The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Time flies when you're having fun...

Yes. I know it's been a while. I told you it would be. We've had company since last Saturday, and have enjoyed their haven't been able to blog.

Interesting item: Listening to Obama's speech last night, I politifacted it, and within three hours of his speech, they had verified statements he made, with whether they were true, half true, false, or pants-on-fire false. The website is; It is a Pulitzer-prize winning site (wow), so I think it can be trusted to be giving true information to us. It doesn't cater to the right or left side, but it does stand for truth.

I finished looking this up and got on Jil's site. He had done the same thing as I, but he had the site mentioned and listed all the so-called facts. So - great minds work the same way. And if you wish to see them...just look at the above site.

Then I looked at my e-mails - and there was a political e-mail message and a couple of e-mails down - there was a Snopes rebuttal to it. The first was a completely untrue message. This had been sent to many people, and the person rebutting it, through the Snopes site, had sent the rebuttal to all the people on the list. Good for him! I sent him a note thanking him. People should be mindful of what they hear, and stand up for truth... Some say it's a lost cause, that these false-hoods will always be around on the internet. Maybe so...but why not check the facts out. I know I feel better when I do.

New subject: The past couple of years in Circlewoods, actually it's been more than a couple, a large group of talented ( some very, some not, but... all enthusiastic) individuals get together and put on a production called "Showtime". Using song, dance, skits arranged around a theme, they manage to put together a show after practicing and practicing and practicing. As often seems the case with these type of productions, the performers benefit as much as, or more than, the audience. It's a great way to have fun, get together and get to know people more. I am accompanying two numbers in the show. One is called "You Can't Chop Your Poppa up in Massachussets" which is from the Lizzy Borden Musical. The other one is "See the USA in your Chevrolet". Can you all see Dinah Shore giving her swinging-hand kiss? That's my cousin Alice.

Punta Gorda, Burnt Store, Fisherman's Village, Port Charlotte. These are places we'll be going today. Interesting names. Been there before. Lots of fun. That's our journey for I'll close.

That's all the news from this end of the woods. What's happenin' in yours?

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Computers, Clinics, and Company Coming...

My computer is doing weird things. It's not turning on, or taking forever to turn on. Paul has been working on it, and now it seems fine. (He put a plug-in part that seemed hot in the freezer for a couple of minutes ande replugged it it's working fine!) You ask...what part? Not sure...the name escapes me. (wireles adapter. Thank you, dear husband.) My computer vocabulary is nil. New subject, kind of: Keyboard: makes me think of Jil...on his blog...he mentioned getting a new keyboard, and I immediately got all excited thinking that he'd gotten a digital piano keyboard. Well, of course not. It was the computer-keyboard kind. The necessary kind. Oh, well...hopes and dreams.

Next subject: Medical.
The last couple of years, when we were down here and became ill, we went to a store-front medical clinic. We'd get there at 8 AM, sign in, and be seen around 2 PM or later. Not good. So, we vowed to get a general practicioner here. We checked it out and finally found one willing to take us under his wing. Well, we filled out the paperwork, sent copies of our files from our doctors up north, and today we had our initial visit with him. (We made the appointment last March, but this was the first time we could see him). He was with us for an hour and a half. What a nice man. We genuinely liked him. Very thorough in his questioning. I guess he has a regular routine with Snow Birds, as our next appointment with him will be a year from now, but will only take 15 minutes - just to let him know of any changes, additions to our medical history. AND if we have an illness or emergency down here, we don't have to go and sit at the clinic for hours. We can make an appointment to see him, and within a reasonable amount of time, we will. Our Northern doctors will take care of regular shots, medications, etc. It is such a relief to know that this was done. Good job, Paul and I. Pat on back.

So - I'm hoping my computer stays "up and running." If you don't hear from me in a while, it'll probably be that reason. However, we are expecting house guests this weekend through next week - Hal and Marcia. I think being busy might be the reason too, don't you?

So - that's all the news from the Circle woods. What's happenin' in your neck o' the woods?

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

"It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood..." Wow. We have Florida weather right here in Florida! Unbelievable...but true. As I look out the high window over the couch, I can see the sun is out, with blue skies and dusty high clouds. Not sure what the temp. is, but I have shorts, new white, bright sneakers on from the Outlet Mall. I'm optimistic that the shorts were a good choice!

