The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Monday, August 31, 2009

Happy Birthdays - two today

Oops - I forgot to mention my brother Bob has a birthday today! We sent him a card, and I wrote on it - don't open til the 31st! I'm sure he didn't pay any attention. Any way - Happy Birthday Bob. I will try to remember to call you tonight.
Another birthday today is Lois, Nancy and Dan's grandmother and Vincent's great grandmother. This is her 96th birthday. Wow. I sent her a card last year for her 95th and recorded it in my journal. This year it slipped by. I'll have to send her one for this year. She is as spry as a tack, living in an assisted living facility near her daughter Jane.
Bob's nowhere near that age. I would hopenot, that would put me three and a half years younger. But, I guess if we were as spry as she, it would be fine!

Paul and Dave in the top pic. Bottom one - Charles, Lee and Ida.
Monday morning - The sun is out! Actually, we've been having Florida-summer weather. NO, it is not hot, but for the past couple of days the sun shines in the morning, the skies are cloudless and as the day progresses, the clouds appear and by mid to late afternoon we have a shower.
I would consider labeling this to be The Year Without a Summer. An excellent choice this year was to buy a hottub. I guess that's an exaggeration about the weather because yesterday it was mentioned that there was a year when it snowed at least once every month...including June, July, August and September.
It hasn't been that bad.
Yesterday I helped out at FUMC (which people pronounce FUM -C) Stands for First United Methodist Church. The teenage musician who was supposed to play, couldn't, and Thursday I got a call from the music director. Would I be available to play on Sunday? I have several musical pieces I can pull from, so I agreed. It went fine. Its nice to be able to choose from several beautiful arrangements.
We need some outside work done:
We're having some work done outside to an area that floods after rains. It seems that our clay soil is doing its job of not letting the water subside. I suggested making a reflecting pond with waterlilies, etc. However, its location near the septic system vetoed that idea. Yuck. It's going to be more expensive than we planned, but it needs to be done.
We invited Sharon and her family and Lue to a barbque yesterday. Of course, as I mentioned, after they got here it started to rain a bit, but the kids managed to get in the hottub and ride on bicycles. Ida came in with an extremely worried look on her face and a wheel from her tricycle in her hand. Not just the wheel, but the whole section. That's life, I told her. Not to worry. We'll just have to look at garage sales for another one. She, of course, was too big to be on it in the first place. We had a very low key dinner - hamburgers, hot dogs, french fries. I don't think I've cooked french fries more than two times in many years. Once,being a couple of months ago when Sharon's kids were staying with us while their parents were at a convention. Needless to say, they weren't the best. Lue had
her Bernaise Mountain Dog, Maggie, with her because it looked like it was going to thunder. If you know BernaiseMountain dogs are very big, and always have a smile on their faces, which is beside the point. Maggie needs comforting if it thunders, as most dogs do. She's getting old, however, and Lue felt she'd be more comfortable with her than without. Lue has a very comfortable spot for Maggie in her van and that's where she spent her visit with us. Lue feels Maggie prefers being there rather than in new surroundings (our house). Maggie knows Ella, as she's visited with her when Lue has kindly catsat her for us.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Cards...two meanings

