The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

We've had numerous sunny days lately

And  that made all those days extra specially nice.
This was mostly written on Tuesday.

  Italics are Wednesday.  Now  we're getting HOT weather and it's unpleasant to sit outside, so I guess I'll be  inside reading or typing. 

I was talking with Nancy while she walked Ivan.  It's HOT in Chicago this afternoon, and she said it's a vicious cycle with Ivan because. . . . 
 He drinks copious amounts of water, and then he has to go out.

 Ivan really suffers - he has a double coat in the winter, which he sheds in the summer.  He gets so hot and thirsty - and then he has to pee. He's old.  If he doesn't get outside, he'll pee on the floor.  Which he did last night, just outside the bathroom when Walter was having a bath.  Nancy cleaned up Ivan's puddle and Walter made one in his bedroom.  Guess toilet training is out for a while.  Nance -  I hope that was okay,  to put in this post.  It WAS funny. 

In the afternoon, Gracie and I will go out front and sit on the porch read and watch all the action .  Our front is deeply shaded.  They say it's not good for your eye muscles to be focused on reading all the time, so I lift my head up and look at the wind in the leaves, the birds, Gracie, cars going by.  We live on a dead end street.  So, I'm always surprised to see all that goes on. 

  We have, probably 10 houses on our street.  Four of which have kids.  Mostly across from us.  Which I like.   Yesterday afternoon, the new people across the street, one house down,  with the new  swimming pool  must have invited  the neighborhood children to come for a swim.  The kids range from age 2.5 to 10, I'd say.  One family I watched  come from two houses down. Ages 2.5 and almost 5, plus mom bringing up the rear carrying baby.   Stop and go.  Bringing beach balls, (dropping them) noodles, towels, themselves. It must have felt  like going a mile to that mom.

  I can see, behind the "pool" house,  about 1/3 of the pool . . . the deep end.  I can see from the bench when I'm sitting on the porch through their see-through metal fence .  Once in a while I'd see a kid on the diving board.  As noted, they're  on the younger side so that side is empty a lot.  Surprisingly there's not much noise.  There were the top of a noodle flipping here and there.  It was one of those perfect days. Sitting there reading.

Gracie very seldom travels beyond my eyesight. She watches but does not seek out adventure It's enough for her to just watch.  She'll sit and sniff the breeze.  She'll lie on the driveway (it's warm).  .  .  She'll lie by me on the bench. Except when she sees a chipmunk. These papillons are great breeds.  They don't run away, they don't bark much, except when  people come to the door.  (Gracie will also if she's startled.)  I guess it's  her size that worries her.

 She's worried about Chloey, the next door dog who's about twice the size of her and is the next smallest to Gracie in the neighborhood dog pecking order.   Chloey is rambunctious.  Or she was in her younger years.  She, like Gracie, is aging.  Gracie is 5 Chloey is older - 6?    If Chloey is outside, on her leash, Gracie will run up to her and give her muzzle a lick, but then run a safe distance away.  Bark bark bark. 

Bob is coming the second week in August for a visit so he can be here with Nancy, Dan and the kids.
He'll be here for a couple of weeks, which will be nice.  His grandkids and daughter-in-law start school the week he leaves Georgia.  Doesn't it seem awfully early to you?  It does to me, as mentioned  in my last post.  Carol O wrote me after she read my blog about her son's family who live in PA. and their schedule.  They get off early for summer vacation because they don't have all the holidays we do in NYS. 

 It's time for Nancy and Dan's summer trip to NYS.  It seems like ages since I've seen the grandkids.  And it is!  It'll be wonderful.  With all these neighborhood kids, they should have a ball.  Karen, the mom across the street says her kids speak a lot of Evie and Vincent.  Walter and their son, Graydon are about the same age.  Last year they were too young to play.   Should be cute. 

I've been getting messages from my cousin, Carol, signed "from my ipad " It's quite something.  Yea!  I called Carol and we had a long chat yesterday.  Maybe you don't know but she was having a difficult time with her iPad.  She got it when Paul and I were down there several months ago now.  After trying all sorts of ways, she found someone at Circlewoods who was very "iPad- knowledgeable" (my word)  and could transfer that knowledge . . . she spent two and a half hours with her and learned a lot.

 There's a lot of people out there with the knowledge, but (sorry Carol to put you in my category - but those of us who know so very little, it may be a word, or a phrase that knocks us out of  understanding )- To be able to get us there FROM here to there is quite satisfying and I know I'm grateful when someone can do that.  .

I will not get to Bible Study next week, which aggravates me, because I have Physical Therapy  scheduled.  And I couldn't reschedule.  I have a doctor's appointment.  This time for my knee of which I am so pleased..

 I must say  PT is doing marvelous things for me.  My left leg is now about as strong as my right leg.  The good leg.  I love my physical therapist.  It's a young gal, just graduated one year ago from school with her doctorate.  I asked her if I should call her Dr.  She said, for heaven's sake - no.  That's what her friends call her when they want to tease her.  So I call her Sarah.  She's been working both my legs. 