We're settling in to a routine here in Circle woods. I just realized that the name here kinda goes with the name up north...Woods edge. Can't get away from the woods nomenclature. I just had to ask Paul the correct meaning of that word. I didn't pronounce it correctly, but I wrote it correctly - in the correct context even. Enough babbling...

I went to Curves yesterday. This is worth talking about because it was an activity I hadn't been doing at all due to: being away at Thanksgiving, busy at Christmas, and being in an unhealthy state of body. Of course, Thanksgiving and Christmas kept me busy and occupied. I feel good to be working on my body-state now.

I don't know about you, but I find January is a month that drains the bank account every year. I'm always surprised at the amount of money that goes forth for taxes, insurance, (both house and car) and prescription drugs. (The druggist said to me - yeah, you can tell that it's the first of the year for everyone.) Anyway - luckily my bank account, while drained, was/is sufficient to supply my/our needs. I am mighty fortunate.

Ella goes to see a new vet today because I forgot to get flea medication for her while we were up north visiting her vet. I have copies of all her paperwork from up there which I will give to this new vet. I think the trip down here was difficult for her. She's back to being very wan. I think she needs something - I don't know what, but something.

Later on today: I'm inserting a note in here after we went to the vet. Ella has kidney problems. They are failing. She had some saline solution added subcutaneously, and the vet wants us to give her it every day. hurt her...a lot. She's never meowed or complained at the vets before. So I don't think the pain justifies the procedure - just to continue to live a few more months. We're due to go back on Wednesday (tomorrow) afternoon to see him and get some pain meds. for her teeth.

Speaking of pets, Lue had to have her Bernese Mountain Dog, Maggie, put to sleep a couple of days ago. Maggie lived til eleven years, which is old for such a big breed. Lue said when the time came, Maggie would "tell her" when it was to happen, and she "did." My heart goes out to Lue. She's always been a very special animal person, having had many of them over the years. So she's been through the whole schiemel many times...from pups to elderly. She knew what to do, and did it.

Topic: Places We Eat At. Not good English, but aproppo. Got here Thursday. Ate in. / Friday we were camping. Ate out. / Saturday. Ate out. / Sunday. Ate in. / Monday. Ate out. / Ate out: three, Ate in: two. Circumstances just seem to pop up. What a lovely problem to have. N

We are re-connecting with the Florida Crew, and what a blessing they are. Alice and Carol stopped by for coffee on Sunday. They're both looking good. Bob has been coming over several times a day. Early for coffee, and later on for whatever... His little papillion, Martini (named after his late wife, Sue - who was also petite and had a fondness for martinis) comes with him. He speaks to her as he would a person, and she looks at him and understands just about everything he says. Bob says its because she hears so many words and (I think) listens for key words.

This has taken me two days to write, because my computer went blank yesterday and I couldn't get it to work again til my dear husband spent time on it last night and this morning again. God bless him. Anyway - I haven't checked my e-mails but intend to right now. If you haven't heard from you know the reason.

That's all for now from the woods edge - how're things goin' in your neck o' the woods?

Saturday, January 16, 2010

We're the 'Southlands...

We're here in Flow-re-dah. Yes. We made it here on... Thursday around 5 PM. It was a good trip - 400 miles the first day, Tuesday, and ended up in Staunton, Va. . We remembered last year we had such snow coming down, but this time it didn't happen - thank goodness! We had a nice lunch with Edna and Mike, in Pennsylvania, as our first stop, around 10:30. Edna put on quite a spread. We had so much to eat! She makes delicious homemade soup. We continued on after that til we got to Staunton at 5. The next day we did 500 miles and got out of the freezing temperatures mid afternoon. Our car looked awful from the salt, slush and dirt that trucks and cars threw back at us. I pointed out a car wash, at one of the gas stops we made the afternoon the second day. What a difference that made...I think the gas mileage was even better! The van was very happy. FYI: We saw snow on the sides of the road for quite a way down.

We stopped Wednesday night at Hardeesville, SC., which is just north of the Georgia border. Thursday - we had 400 miles to travel, but only 200 to Gainesville, or half way home, so we called Greg and Noi from Hardeesville the night before, and had lunch with them at a Panera Bread nearby. We sat outside! Yes! It was close to 70! Also FYI: Greg said he saw snow on the ground in Gainesville Wednesday night, but it was gone in the morning. After leaving there, we traveled the last 200 miles...and again my imagination was at work. It seemed endless! Time can really play tricks on us, can't it. We stopped at a new Publix in Venice on our way home and got the makings for spaghetti. I really think it was the best meal we had since leaving the Woods Edge. We got home here and everything was just fine.