Card Games and Birthday Cards
One of the many advantages I had when I met Paul, was his great family and all his wonderful friends.
The first time I met his long-time friends was Labor Day weekend a couple of years ago. He had a picnic at his house. They're affectionately called The Card Club for the obvious reason. I, who had rarely played cards, was introduced to Double Hearts. I was very nervous since I was out of my comfort zone, but they couldn't have been more gracious. They ignored my silly nervous mistakes and quietly cheered me on when I made the right moves. You couldn't find nicer people.
So...Paul and I became a regular Card Club Couple. I even learned the rudimentary rules of playing 500, which is their most popular game and is similar to Bridge (which I played in college, kind the student union at lunchtime, and at lunch when I taught on Long Island). You have to have 12 people usually, because there are three tables from which you move around. Anyway, as hard as I try, I cannot, for the life of me, remember cards played. I've even practiced Hearts on the internet to try to remember cards, to stimulate my brain, to no avail. My brain must just not be wired that way. As they say, it goes in one ear and out the other.
This is all leading up to Thursday night when I had Women's Card Club for the first time. Yes.
Everyone enjoys each other's company so when Card Club meets, the women get together for an evening of cards before or after the Couples Card Club usually at the same house. We had Card Club earlier this month, but the only time I could get people together was this past Thursday night. Several weeks after Card Club met. I got a kick out of one of them saying - We usually have women's card club as close as possible to the night we have regular card club so we only have to clean our house once. Neat. (good pun!)
Since we only had 6 women, we had a great time playing Mexican Train, which I learned in Florida, and know the ladies enjoy. Being the summer, we couldn't get enough women to play 500 because everyone was either away, or committed to something else. We had 6, including me.
It was fun. I like these ladies very much. We started with a low-cal weight watchers' dessert and some decaf coffee. Then the card playing began. More fun. Since I'm retired, I didn't think anything of the fact that it was Thursday night, but several had to work the next day. So we ended around 10. Paul said that when their kids were young, and they themselves were, the ladies would play until 1 or 2:00 in the morning. Not now. None of us would be able to move the next day, including we retirees. I had two so-so gifts, in beautiful decorator gift bags, for the ones with the highest and lowest scores. ( Actually, the bags were worth more than the gifts! And re-usable to boot.)
Last night we went to Sharon's house to celebrate her 41st birthday. Sharon is Paul's youngest child. My oldest "child" just turned 40. I don't know why I mentioned that...perhaps for comparison's sake.
Tonight we're headed out at 6:00, weather permitting, to see Lee, Sharon's son, in a scrimmage for Notre Dame at Odessa, the school he would have originally gone to. I'm sure they'll be a lot of kids he knows on the other team. We possibly will not go...if the weather is rainy, and it looks like a good chance it will be raining. I guess I'm just a fair-weather step-grandma.
The above paragraph was somehow put in the middle of Sharon's birthday party story, and I don't know how to move it, so I'm sorry for the subject change.
To continue on with Sharon's story:
Paul's sister in law, Lue, was there and Sharon's in-laws, Sandy and Dave. Sharon's husband, Dave, baked her a cake, the kids decorated the house with crepepaper and balloons with 41 written all over one, and sayings on the others. (with dad's help, I assume). Paul got her 8 chrysanthemum plants - four yellow and four burgundy. Sharon's birthday falls at a great time of the year for mums...they're at all the gardening centers- colors bunched together. Red, burgundy, yellow, white, orange, daisy-like flowers. She loves planting things and has a marvelous HUGE garden that I've written about earlier.

Friday, August 28, 2009

The Way it Goes

My usual morning schedule usually includes getting out of bed later than my dear husband, who makes the coffee, collects the newspaper and feeds the cat. I am so very very fortunate and keep reminding myself several times a day of that fact. Anyway, I digress. What I have found is our newspaper, The Star Gazette, has literally shrunk in size. It's an inch or two smaller all around. Plus, it used to be three sections, now it's two. Several columnists, that I enjoyed reading, aren't there anymore.
When I lived alone, I always purchased two newspapers, The Leader and The Star Gazette, from the local gas station on the way to work. Then I'd read them in the evening. (I was watching my pennies - I didn't want to have to pay monthly for the subscriptions, even though I was aware, yes, that the cost would be less. To put out $1.00 a day didn't seem as hard to do as producing the lump sum every month.) Again, I digress.
When we moved to our new home, there was a Star Gazette route. Much easier than the gas station trip which is now several miles away. The Leader, didn't have a route up here, so we began a new foray into newspaper reading. We subscribed on-line to The Leader. I take that back, we began reading it on-line down in Florida at the snowbird rate which was ridiculously low, and continued on with it up here - at a price not very different from the Florida rate. Anyway, we now find that the Leader has a much more complete paper, and we enjoy it. Although I still prefer to do my reading at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee. Paul agrees. We're both old-fashioned and prefer the newspaper in-hand to the one on the screen. But the Leader keeps us informed of what's happening in my old neck-of-the-woods. (And by comparison, now there's more info.)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Last night we visited with Ruth and Wes and Ruth's mom Emily who is visiting from the Buffalo area. She is 93 and such a joy. The only particular health problem she has is macular degeneration. She lives alone, cooks, cleans. I'll take that back, she lives with her youngest daughter, Mindy. Or I should say Mindy lives with her, as Emily's in the same house she's lived in since she was married umpty-ump years ago. Wes and Ruth invited us for dinner and Wes cooked steak on the grill. Ruth was hoping that we could go in their pool, but the water was too cold! It hasn't been a good summer for pools up here. They have a solar cover, but the water just hasn't warmed up enough most of the time. The nights have been cool and any warmth from the day is depleted then. Paul and I have become rather spoiled with the hottub, (which is beside the point). We would have gone in, but the consensus was "no."
It was a nice visit, and I know a lot of you know Ruth and Wes and would enjoy seeing their picture with Emily. My cousins, Carol and Alice, stayed with them, for the weekend Paul and I were married. Ruth and Wes are very good people. Their family, I consider my second family. I've spent many holidays with them and watched their children and grandchildren grow.

