concert at Grace Episcopal Church in Elmira. I thought that was a very unique suggestion. So...we went. The place was packed! We had to park wa-a-a-y down the street. Good thing my legs are doing better! The concert was "to celebrate the completion of the Solo Division and rededication of the Grace Church organ." We sat pretty up close. The world-renowned organist, Thomas Murray, has been on the faculty of Yale University for 28 years, and is the University Organist. Wow.

I only wish I could have seen him play because other than his head bobbing up and down, the keyboard and foot pedals were not visible to the congregation. His feet must have had to fly during some of the foot pedal solos. I think it's possible that organists can burn a lot of calories. Perhaps that's my problem in life...I should have continued with those organ lessons. When there was an intermission, half way through the one and a half hour concert, Paul and I went o looked at the organ. Amazing such sounds came out of it. The Sanctuary was magnificent - Lots of old, polished carved dark wood, two story high ceilings with each "story" having a set of stained glass windows. The ones on the top were in greens and golds - in a kind of Monet style. Two-foot high candles on three-foot candleabras near the front. Marble statues. soft lighting. I'm sorry, my description just doesn't do it justice. The sound came from 4,397 pipes.

Paul is upstairs hammering. His project now is the upstairs areas. He's made plans, and we've studied them together. My amazing husband amazes me with his creativity and do-it stamina. He's put in a door to the "attic" which is over the garage. Note: We're now calling the upstairs, the upstairs, and the area over the garage, the attic. He's begun with the electric wiring of the upstairs and the attic. I'll get some pics, of all of that, soon, so you can watch the progress.
So - guess that's all for now, folks. What's happenin' in your neck of the woods?

Friday, September 25, 2009

I woke up this morning FREEZING. The window by my side of the bed was open, but the blinds were closed, so I didn't know. It definitely is NOT shorts weather. Heard from my friend, Rosemarie, that she's going to The City this weekend to visit with one of her children and family. Made me homesick (kinda) for that area. I would just like to be there for about 10 minutes - just to look around and see why I like it so much better up here.

No traffic tie-ups, no air pollution, much less people. But still, if I could just jump in down there and eliminate the travel time, traffic, it'd be fun to see the old haunts. Which reminds me - there's another ERHS Florida Class Reunion planned for the last weekend of January - a day's trip to a restaurant - approx. 2 hours from Venice. We did this last year and we all had such a good time, they've planned it again. Plus there is a mini-reunion planned on Long Island July 10th at a classmate's house in Huntington. Not sure we'll make that one, but we'll see...

In an earlier e-mail, Rosemarie said that she and Ron will be staying in Venice for two and a half months this year at the same place they rented last year! That was great news! So...We'll be able to see them, and enjoy their company, for a longer period of time. As with many people, they came down for a month, then more than a month, and now this time period! I am just so excited!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Elvis is Alive and Well

Yes. Here he is. I was re-introduced to Elvis when I played cards with the Card Club Women last night. He was so funny last year that I wanted to take his picture so you all could enjoy him too. Elvis is a cock-a-too who was gifted to Trudi and has lived with her for over five years. It is my understanding that these birds can live to a hundred or more. He was named Elvis because he likes to dance to music. He lives outside his cage, but he doesn't appear to leave this area. Trudi says that she has to tiptoe around in the morning because he's awake but very quiet until he sees her - then it's "Morning, Elvis! Morning, Elvis! Morning, Elvis!" at the top of his lungs. He really screeches when company arrives so she calls him her guard bird. Her dog doesn't feel the need to guard, she says. Hold your ears. After a little snack of peanut butter and crackers, he quieted down. And if you talk in a quiet voice, he also quiets down. He talks nonsense to himself and laughs and laughs. Trudi says he's quite a companion. I bet.
It's been a quiet few days.
We're watching the new grass grow over the septic tank. Reminds me of the old Erma Bomback book ' the "Grass is Always Greener over the Septic Tank." Remember that? Anyway, we can see green in that area. We had a gentle rain yesterday which was a mixed blessing. The pond we had had in that general area isn't there. Paul put rain guards up on the house to try to insure the leaves don't accumulate in the gutters. It worked with a gentle rain. Now we'll see if when we have a heavy one, those two items have been truly corrected. Paul seems to think it has.
That's all for now folks. What's happening in your neck of the woods?