Old lady Ella did okay on the trip. She ate and drank sparingly, when we stopped for a rest, or at night, and she settled in on her soft towel on the seat behind Paul in the car. Or on a chair in the motel rooms. Now she's found a new hidey hole on a shelf here in the computer room under my keyboard. It's about 10-12" high. We put a small lambswool mat (that fits perfectly) in there, and she's snug as a bug in a rug. In fact we didn't know where she was, until she decided to go in there while I was typing last night. I had forgotten about this bare shelf, but she discovered it and claimed it as her own. She's barely visible from here when I bend down to look.

Debby, our cleaning lady and friend, had made our beds up, dusted and cleaned everything. Debby had been my mother's cleaning lady, plus friend after my father passed away. She would clean mom's (this) house, take mom to the hairdresser, go shopping with her, do general handy-man stuff around the house. To put this in perspective...She is younger than I am. You probably picture an old. cleaning. lady. She's anything, but. She drives a motorcycle, and a mustang convertible. She's lively, fun, and genuinely optimistic about life. She talks a mile a minute. She and her husband George had two girls who would come "help" Debby clean for mom when they were young. But that's another story. So - Debby and I have known each other since 1980 - 30 years. She knows the house like the back of her hand.

Yesterday, Friday, our first day in Venice, we had a planned "date" to visit with my old school chum and her husband, Carol and John, up at Desoto Campground, a jungle setting on Tampa bay, right near Tampa. Carol and I were roommates in college, and she had invited our other roommate, Merle, and her husband Greg to join us all. What a good time we had! - visiting and catching up with each others lives since the 60's when we graduated. FYI: They said it was the warmest and best day they'd had since arriving a week ago Thursday. (It was nice.)

Today was: continue unpacking, do wash, continue unpacking, continue wash. And go do a BIG food shopping expedition. After lunch at Panera Bread. We didn't even have peanut butter in the house for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.

Got a knock on the back door tonight at 5 PM. There was Martini, my brother's little papillion dog furiously wagging her tail. Her master and she were waiting there to be let in. Bob just got back from his newest Caribbean Cruise with his good friend Marian. He stayed til almost 7 to have cocktails with us. We got all caught up with the news of our families.

Paul worked on my computer here - almost all day long - it needed a lot of updates, and other things, but tonight I was finally able to get on the internet and post here to let you all know what's going on in this neck of the woods.

So - what's happenin in your neck o' the woods?

Monday, January 11, 2010

Leave of Absence - just a short while...

We are on our way tomorrow morning. Paul has medicine that he got at his appointment this afternoon. The doctor felt he really didn't need it, but Paul convinced him that we were going to be on our way tomorrow, and he wanted it.
It's been a busy day - checking off my list, doing last minute wash, filling suitcases. Overnight ones for our trip, and the BIG ones for our three months. It's COLD in Florida right we have both warm and cold clothing.
Of course, I will not be blogging while traveling, but I plan on starting asap when we get down there. The cat is hiding somewhere - disliking all the confusion. Plants are on the kitchen table all ready to be watered by Sharon while we are gone. We are grateful for that. Some plants are so old, that they have "meaning" to both of us. Like a Christmas cactus that came from my parents house out in Greenport on the end of Long Island - 40 years ago. Called our next door neighbor and alerted them to our leaving tomorrow. They'll be aware of the special light in our bedroom window that will blink if the furnace goes off.
So - toodle-oo. Talk to you soon.
that's all from the woods edge - what's happenin in your neck o the woods?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

A Day without Sunshine?

Sunday - a day without church is a day without sunshine. Really? As you can surmise from this first sentence, Paul and I aren't in church today. We're "taking it easy." It's an unusual occurance in our lives, but a necessary one today. Paul's nursing a bad cough and runny nose that bothers him strangely only mornings and evenings. The rest of the day he's been pretty good. He went to the doctor last Monday and has another appointment scheduled for tomorrow. The medication he's taking now just doesn't seem to be working, so he's going to keep the appointment. We had thought we'd be able to cancel it. But... Oh, well. Better to be safe than sorry. It's nothing to worry about, but we're going to be on the safe side and see if he can get stronger or different medicine. Of course, the Vitamin D sunshine is something we both need...but I don't want him traveling and not feeling well. That's a yucky feeling. Anyway..we're still on "go" for Tuesday morning.