I see that I have 49 posts so far, so doing the math, it looks like this will be the 50th! That doesn't seem possible. Especially since I write about the most mundane things. Of course we've had wonderful experiences, like watching the grass and flowers grow, the driveway become blacktopped, a new hottub in our lives.
Speaking of hottubs, Carol O. came today for lunch and a dip in the "tub". She was on her way to an appointment in Elmira and suggested we meet at the Olive Garden for lunch. I extended the invitation to her to come here. Paul, she and I had a good time just sitting around, eating, talking, and then tubbing before she continued on to Elmira.
Carol has visited us in Florida for numerous years and has wanted to rent in Venice for a couple of months. She's so very excited because she will be able to! It seems my cleaning lady, Debby's grandmother, is renting out her house this year for the first time. Carol has been on the phone with Debby's mom, who is taking care of all the particulars, and she and Carol are on first-name basis. Carol will be renting February and March. How wonderful that will be! I am so excited for her.
Bill, who prefers to be called Jil (a masculine nordic name) and his wife, Epril had a really great picture of themselves in his blog- junglejil, at a formal dinner for expatriots living in Cagayan De Oro, a couple of days ago. I requested and Epril sent me a copy of it through e-mail. Paul made me a copy and I am going to frame it. I can't get over the fact that they're in the Philippines, went to this dinner, and I have a frameable picture of them the next time I looked at my e-mail.

Monday, August 24, 2009


I know it's a good day when I make up a list of things to do, keep adding to it, and crossing off the things done. That's how my day began today. However, I had planned to go to Curves this morning. It seems like it was just 9:30, but it's now noon. Guess that won't happen today.
My list includes big stuff (health folder for Fla) and little stuff (find key lime pie recipe). Some gets done, some doesn't. But, I find, if I don't write it down, it surely won't happen. Such as send pictures to a friend. I have forgotten to hold that thought almost constantly. Now, if its written down, perhaps it will/should get done and not vanish into thin air.
I'm finding that now that I am writing this blog, mostly family enjoy reading it. I've heard from Greg, Carol P., Carol O., Alice, Bob, my children, and my daughter in law, Epril. Since the only way I have of knowing you've read it, is the response I get, I'm glad you people have responded. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Had a great day yesterday (Sunday). Paul and I went to church at the usual 9:30 AM summer service at the Methodist church in Horseheads. Unfortunately, the service lasted from 9:30 til almost 11. They had their woman assistant pastor in charge of the service. We decided we didn't care for her. I, myself, dislike a service that lasts longer than an hour. I also find myself glancing at my watch, getting fidgity. And she was particularly brash and made me uncomfortable. She's in charge of most of what I call after school activities for adults or bible study/spiritual study. I had been interested in some of them. I'm not now. C'est la vie. Something else will come up.
But - we had a great afternoon - Paul asked me what I had planned for this afternoon. (like I had something planned?)
We went to the Tioga Downs Race Track and Gaming Tables in the late afternoon. It is situated about 35 miles from us on Route 17 and we had a ball. When we go gaming, we always spend a certain amount of (small) money, and when that's gone, we're gone. This time we broke even, looked at each other and decided it was time to go. We'd been playing the slots for about 2 hours, had a great buffet dinner. We started for home.
There was a huge downpour, but as we got closer to Elmira, we saw the most beautiful sunset. Made our day. Even got in the hottub later on and all the stars were out in full force.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Sat. - Part 2 - Wonderful (?) pictures.