Monday, September 21, 2009

Catching some Vitamin D after hottubbing - NOW wouldn't you know, due to the sun's changing rays our deck, patio and hottub are mostly in the shade. We went in after lunch - and it felt so good! My legs kinda ached, so that was my reason. Paul said he had leg cramps last night. (He forgot that he didn't have his bar of soap at the end of his side of the bed. Yes. This does reduce legs cramping. )

Saturday, we didn't get out of the house til late afternoon. I should say, off the property, cause Paul definitely was outside doing work. I - remained inside - doing things. We both needed a break and decided to go to some stores in the Horseheads area. We came back missing half of the items needed because some stores were closed. For example: Paul needed special grass seed for the areas under the back trees. That will be taken care of today.

Since the work completed last week on our back forest area, it seems more open than before. I like it. There's like a road back there - close to the front. Paul has been gathering sticks and branches that have fallen from trees and made a fire pit. Saturday night, we sat around much as two people can...and enjoyed staring into the flames. There's something about a fire that is mesmerizing. (NOT in California, mind you.) From there we went in to the hottub. That trip after going in and scrambling back into the house, is getting rather cold! Glad to have those warm robes. Now, we have to get something for our feet...because when the snow falls, bare feet won't swing it. It'll be kinda hard to enjoy running from the tub to the kitchen.

Heard some sad news yesterday, Edna, Paul's sister, fell and broke her hip. Or she seems to think she broke her hip first and fell. Plus she broke an arm. My goodness. We just saw her last weekend when we had such a nice family reunion. My understanding is that today she's getting a hip replacement. We've heard good reports about hip replacement surgery, and expect Edna to bounce back...perhaps that's not the correct terminology for such an injury, but you get the jist. We're thinking of her and wishing her well. She does read my blog, and sent me the recipe for snickerdoodles last week which we all love. I can remember her saying - you didn't lose that recipe before Neenee had some in Florida? She remembers that Neenee loves cinammon.

Sunday morning Paul wanted to go to the Moose Club for breakfast, and then we we thought we'd go on to the Presbyterian church in Watkins Glen. Both within very close mileage. However, the times didn't work out right. Breakfast at 9:00, church service at 11:00. We didn't want to eat breakfast much later. So we came home after breakfast, and and after a brief respite of reading the Sunday Papers, we went to FUMC (First United Methodist Church of Horseheads) at 10:30, got out at 11:30. Love those services that end within the time alloted!

It's a whole different story when you are new to a church, looking in, and not from the other end. To us, it's a unique situation. Paul's church was quite small and asked a lot of him in the way of construction problems, financial work, and other small or large concerns. After a long time of this, it was becaming old, tired news to him. He just wanted to worship in a church where he could sit back and let others do the things he felt he needed to do in the old one. I, being too far away from my old church, wanted one that was similar to the Bath church which had two services, a wonderful music department with a large choir, (I understand there's 30 now), bell choir, great organists (2), small choirs, youth choirs, and other musicians/soloists. I missed that. Plus you could even throw in several adult bible studies to the mix. I had been there more than thirty years. Paul had been in his church close to fifty!

That's all for now folks! What's happening in your neck of the woods?

Friday, September 18, 2009

Love these mornings

This is a disappointing picture of our new bedroom curtains, but it shows what a beautiful morning it is.

I do love these mornings. Yes. I do. BUT... even though I got up kinda late. Paul is out going to his most favorite of stores...Lowe's. Ella is looking for attention, walking back and forth in front of the monitor. Now she's settled in on a towel I put on the hard computer desk for her so she can be comfortable. I don't spoil her, do I. However, all 4.5 lbs. of her has now left and she is on the futon, on her regular space. She's back to being finicky. Back? She never left. We're feeding her cooked salmon again. Off the canned stuff. Whatever floats her boat.