 My right leg is doing so well, I feel I don't need that one operated now.   I'm feeling better than I have for a long time.  So that's really good news.  I'm walking up and down both sets of stairs.  Alternating legs.


Several years ago, Paul took me on a trip out west to visit national parks:   Zion National Park, Bryce Canyon, Yosemite.  I just finished a book that included those places, and it was fun to be able to picture them in my mind.  I was so glad to have gone to see them.  And we always visit with Brenda, Eric and Emma when we're there. Usually Thanksgiving.  Good memories.  I'll always be thankful. 

Paul is still working downstairs.  It's amazing all he does.  I'm going to have to get some pictures up on Facebook, I know.  He's so happy doing all that.  He said he hates to stop because he wants to see what the next step looks like "next."  I've been able to go downstairs and see his progress.  Gracie always loves to find ping pong balls.  They're the only size that fits in her mouth.  She'll chase them all over - following their bounces, trying to catch them. 

All I hear is good news from Bill which pleases me no end.  I don't think I ever stop worrying about my children.  Do we ever?  It doesn't matter what age they are.  It's wonderful to hear that he's having such a happy, contented life in the Philippines with Flor and Samantha.   We Skype every Sunday night.  Sometimes we "take a walk" around the neighborhood.  Remember - it's 12 hours ahead there.  He has a whole day ahead of him. 

Friday, July 17, 2015

Summer is going by at a nice slow rate.

Wait until August - it will fly by, which I hate.

I had Bible Study this morning which means we meet for coffee and conversation and discuss bible verses that seem to be on whatever subject we may be talking about.  Ex.  One of the ladies said she knew an older person who thought he was too old to become a Christian.  She wanted to know what bible verse would be apropos.  Can any of you think of a verse?   Someone suggested 

It is a beautiful day today and was also yesterday.  I'd score it a 10.   As I pulled up to church there were a lot of children and young adults outside on the playground.  Vacation Bible School is this week.  There were quite a few children there. 

Leslie, whom I've mentioned several times, (but I will mention her again) is now 98 years old, a former minister's wife. She's a  Bible Study friend.   She had brought in a special book.  She's been a widow for 20 years.  Actually there were two books - one was titled "The Child".  There was a picture on each page, across from a couple of sentences that had been written.  Then under these words, in red ink, her husband, Earl, had written his own comments, in poetry form. 

SO - and this is where I have gotten confused - either Leslie or one of her children, had made up a new book using Earl's poems and family photographs of grandchildren. I think her children did it for her.   So each picture had a caption of its own, in her husband's handwriting in red ink.  She said she looks at it a lot.  I can imagine.

  Paul got a similar book from his children for his 80th birthday party.  The kids put out papers and pens for people to write out things they remembered about him.  Paul says he's looked at this at least 10 times and read it from cover to cover.  It sits by his recliner. 

My apologies to Michael, Lue's son.  Mike was here last week for a tractor pull.  He lives in Connecticut, not New Jersey.  I had been told that TWICE by my husband, but it went in one ear and out the other.  Some one of these days I'll get it right.   Paul is usually nearby so he can answer questions I have.  This time he was not.

Paul's been mowing a lot.  He was mowing the lawn today.  It  needs mowing every 5 days!

  I love July.  It means summer is still new.  When August appears, the summer flies by.  As I look out the window, the shadows from the trees, on the grass are absolutely beautiful.  I also like the July skies.

I can't get used to the school calendars of states other than NYS.  We follow the July-August summer months and throughout my teaching life, that was summer.  California goes from June-July.  Florida is similar, as is Georgia.  Those are the three states in which I have relatives.  I don't know why they do that.  Is it the heat?  Does someone know?  Pennsylvania has a longer vacation period because they don't have as many holidays during the school year.  Is that true? 

This afternoon, after we had our weekly Thursday lunch with Lue and  her sister, Sharon, we went to Corning to see something special:  Paul's grandson's handiwork.

 Each Thursday, there is a Farmers' Market  downtown Corning along a walkway in a beautiful park-like area.  He has a stall of his own showing his handmade wooden items.  We were very impressed by his obvious talent. We've always been.  (He takes after his father and his grandfather.)  Several customers came as we were there.  Some were there asking questions, seeing if he'd take orders.  He has business cards made up that he gave out.  He's quite the young business man and he has a wonderful work eth

When he's not outside mowing the lawn, Paul is downstairs in the cellar working on making that space all live-able.  He's working on the stairway right now, trying to decide what he wants to do, but he's very happy just even thinking about it and putting it in his mind and then doing something about it or not.  Does that make sense.  In other words - he's happy planning or doing it. 

I am getting such a kick out of pictures Nancy puts on Facebook of my grandchildren.  Especially Walter, the 2.5 year old.  When visiting their other grandparents in St. Louis, they went for ice cream, and took a family picture.  Nancy is sitting on the end by Walter and "quietly"  pointing at his outfit that is covered with ice cream.  It is adorable.  Can't wait to see him and the others in August.  We'll  make sure to go for ice cream when they come.