You will notice that the top picture is very dark. That's on purpose. You can see the lights and not me.

Saturdays don't mean much...

But here it is. When you're retired, they say every day is Saturday. True. But it does feel different than weekdays. I guess because there's a lot more people around in the stores during the daytime.
In the beginning, after I retired, I started to resent the summer because all the teachers were off then and the days didn't seem special any more. I got over that. Good riddance to that idea. It's a rather selfish one.
Darn - I tried to get pics on this post, but they don't seem to be cooperating. But...
I have pics of our pool baptism which I shall add to this blog after I finish writing. No I won't. I'll begin a new posting with just the pics in it. It's always interesting to see where the pictures turn up. It's obvious I'm still not completely aware of how this blog really works and I tend to stay with one way of doing things and not really enlarging my comfort level. That's something I need to work on. Does that make sense? No need to answer that.

I had the most wonderful day yesterday. One of my Card Club friends asked if I would like to go to see Chorus Line at the Auburn Merry Go Round Theatre. There were two extra tickets. She had one, and wanted someone to go with her. It was a bus trip. Auburn is 1 1/2 hours from us (I found out) What a delightful time! The show was marvelous - professional broadway dancer/actors and actresses. The seats were on a slant so everyone could see extremely well. The only scenery was a huge huge mirror covering the whole back wall. It was supposed to be a room for chorus tryouts. It was neat, because the theatre was small enough so that the whole audience was reflected in the mirror. (Perhaps several hundred people. If you waved, you could locate yourself.) There were 20 people in the chorus and when the show started, the reflection made it look like 40.
Before this we had lunch at the Springside Inn c.1851. What a beautiful place. We had, what someone described as, Sunday dinner. (on a Friday afternoon)
So - we left at 10 AM and got home at 7 PM. A full day and full tummy.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I had to laugh...

Well, it took Paul about an hour or so, while I was watching tv last night, to slip quietly into the hottub. When I discovered him, he said it was great. But he said it was cold. (76 degrees) What did he expect? I had told him to wait till morning. I'm very glad he enjoyed it...even if it was cold.
Tried to buy some beach towels at Walmart yesterday, but they're getting ready for Fall shoppers and they didn't have any left. ... so I got some bath sheets instead. They're larger than the bath towels, but of the same material. We will need a new bathrobes eventually. Those big fluffy wrap kinds that make you look like you're two tons wide. Oh, well, as they (I) say - if it fits, wear it. It's like a domino effect...
We also have to get some hooks to put in the laundry room for these wet things that will be appearing.
To change the subject:
Sharon's oldest boy, Lee, is going to Notre Dame in Elmira this year instead of his hometown high school. This is more than a half hour from their home, and there isn't any school bus service, so Sharon will be driving him in the morning and picking him up at night. God bless her. Especially now since he's on the football team and is having two practices a day till school starts. One in the morning and one in the afternoon. That means back and forth and back and forth. Today Sharon will drop him at 11:30 at our house. She and Dave have some business they have to attend to this afternoon. The afternoon practice schedule time was changed from 2:00 to 1:00, so we'll take him and pick him up from there.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Our hottub arrived ... on a very hot day!