Went out to lunch with the Curves Crew from Bath yesterday to Tanino's Italian Restaurante. At my age, I treasure my friends. As we all do. Some of them hadn't seen the house yet, so we came back and had a lo-cal dessert. It was a cloudy, cool day - not like today, but it did clear up just about when they were leaving for home. Tanino's is my favorite restaurant. The prices for lunch are very decent, the atmosphere is pleasant, and the food is delicious. Can't ask for more than that.

I was so intent to show the curtains that I didn't realize that the above picture shows the driveway and some straw on the grass area. We had the work done on the back of the property and also had some grass seed and mulch put down in areas that needed it...such as by the driveway.

Glad to hear from my adult children about their lives in their blogs. This is especially welcome from Jil in the Philippines, because of the distance involved. Nancy talks about V. (Vincent) and keeps us informed of their life in Chicago. Her brother-in-law, Robbie, is "expecting" a couple of beluga whale babies at the zoo he's working at in Chicago. He is living with Nancy and Dan, temporarily, while he's working there. It really sounds like an exciting job! And he's training their siberian husky, Ivan, and V. to be nice to Ivan (Not that he wasn't. Just being a young person.) Ivan is really a good dog.

That's all for now, folks.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Another Wednesday - another week flying by.

Got a phone call from Sharon last week asking if we'd go to Ida's Open House on Tuesday night. Her schedule is so busy. I don't know how she manages to do all she does, but she does. Dave was away so he couldn't help. Lee had an Open House Tuesday also. She needed to go to his to school see if there was any information she needed to know that she'd missed. There was, so that was good she went.

An aside: Charlie is learning responsibility big time and he has taken it very seriously. He's been responsible for Ida when there's no one else around. We had chili for supper last night with them. He served us, cleaned up and in all ways seemed to be very responsible. What a good thing to see - kids growing up and learning respect, responsibility. The Open House was fun. It brought back memories for me, of course. Ones when I was the parent. Ones when I was the teacher. Ida seems to have lots of friends, teachers who knew her name. The music teacher let her play the zylophone, while she accompanied her on the piano. Cute enuf for a picture!

Got a phone call from a friend asking me if our luncheon date, with a group of friends, is still on for tomorrow. Wow. It's Thursday tomorrow... that means I need to produce a low-cal, flavorful dessert for them. I know just what to do. I have all the ingredients. That'll be my project this afternoon.
Paul is busy starting work on the upstairs. He bought a door for the attic space over the garage, so we can move a lot of the "clutter" there. He's produced a floorplan which looks really good. He says he's taking it easy and not pushing himself. Good. He tends (I can see everyone nodding their heads in agreement) to work hard and overdo. Of course, before Christmas last year was a stressful time for him/us getting ready for guests. And having a hernia operation.
He's a dear. He was overdue (note the spelling. Ha.) for some downtime. He's enjoying the hottub every day. Another good.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Away for the Weekend.