It does feel strange, however, not to go to church. It's such a habit for us and a quiet meditative way to begin the week. Our next church service will be in our church in Venice where we'll see our good friends from Bath, John and Carolyn. Can't wait!

This has been one of those strange weeks where the usual schedule of events are lacking. The first half of the week til Wednesday was devoted to my heart cath. Then when that was over, it was Thursday...and we both thought...where in Heaven did the week go? Saturday,yesterday, we went to a Memorial Service for a good friend from our Card Club. It was sad, but inevitable. That was in the morning, with a really nice luncheon-reception for over 150 people at the local Moose Club. We were so stuffed from that, we only wanted turkey soup for dinner. Yes. We still have soup left over from the Christmas Turkey. We've been keeping it in the garage on an old breakfront of Paul's. The soup was so cold - it had ice on the top. We feasted on it all week.

I have a list to top all lists for Florida. It sits by me here at the computer and I add to it as I think of I won't forget it. Paul said to me this morning - aren't you going to pack today? (He is.) I said - Nope. I'm still composing my list. To me, that is more important than anything because I can check off the items as I pack them. That way I won't forget things. If I pack, and don't list things, I will forget I packed it (I know me) and I'll wonder if I've packed it. Then I'll sit in the car and brood til I get to Florida and unpack to find I really packed it after all. So - therefore, my list is most important.

Jil had a great video on his blog of he and his doberman, Tyson, taking a walk in his neighborhood. It was really neat to see where he lives. It always surprises me that Jasaan is pronounced "hasa on" as I pronounce is "jah san." Now I'll have to think about that and try to remember in my mind the correct pronunciation.

Ella, our 17 year old cat. Yes. I was exaggerating her age - thinking she was 18 - she was born November - 1992.
She had a rough period during the Christmas holidays. Unbeknownst to Paul and I, she suffered from bad teeth. Even though she had been sedated and her teeth had been cleaned several times during her life time, and I had thought I'd been on top of things - we took her to the vets because she looked "wan." And she was being even more picky with her food than usual. The vet weighed her and she'd lost weight. Oh, no...She was a little less than 4 pounds. He put her on an antibiotic, prescribed thyroid medication after taking a blood test, and pain medication. The thyroid and pain medication was topical - put on the inside of her ear, and we had to switch ears each 12 hours so the ears didn't become irritated. She didn't like the antibiotic, but it appeared to do the work - she started eating, became more talkative and jumped up on our laps to be held and talked to. Friday I took her to the vets - and she gained weight! - and now weights more than 4 pounds. It looks like she has more meat on her bones. She's eating better. The vet said her thyroid was out of whack. The medicine helped her to want to eat and that's why she gained weight. She'll be on it for the rest of her life. With a cat's nine lives, I wonder how many she's used up. She's skinny, of course, but doing well, thank you. I'm a dog-lover by heritage, but this cat has grown on me. As you can tell. After all, she started with me when I was just separated. I got her to keep my dog company. The dog has long gone. Now, she is what remains.

So the three of us will be heading South pretty soon. All is well. By the way...the sun is coming out. Thus the title of this blog...And... Bob and Marian are on a cruise to the Western Caribbean this week. They said they left Florida to get warm! From all reports, it's cold down there. Perhaps we'll be bringing warm weather with us when we travel. Who knows...wouldn't that be nice? I guess we'll add some warm clothes to the list.

I gotta add to my must go...

That's all the news from the Woods Edge. How're things happenin in your neck o the woods?

Thursday, January 7, 2010


As most of you know already, my heart cath. showed that everything was fine! Now I can breathe a sigh of relief! I did not need a by-pass nor a stent. Nor any new medication! I feel like a most fortunate person and that my/our prayers were answered. "Life is like a shiny new birthday present wrapped in cellophane." (A quote I remembered from a poem read a long time ago.) This day is particularly sunny and bright, even though it is cloudy and cold. All the phone calls and e-mails made me feel particularly cared for and loved and I want to thank you all for your prayers and concerns. I know, for a lot of people, in the scheme of things this probably ranks in the high middle for a lot of them, because there are so many people concerned and worried about big health problems in their lives. To me, however, it was high up there, because I've been so lucky with my health and life, and I haven't had to worry a lot.