Well - our hot tub arrived late yesterday afternoon in 90 degree weather and it was the hottest day of the year. The installers, who were the owners made it look easy as they slid it off the truck and put it in place. It weighed 300 pounds empty, but several thousand when its filled, so it was important that it be placed exactly where we wanted it. They were very very nice about making sure we understood what to do as far as the chemicals are concerned. And please call them if we had any problem. However, they didn't bring the starter kit with them because we hadn't made up our mind which company to go with. They were to bring them at another time...which ended up being sooner than we all planned. Which I'll explain later.
I see it looks kinda small from the pictures I took, but it is round, and seats four which means if we have (a lot of) company, they'll have to take turns. There's even a higher seat for small people like Vincent. Paul and I will fit just fine, thank you. And I can't wait for Paul to get in and sooth his aching shoulders. But I am pleased to announce that the cortisone shot he had last week really worked well! His pain is pretty much all gone on that shoulder. It was a long time coming...or going...depending on how you look at it.
I went to Curves this morning for the second time and I feel fine. I didn't overdo, but I didn't underextend myself.
Paul completed all the electrical work today, filled the hot tub this afternoon, flipped on the switch and it worked fine, except we didn't have any bubbles. He called the store, after they tried to troubleshoot over the phone, they planned on coming tomorrow to check it out. However, instead, they came down late this afternoon. The problem was there was an air lock that needed to be opened. We got a quick session on the chemicals before it started pouring really hard. The heavens just opened up. Luckily they got all the information we needed. Even put in the beginning chemicals to get us started. Now we have to wait till the temp. goes up, as it's doing gradually. Tomorrow will be the day. Paul wanted to use it tonight, but he'll just have to's only 72 degrees.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

I didn't know and don't remember being told that summer begins on August 15th. Yes. This is the day that our temperature will be reaching 90. I can see my son just shaking his head in amusement at that statement, since the Philippines have summer all the time. I agree with his observation, however, that Thailand is hotter. I cannot remember ever being as hot as I was there!
Jil and Epril's Philippine wedding was hot, but stress made me all aglow. Not the temperature. Epril's dear auntie kept fanning me and patting my face with kleenex. What a great remembrance.
And I don't mean that sarcastically. She was very kind and concerned.
Certainly you've heard the saying Horses perspire. Men sweat. And women are all aglow.
So anyway - I took a bottle of cold water out to Paul who was working.
News. News. News....
Paul is in the middle of wiring for a hot tub. Yes. We've ordered one and it will be delivered on Monday afternoon. Reason? Paul always felt so good when he was in Florida where he could soak in the bubbling water of the hot tub. I'm hoping (we're hoping) that this will make his shoulders feel better. So - we've been studying, planning, discussing, making charts, lists, deciding for quite some time that this is the way to go. I'm not particularly fond of hot tubs because I only feel comfortable in them for a short amount of time. But that's okay though. This is for him. We thought we could just order one, plug it in, and fill it with water. Nope. You need a permit. You need 50 amp service for it. You need level ground. Well...we have the level ground on our patio. The rest required more time and effort. We have the permit now. We almost have the 50 amp service completed.
It's great having a husband who is an electrical engineer.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Gorgeous day today! The cleaning lady is here! She's running the vacuum cleaner as I write. Ella has disappeared during this noisy session. Paul said she wanted to go out to the garage, but no deal. That leads to the outside and that's a no-no.

Tuesday after my session with the orthopedist, Paul and I joined our Couples Card Group for a journey to lunch at the Belhurst Castle at the other end of Seneca Lake from Watkins Glen, a lovely huge mansion with two dining rooms serving lunch that overlook the lake. For several years, we've gone once a year to their summer luncheon buffet and were looking forward to a nice time together with great food. We had a nice time together, but the food wasn't outstanding - just fair. It's such a shame some things change for the worse. We had a beautiful place, and good company so we did have a good time. The food was plentiful, so Paul and I didn't have dinner that night...Just some leftover chicken satays and some cantaloupe while watching TV. It was kinda nice.

Went to Curves yesterday for the first time since June. I did okay. I'm hoping that with rest between days, I can rebuild my stamina and go more regularly. I do have a busy couple of days here.