Since we don't have a normal timeline when we're away, it almost always ends up seeming like a longer time. It's not negative, but the opposite. Also we're doing things we normally don't do.
The first picture is of a community garden. Lots of the plantings have died out, but you can see the beautiful color still in it.
We had a busy weekend in Clarion, PA. at the Boyers' Family Reunion. As you can see from the pictures, it was a good crew. Lots of people.
The weekend began with Paul's brother,Howard,and his wifeAlicia stayingwithus Friday night. They left around noontime and got to our house at 7:30. We had a potroast in the slow cooker so we could eat pretty much when they arrived.
Howard and Alicialeftthe next morning for Clarion. We followed later on in our van. Their trip was MUCH longer than ours because they started in Connecticut, near the town of Mystic.
*I am having trouble typing. If I correct or change a section of type, it erases the immediate letters that follow. I'm sure my son, Jil, can tell me what's wrong. It's very annoying. If you see words that run in together, that's why.
Paul's siblings are great .He's the youngest in his generation, and each one of them are energetic and capable of doing more than people much younger than they are. They range from almost 75 to 83. One takes care of his wife who suffers from alsheimers, one is a farmer, the two women are very active - great cooks, active in their churches and families. One of the younger generation said "80? That's not old. Not in this family." Something that kind of rings a bell and might be a way of comparison are some of these facts. Two were in W.W. II. One graduated from high school when I was 3. The other, when I was 5. How wonderful is that??? My hat is off to them. They all drive, and some...long distances, as mentioned above.
Good news about Lee. Paul talked to Sharon this morning and Lee played quarterback for half the game Friday night and she said he did a great job! The regular quarterback was side-lined due to an injury this week, the second string QB had problems so they put Lee in. Sharon said they started yelling Lee, Lee and the people near them asked if that was their son so they started yelling also. She said he had a good time at the dance Saturday night. It's hard to move to a new school, but he can be proud of himself for all he's doing. I know, we are.
Nancy has begun writing in her blog after an absence of three months. It's not easy starting a new full-time job, having a three year old around, and finding time to let us know what's happening in herworld I'm gladshe'sbackin form. Welcome, my dear, we've missed you.
Her conversations about Vincent are quite humorous.
It's always nice to hear that my blog is going to family members whom we don't see that often. I hope that they are enjoying reading it as much as I enjoy writing it. Edna,Iwill look forward to getting that recipe, again, for snickerdoodles which I misplaced...probably in Florida.
That's all for now, folks!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Now that Over the Hump Day has appeared, we can look forward to the weekend. This weekend will be a travel one for us - to DuBois, Pa, for the Boyer family reunion. Boyer is Paul's mother's maiden name. DuBois is in the western part of Pennsylvania from where we live here in New York, , and this is where Paul's family is from. It will take several hours' of driving time. We went to this reunion two years ago, and I had a chance to meet a LOT more of Paul's relatives. Some faces looked familiar to me, from other reunions - such as at Paul's house the year before, (about three years ago). Lots of people were there at that reunion, and there for our Wedding Open House two years ago.
Coming from a relatively small family, these are unique situations for me. Let's see...there's my brother, my two cousins (actually three - one, on Long Island, whom I don't have a chance to see often) and that's it...from our generation. Now, with Paul and Donna's families - they're coming out of the woodwork...and I don't mean that as uncomplimentary. How lucky they are.
Nice people. Welcoming me with open arms.
Paul and I will leave on Saturday morning and come back on Sunday evening, leaving the cat, Ella, by herself during that time. With enough food, water, a clean litter box, and the TV tuned to the Animal Planet, she should do okay. I do worry, however, with her age. Oh, well. I have to remind myself that she's only a cat.
Subject change: Today was a travel day...Sharon called last night and asked if we could pick up and return Lee to school mid-day. So I picked up Lee at Notre Dame at noontime, and Paul took him back at 3:00 for football practice. This is the second and last of two days that are half days for him. We suggested he bring his bathing suit for the hottub, but it slipped his mind, much to his chagrin.
Yesterday was my Teachers' Luncheon. What a wonderful time we all had. The restaurant arranged our tables in a square, so that everyone could talk with and see everyone else since there were about 16 of us. (I didn't actually count.) Lots of photos of grandchildren, etc.
I also went to Curves yesterday and today. Last night, my legs were very achy because I had sandles on instead of sneakers for most of the day. They feel pretty good now though, even going to Curves this morning. Weight Watchers tonight.
Paul is busy putting up particle board in the back of the garage near the area where his work shop is. I think on his way back from Lee's school, he'll be making one of his almost daily visits to Lowe's, because he mentioned running out of particle board, or was it insulation. Incidentally, Lee looked so nice in his uniform - khaki shorts and navy blue golf shirt. Of course, they have other clothes for colder weather. I was surprised that he didn't have a navy blazer included, but, no, they don't have them, he said. I should have taken his picture. I will, next time.
Okay. I gotta admit - I missed being at school yesterday. I realized that I kinda was more aware of the time of day than other days of the year. OK. 8:45 - helping kindergartners find their way, OK 9:00 morning announcements, (which I always did), and helping out in other ways. Being a reading teacher with other non-classroom teachers, we made it our job to help out with the little ones in the cafeteria at noontime, and earlier in the day, and at the end - finding buses. I guess it was nostalgic. It felt special... always...every time.
I wouldn't give up my life now, though! Plus, it was nice not to have to get up before dawn.
Subject Change: Readers from all over the world are sending Jil all sorts of compliments on his blog. There were seven comments on his last post, one being mine, where he described getting up before dawn in the jungle and starting work at his "command post..." on the top fourth floor of his house. He has an awesome writing style, and I am so happy that he enjoys writing. He has a way with descriptive language and quite a vocabulary.
Guess that's all folks.