If you will give me a moment, I wish to write down a particular event that came to my mind yesterday, with thanks to Jil for reminding me...

My former sister in law's husband is suffering greatly from early-onset alzheimers and lung cancer. Each health concern aggravates the other. Gram, her mother, and my former mother in law, celebrated her 100th birthday yesterday, in a nursing home - unable to speak, move, or in any way show that she knew this event was happening. Carole is aware that Phil may not survive, and Gram will probably outlive him.

These things came to mind as I pondered, yesterday, how lucky I was, and how I wished that the usual rules for life applied to them. Mother before child. I know...God knows and answers our prayers ...even though the answers may not be what we wished for. Carole, my thoughts are with you. Luckily you have a very loving family to help you out.

So...those are the ponderings from the Woods Edge. How're things goin' in your neck o' the woods? If I may say...Everything's honkey dorey here!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Christmas Vacation...#2

Hello - everyone. I'm finding it quite busy at Woods Edge - getting Christmas "put away til next year," getting the house winterized (?) so we can leave for Florida. Paul drained the hottub on New Year's Day - it was one of the warmer days of the week. We're supposed to drain it every three or four months, and it was overdue, but it was either drain it early, refill it, and then drain it again when we left for Florida. A meeting was held in November by the two main characters that live here and it was decided that it should be left as is, and then drained only once.

So - pictures: The top one is of Vincent and I reading "Mike Mulligan and his Steam Shovel. It was one of Grandma Jeanne's favorite stories - Aunt Brenda got it for Vincent for Christmas. I think it is one of his favorites also.

Next 2 pictures: Kids outside playing as Vincent, Dan and Grandma Jeanne were in the hottub. It was interesting how children can see things in other ways. Vincent was very hesitant to go in the hottub - I think - because all thru his young life, he'd been told - don't touch it - it's HOT. I was surprised that he could stand up. He even tried to "swim." Cute as a button. He wanted to go in again next day, but it was 12 degrees and windy. Nancy put him in the bathtub with his toys instead.

Vincent got a razor scooter, helmet and knee and elbow pads. He'll enjoy it at home, I'm sure. Mommy was helping him out on it.

Last picture - Sharon and Dave resting up either before or after presents were given out.

Tomorrow is the day for my "heart cath." as the lady said when she called to confirm it all. Actually - it was postponed but then rescheduled again to tomorrow. I will post again when I get home from this new adventure.
Rosemarie called, Marcia sent an e-mail, others also. Thanks everyone!
So...that's all the news from here - what's happenin' in your neck o' the woods?

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Sunday, Sunday...

Picture 1 - our celebration dinner on the 26th - we had 24 people there. Everyone had a seat! Everyone helped out with different courses. Neat! The college kids are at the bar.
Nancy, Dan, Vincent &taci Emo True (Nancy's best friend)came the morning of the 26th for a surprise visit.

Picture 3 - our special ornaments on the chandelier. Large ornaments just didn't fit on the trees, so - here we have the lamp from the Christmas Story, our Santa and parachute, Nancy's silly cat, Hershey ornaments, and a special angel Marcia and Hal sent this year, in the middle.

The last picture is of Christmas Day dinner with the family that were staying with us for the duration.

I don't know about you, but I kept thinking New Year's Day, day was Sunday, and that according to everything that happens in life, the next day would be Monday. Of course, that was misinformation for my brain. The next day was Saturday, so now we have the real Sunday. For a lot of folks, it means work and school tomorrow. Best of wishes to you all...for new beginnings, and back to routines that make life work as it should. There's something comforting about routines, isn't there.

We went to church this morning, even after getting up late. Paul's the first one to get up, and he slept in til 8:30. He has a cold. I got up after him, which made me start late. I forgot my cardigan so I left my coat on in church. I had my glasses on, rather than my contacts. Forgot to put them in. I didn't feel very attractive...they say God doesn't care. (I did.)
It is cold out there! It is 19 right now, Paul says. 2:15 PM. Florida is also cold! (Good - misery likes company...)
Will close now...and add more pics on another posting. I bet you can't wait! Vincent in hottub, Grandma Jeanne reading to Vincent, Sharon and Dave on the couch. All sorts of goodies.
Take care. So...what's happenin' in your neck o' the woods?