Last night after Weight Watchers (I lost my usual .8 lb.) we went to Watkins Glen State Park where the Sidles are camping for the week. Dave's insurance business is in Watkins Glen so he was going in to work in the morning and coming back in the afternoon to be with the family. We joined them last night for time around the campfire. Sharon popped popcorn. Boy, was that good! What a difference from the microwave kind that we've kind of gotten used to. The boys, Lee and Charlie, started telling silly jokes and riddles. I don't know how they remember them - as I can't seem to remember any. Except this one: If you dig a hole that's 7' X 3' and then fill it, how big is the hole? I'm not giving the answer, as I'm sure you know it.
Poor Ida is sick. She wasn't feeling at all well, to put it mildly, so Sharon and she went home last night after we left and she took her to the doctor's this morning. Ida ended up with pneumonia. She's back home taking medicine and resting, their camping trip cut short. And rightly so. The rest of the family are home now also.
Paul had a cortisone shot this morning in his right shoulder. That should eleviate the pain he's been having. Seems he has had almost the same diagnosis as I had for my knee - great bodies think/act alike. Luckily for me, mine isn't as far gone as his. He'd been having P/T also - as a first resort and after six weeks or more, he felt it wasn't working.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tuesday comes...with news.

Paul and I went to our friendly orthopedic doctor this morning to get the results of the MRI on my left knee and X Rays of both of my knees. His office requested that I have the MRI and X Rays and bring the films to the office.
Since the symptoms mimicked a torn miniscus that I had in my right knee in 2001, and I had saved the films from that, plus my current ones, I brought both with me, thinking he'd like to see both.
He didn't look at any of the films.
He put the X Rays up and said, I don't need to look at your MRI's to tell you what you have - you have chronic pseudogout, or CPPD, and arthritis in both knees. There is no cure, but there is treatment. He said my primary care doctor was doing the right thing by having me take a twice-daily NSAID pill. I could have cortisone shots if I wanted. I said that I didn't need them, that I was feeling much better with the rest and medication. He said I could go back to Curves as long as I didn't use any of the high impact machines. Fine with me.

I googled pseudogout and this is the definition:
Pseudogout is a type of inflammation of joints (arthritis) that is caused by deposits of crystals called calcium pyrosphosphate in and around the joints. It is a myth that eating a lot of calcium provoke development of pseudogout. Its cause is unknown but it can be inherited. (I think Aunt Ella had it.) It self-resolves in time with rest and medication.
That's all folks... for now.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Part 2 - of the weekend

Sunday morning - it rained. Surprise. Surprise.
We had to get up early to go to Summer church, which is at 9:30, at the Methodist church in Horseheads, where we've been attending. I volunteered to play the special music section this morning, and I wanted to get there earlier to practice on the piano. (What a beautiful Baldwin baby grand.) I had talked with the music director earlier in the summer to set the date up. I had called the church Monday to tell the program director what music I was playing, and how to spell my name correctly. Sorry, folks. It annoys me to see Jean instead of Jeanne. So I was all set.
I played God So Loved the World - a really beautiful piece arranged by Fred Bock, my favorite arranger. It doesn't bother me to play in church now. I've done it so many times. My philosophy has become: This is beautiful music and I want to share it with you, so you can enjoy it too, as I do.
However, I do feel a heightened awareness, which perhaps could be construed as nerves, but I don't think so. I was very aware of a mistake in the middle of the music that was a surprise because I'd never done that mistake before. Where did that come from??? I had played it perfectly when I practiced, before the service. There were other mistakes over the weeks that I had worked on, and worked them all out.
There is a phrase at the Corning Little League games... that the coaches used for their young players... that I find apropos: Shake it off. So now I have.

Let's See - Where was I....