Now that Samantha is becoming more fluent in English and understands it better, she is more likely to stick around and talk, or listen, when we are skyping.  Bill said she was very interested in his father, when they skyped last Sunday because he and Bill look so much alike.  She must have been cute.  I got a birthday package out for her yesterday.  Her birthday is in August, as is Bill's, and her mother Flor's.  That makes it easy.   Samantha is the same age as Evie, within a month. Evie being older.

That's about all the news from here.  Paul is on another run to Lowe's.  He goes just about every other day for one thing or another.  One of the salespeople  knows Gracie by name.  She's there so often.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

What a perfectly gorgeous day it is today!

 And it's Sunday!

 Which means we went to church, early church, which is the only one for summer - 9:30, and then on to breakfast out. 

We went to Cracker Barrel.  I was interested in having some buckwheat pancakes.  I found out, not too long ago, that buckwheat doesn't have any gluten in it, even though the name would suggest it did.  Unfortunately, cracker barrel didn't have any on the menu.  So I had some freshly cooked oatmeal with all sorts of fruit and nuts with it.  It really tasted good.      Paul had a delicious concoction of French toast sandwich, with a fruit dip. This had two slices of French toast spread with cream cheese, cut in two pieces, and two eggs, crispy bacon. I feel like after describing these breakfasts, I should let you know -   These breakfasts were quite unusual for our Sunday breakfasts - we usually order eggs. 

After describing all that, I need to say that my appetite hasn't improved much.  I'm still leaving a lot on the plate.  I've lost another 6 pounds without really trying.  Good.  Let's see what the next couple of weeks do.  I suppose if I become skin and bones, I could become worried.  Laugh, laugh.

My physical therapy is going well.  I have it twice a week and then go home and practice what I've done.  I must admit, I didn't do it yesterday.  But I usually do it.  Really. 

I am now driving.  Watch out world.  And I am cooking again.  (I'm sharing the cooking with Paul.  He's such a great cook.  He loves to experiment.)

Edna - Paul forwarded your lovely e-mail to me.  I appreciate your thoughts.  Alicia I hope you are feeling better after your hospital stay for your foot that wouldn't heal. 

My brother Bob contacted me through my iPhone - similar to Skype.  It was fun to talk and see each other. He'll be here in August.   As will Nancy, Dan and the kids. 

 I do Skype with my son Bill and his family - Flor and Samantha - on Sunday nights.  It's Monday morning in the Philippines. I suppose I've written that a dozen times already.  Old people repeat themselves, don't they.

They all three have birthdays in August and I have ordered some books for Samantha.  They have yet to arrive here and then I will send them off via the USPS.  I had an awful experience with Fed Ex.  a couple of months ago.  It cost me quite a bit.  I won't go into it, but it upset me.  Won't use them again!

As you can imagine, there isn't much news here from me.  Now - I am NOT an invalid, but  I am learning how to walk up and down stairs, alternating steps like real people do.  I don't have much strength in my legs, but it is improving.  Paul has put a railing into the garage to help me use those two steps.  They're quite pretty, white wooden posts and hand rail.  I don't use a cane very much any more. 

Lue has had company overnight.  Her son, Mike, travels to places for tractor pulls at county fairgrounds.  Mike lives in New Jersey.    The truck and tractor pull was at the Tioga County NY fairground in Owego.  He, his wife, Barbara, and Sue G. from Middletown came yesterday and are staying with Lue for the weekend.  Owego is an hour away from us.  Not far.   Paul went to the tractor pull last night.  I stayed home. 

Gracie and I spent the evening watching the movie, "Neighbors" on HBO.  I had taped it and what a stupid, ignorant awful movie it ended up being.  I don't know why I watched it until the end.  But I did.  Gracie learned some new offensive words. 

Paul is mowing the lawn every five days now.  The grass is growing phenomenally. 

Brenda, Eric, Greg, NeeNee and Brenan are all back from their three and a half week trip to Europe.  They spent time in Germany and Northern Europe.  I think that's right.  I know they went t Germany and Amsterdam.   Beautiful pictures.  Brenda and Eric, living in California are nine time zones away!  Brenda called her dad last night, so since he was at the tractor pull, I had a chance to talk with her.  It was really hot some days (over 100)  which made some days disappointing.  But they found some beautiful places they'd like to come back to visit.

Our anniversary - thank you all for your cards and wishes.  It was our 8th.  Not our 10th like some of you thought.  We went to our favorite Italian restaurant.  And I had gluten free pasta.  It annoyed me that they charge $5 extra for GF.  I'm going to check around at comparable places and see if they do the same.  Not fair.  I didn't eat it all and took it home - had it the next night - sharing it with Paul. 

Our Florida relatives, Carol and Alice, seem to be doing well.  It's the quiet time down there, where you roast, but enjoy the empty parking lots, roads, restaurant, shops.  I miss them, but I'm glad I am able to keep in touch with them via this machine. 

I guess that's all the news for now.