Monday, September 7, 2009

When did we have a real summer this year?

That's the million dollar question. It's Labor Day, cloudy, and I'm sitting here with my jeans on, a sweater, and feeling like we've been gypped. Of course Labor Day is practically in the middle of September this year which puts a fake ending to summer since around September 1st the temperature seems to drop significantly.
Now, I have to report, to my knowledge, Long Island didn't have this weather phenomenon, as I can remember going to school in the heat, wearing my plaid short-sleeved dress (of the years' styles in the '40s), my saddle shoes with white socks. I can remember my mother telling me that she remembered seeing the orphan girls wearing plaid dresses, with long sleeves, walking to school in a group, so "I shouldn't ever expect to wear a plaid dress with long sleeves." And I never did. That was a definite no-no.
I have to also say - I miss Long Island weather. We had a much earlier spring and a much later Fall. Oh, well. What
Got a lovely note from Cousin Carol. You're welcome, Carol.
Looks like today will be a quiet day. Those days are nice, too.
The rest of the week will become busy. We're headed to western Pennsylvania next weekend to have a family reunion of Paul's siblings. Paul is the youngest of five. One of his brothers and his wife will be stopping here Friday and staying overnight on the way from Connecticut.
Retired teachers always (I'm not speaking for those of us who are not happy being retired) love the first day of school. The retired teachers from my school always have a luncheon then to celebrate. That is a great tradition,and tomorrow we'll be continuing it. It's always so good to see everyone and the group is growing by leaps and bounds. Hard to believe I've been retired 6 years.
That's all folks.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

bitter sweet times

I can remember my folks telling me, before their 40th wedding anniversary, that they were celebrating this happy event, because they were aware of the time left in most people's lives, and that the 50th wedding anniversary sometimes does not happen to many married couples. I remember thinking to myself, this cannot be true. My parents will live forever. It was a child's wish for his parents, and of course was not possible for them. Now, this is true for so many of my generation - friends and family who have this event coming up and remember it, unfortunately, as a single person.
May their memories continue to give them comfort and know others are aware.
Happy 50th Anniversary, September 5th,
Cousin Carol,
from your Loving Cousin.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Fridays, the special days

Here are the pictures I said I'd put in - note the railing and the skinny step at the top. Picture me going backwards one step at a time on this, and not having a railing. I would have ended up in the hottub again, but head first this time.