Sunday afternoon - and it is dark, gloomy and rumbling, and we're due for a thunder storm. Here comes the rain! We were looking at Nascar at Watkins Glen Raceway on ESPN. This is the BIG weekend. Lots of traffic, lots of people, lots of campers, all the hotel rooms full, lots of airplanes (even little old Elmira-Corning Airport feels the rush of everyone coming to the annual event. They were about to begin, when this Front came in and they put the race on hold...due to the weather. Yesterday, Paul and I were down at the mall area. The airport is just "across the street" and just guessing, there were over a hundred little planes parked. This is their biggest weekend of the year. Good for them! They get landing fees, parking fees, fuel fees. All greatly needed in this economy of this little airport.
We've really had an awful summer here in the Northeast. Too much rain, too much flooding. We've been inundated.
The last time I wrote, other than Jil's birthday, we had a dinner party for my Corning friends.
Friday night, we had another dinner party for our Card Club friends of Montour Falls. So - we extended the table - 6 leaves total. Found a tablecloth to fit (!) in the linen closet with enough room for 10.
Our plan was to cook pork tenderloins on the grill, make peanut sauce, and everyone else brought something: salad, veggie, potato, dessert. We enjoyed drinks in the kitchen at the bar and outside on the deck. Now that the sun rays have changed, the deck is in shade from about 5:30 till sundown at 8:00.
All went well... till the grill quit. Yes.
The tank was empty. Paul put the spare tank in its place, and that was broken. Didn't work at all. We had partially cooked four pork loins. Everyone was sitting around. Luckily, having a good time, just talking and gabbing. We grabbed the loins, put them in the oven, turned on the broiler, which I'd never used before, and watched it cook. (Like a pot boils, seemed like forever! But it was only 15 minutes till the thermometer in it came out at the right temp.) Yesterday, we took the tank down, refilled it. Paul repaired the spare one on the grill, and we may have a trial run of it later if we make chicken satays.
After dinner, we took off the tablecloth and played cards (double hearts). Since we were all so far apart, we had to say what cards we were playing because it was hard to see the cards at the other end of the table. They did like the table top - since the cards really slid well from one side to the other...almost like a coney island game table. If you get my drift. teehee. Paul and I purchased two red and yellow mum plants in straw baskets from Lowe's. We put them on the deck where they had been admired outside during the cocktail time, but no one knew they were the prizes. So that was a surprise at the end of the evening.
That's all for now folks.

Friday, August 7, 2009

My Son's 40???

Hi everyone - hard to believe that I'm the mother of a forty-year old today. It seems like just yesterday that I looked at a mini-Neal in the hospital. Jil couldn't have looked more like his dad. He even had the bald head, and the fringe of blond hair around the back. Sometimes life goes full circle. Today (meaning not just today, but in current years) he looks so much like his father that there is no mistaking that they're related.

I called Jil for his birthday at 10 this morning (10 this evening in the Philippines) and talked with Epril and him. I'm so glad he has such a nice life there in the Philippines and that he has so many friends and family. I could even hear Tyson barking in the background. When our children are born, we wish for them all the happiness in the world. Sometimes it doesn't happen. But we still wish for it to be. I feel blessed that it's happened there. May it always be. has been up and running for several years now. I find it has been a good way to keep in touch. Jil seems to be enjoying my blog too. I'm glad.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Company, Tablecloths and Old Tables

Here it is August 6th, and the temperature this morning was 56 degrees. I'm cold. It shouldn't be that cold in early August, should it? I have a sweater and jeans on.

It's been busy in these here parts. We're trying to have dinner parties, planning gatherings for all the folks who haven't seen our house yet. Yesterday we had two couples from Corning come for dinner. The wives, of whom, I've taught with. Rosemarie and Billie. I stayed a week with Rosemarie and Ron in Shanghai when I went to China and Thailand a couple of years ago. Their husbands worked at Corning glass together in different departments. That last sentence does not make sense, and yet it does. Billie is a wine connesieur, so she and her husband brought 3 bottles wine. Red, white and rose. Billie is also an antique afficianado. She volunteers at an antique store in Corning. She kept teasingly saying that a lot of our things didn't go in a new house. Wouldn't we like to get rid of them?
Rosemarie said she'd check at Wegman's and bring a dessert. She couldn't find something that fit the bill, so she made a delicious chocolate cake, with home-made raspberry sauce and vanilla, raspberry and white chocolate ice cream on top. Totally un-weight-watchers and perfectly delicious. We cooked steak on the grill, had corn on the cob and baked potatoes and a bowl of cut up fruit. So we ate pretty magnificently. Back to weight watchers mode today.

We have a table that has 9 leaves. Total. It can be as small as 48" round, or as large as the 9 leaves. In the china closet is a shelf full of table cloths. Taped on the door is a chart saying which color cloth goes with which number of leaves. When we moved, we lost the chart, but found it on the computer recently so I printed it out. Paul said he didn't know if that was the most recent chart. It didn't matter. At least I can see which cloth goes with which leaf. The 9 leaves fit 144" tablecloths. We put three leaves in it for 7 people. (Billie's sister was supposed to come, but she didn't. )
A tablecloth of 144 inches means that the table will sit 12-14 people. All the grown-ups in the family. (5 adult children, spouses and Paul and I) The kids go to the other tables. It's good that Paul and Donna both came from large families, as their tables are built to fit large numbers. Our kitchen table was in his parents' house and he remembers lunchtimes, having many people at it. What I can't get over is the servicability of these tables. They've lasted for years and years. Paul said they have numerous coats of whatever makes them last so well without dings and scratches. ( The word for the numerous coats escapes me so I'm writing around it.)

Back to the subject of weight watchers: I have lost 10 pounds in three months. Not much, but I haven't been able to exercise at all due to my leg and feet problems. Paul seems to think that may be the reason. I had to give up my membership in Curves 6 weeks ago. Note: I have a T Shirt from Curves that shows I'd had 500 you can see how devoted I was.

Surprisingly good news: Over the past ten days, I have noticed that my aches and pains are gradually disappearing. The plantars fasciitis is almost gone. My left-leg limp has almost disappeared. I have started not using electric carts in large department/grocery stores. Other than some leg tiredness, I haven't had any other problems.
I had one doctor's appointment this week to check on the circulation test I had...and they found no problem. Good. Next week I have my appointment with the bone doctor (orthopedist?) and then we will find out what the x-ray and open MRI can tell us. Whatever it is/was, I'm feeling almost healed. Praise the Lord. to protect myself from it happening again. That problem was really limiting. That's the problem. So...After the next week's doctor's appointment, we'll see if he recommends if it's okay to go back to Curves. I always feel so good after going. To Curves that is, not the doctor's appointment.

That's all folks.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

A Hot Saturday...a Rainy Sunday...

It's amazing how much weather has to do with your mood. Coming home from church this morning, I thought... if it wasn't raining, we'd see people outside, working on their gardens, lawns, jogging, walking, riding bikes. You know what I mean. Instead, all we saw were cars, coming and going, the windshield going back and forth, and generally no one to be seen except in the cars as you passed them.
I like the summer church schedule. It's early. You can go and be home before lunchtime or, if you have the inclination, you can go out to breakfast. We did just that this morning and ran between the drops to a little luncheonette we've discovered near the church in Horseheads. It was freezing in there - the a/cing was on...too cold! We asked the waitress to see if they could turn the temp up, but they couldn't. Sometimes it pays to ask. It didn't this time.
To get back to the church: As a lot of churches do, they're having special music during the summer months to give the choir a break. My good friend Carol Hollenbeck has been a member of this church since she was a child. I met Carol through Curves in Bath. She still goes to this church even though she lives on Keuka Lake near Hammondsport and Bath. Carol sings in a female quartet that believe it or not, her mother formed years ago called The Treblemakers. Obviously this is not the original group! They sang today. It was nice because we had a chance to reconnect. I am familiar with the Treblemakers, as I helped them with some Christmas events when their accompanist was away. I had a chance to meet her too today.
I am preparing some music to play next Sunday. This means practice time for me each day. I like that idea.
Yesterday, Lue and we joined the Corning relatives to see their 11-year old son's allstar team play baseball in a tournament in Elmira is known as a place Samuel Clemens (or Mark Twain) lived and wrote several of his books. The ball field the kids played on was Huck Finn Field. It was uncomfortably sunny and HOT and they had a double header scheduled. Those poor kids - having to play two games in that heat. We took umbrellas, sunglasses, golf hats, water, to keep us comfortable. There was a half hour between games, and Lue had to be home, so we had to bring her back to our house where she left her car. After a brief rest, we returned to the game. Unfortunately, they lost both.
Lue came back for dinner. Both Nancy and Jil have made BBQ chicken using their father's mother's recipe. I was the only hold-out, and it began sounding good enough to try again after 15 years. I'd always cooked it, but never BBQ'd it. Poor Paul was feeling left out, I think, as I had taken over his job. Totell the truth, I was a little nervous, as I had never made it before, just prepared it. It turned out pretty good. Not sure if my customers felt the same. They were very polite, tho. When you're used to one way, it's not easy to adapt. I enjoyed it.
That's all for now folks.