Fridays still seem special to me even though we're both retired. We try to go out to dinner - a fish fry, usually. Actually, it's a rare Friday when we don't go out. It makes it a really nice start to the weekend.
How different it was when we worked. (Now I'm contradicting myself) When I was single, I'd sometimes go out for a drink with my friends and then usually get a fish fry from Wegman's and bring it home to eat. They were delicious and made the most wonderful side dish of mac and cheese. Now, the idea of all those calories and fat content make me shudder. Now, I usually will order broiled fish with a wedge of lemon, or "take off" most of the breading of the fried fish, and eat 16 french fries, the amount of a weight watcher's portion. If I order a baked potato and eat it dry... yuck... and you can't find lite sour cream in restaurants. Thus the french fries are the best of both potato worlds, except for veggies...of course, which I order if I'm feeling terrifically angelic. That doesn't happen very often (on Friday nights).
I'm back at Curves - trying for three times a week! I've been coming home and feeling okay the next day - if I skip a day between going. When I think I used to go five times a week or more, it's still not as good. But what an improvement, since I got back from Florida when I couldn't walk to the mailbox and back without my knees/legs hurting. I even had to sit down at the weight watcher line when weighing in. I'm pleased to say that I lost weight this week...almost twice the .8 lb. I had been losing. I'm watching my salt intake too, and trying to drink water, especially in the morning. So - my weight loss has made me able to be more active. It is a very very slow process.
I can't believe that I've written so much about myself today.
Got a lovely long note from Cousin Carol. She seems well, and adjusted to the heat of Florida. She doesn't have a cardiologist appointment til next year, which is great news. She and Alice have been going to water aerobics which seem like a great way to exercise. I'm all for it, and perhaps when we arrive next year - I'll try it. Perhaps we'll try it together. I say perhaps because the weeks goes by so quickly, and I don't want to give up Curves. Add to it maybe. Right now, I'm leary of overextending myself because of the past couple of months.
As mentioned above, Paul has painted the steps to the hottub and I have added that picture to this entry. Plus a picture of the old steps. Can you see what was my problem? And, I added a pic of the lattice work Paul has begun to put around the bottom of our deck to keep the little critters out. He really is amazing... all he does. The other day, he told me there was a critter that has taken up residency near our house... a snake. I asked him to describe it... and he said it was little and liked to sun itself. So be it. At least it won't be under our deck. He talked about giving it a ghastly death by lawn mower, which I hope won't be. The snake's a little critter and doesn't deserve an ending like that. (You can tell I'm a city girl.) Although I wouldn't be upset if it died of natural causes.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Pictures of Dean's Greenhouse and Ice Creamery. The colors of the mums were really outstanding but don't show up as well in pictures. However, I thought Jil and Nancy would like to see them.

We're at over-the-hump day here at the Woodsedge. I was just commenting in my mind to myself that these weeks are starting to rush by. Starting? Remember how slowly the time went when you were a child? Summers were endless. Now, you blink and they're gone.
My brother Bob and I did connect via phone for his birthday Monday. Just to be ornery, he said he opened his card early - on the 30th. He knows how to get my goat! Just as he knows I dislike him (or any man) wearing a hat inside. He'll leave it on til I can't stand it, and ask him to please remove it. It happens almost every time.

I got him on his cell as he and Marian, his good companion, were in the process of buying a new truck for her. Good for her! Anyway - he couldn't talk, but said he'd call me later, and he did...much later, but it didn't matter. It was so good to hear from him and hear what's going on in his life. Paul and I miss him and everyone down there.

Yesterday I went to Bath to have my Bath fix. Sometimes I miss my friends there a lot, and it makes me feel good to get there. I think that's the reason I haven't gotten a new hairdresser nearby here. I had a hairdresser appointment and was able to have lunch with Carol O. and Ruth and her mom, Emily, who is still there visiting from the Buffalo area. We found out that on Tuesday they have real turkey, and so we ordered their most delicious sandwiches. What a treat. Speaking of treats...

Carol and I even stopped at Dean's for a baby cup (the smallest you can get) of their delicious ice cream. Kerry's son, Jeff, (he looked like a teenager so he probably was of that age group) was taking orders at the counter. Carol could remember when he was 5 and invited Carol and her friend to "come swim in our pool." So - she related that to Kerry and Jeff. Moms get a kick out of little stories like that. Of course, Carol didn't take him up on it.

Paul has made me some stairs to get in to the hottub. The two that came with it really don't "make it". With my short legs, I had to straddle the tub and balance on top as I tried to get in. Then getting out, I had to reverse the procedure. Not good, nor a pretty sight. Now, I even have a bar to hang on to for getting in or out! I used both stairs and bar last night, and it was wonderful! There's even a higher area in the tub, where he put it near, so that I didn't have to fish with my feet to find the sitting area. That's a rather awful thought, isn't it. There just aren't any critters in there. For sure. The water is very clear and I haven't seen any.

Note: I wanted to take pictures of the steps, bar, but Paul just said he has just painted the steps, in the garage - grey to match the hottub. So - I'll wait til they dry and are put back.
I made a luxury purchase yesterday at JC Penney at the mall.
I bought two heavy hotel-style bathrobes that were on sale for half price. Boy, did they feel good last night. Now, I have to think of a way to wear mine back inside the house without getting it wet. I think that's an impossibility tho. We do have to put up some more hooks around. This hottub venture is snowballing. Is there a pun there? steps, new bar, new hooks, new clock.