The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Monday, February 21, 2011

More Ho-Hum Days in Paradise. . .

This morning Paul rode his bike to the hottub at the clubhouse. What a wondeful idea! It really started his day off well! I've just gotten back from Curves with Carol O. His car and Gracie are no where to be found. . . which means they're either at the dog beach, Lowe's or Home Depot - all places that dogs are allowed. No note was found, so I imagine he'll be returning shortly.

It is getting hot out, so I think I'll try to get him enthusiastic about going to see "The King's Speech". If you remember, we tried and couldn't get in that rainy Saturday afternoon. Although perhaps we'll go to the pool. And cool off in the water. We have such huge problems, don't we. I worry about sunburns.

Update: We saw "The King's Speech" this afternoon and it was all it has been made out to be. Really fantastic. I'm really glad we saw it in the theater. I did make one comment to Paul: Before the movie and the trailers started, there were a lot of advertisements. If we'd seen this on our DVR, we would have fast-forwarded past them. Isn't it a shame that when we have to pay for tickets to see a show, we are subjected to commercials beforehand and can't do anything about it?
Actually - there are few live shows we watch now. We even have the evening news taped, and fast-foward thru the commercials - always. If the show is live, it seems like so much time is taken up with them!

Friday night Paul and I were guests of Cousin Alice at her Choir party in her church's fellowship hall. We were invited because she, and her duet partner and choir member, were part of the entertainment - singing the Showtime Duet we practiced. Alice's choir has more than 60 members, and people volunteered from it to put on the entertainment. What a lot of talent there was! There were over 100 people there - at least half or more were choir members. (But, of course, not everyone participated. We would have been there all night! I think there were 10 "acts.") Their "Hall" was lovely, carpetted with round tables that seat 8 comfortably, and the dinner was delicious. The hall would easily serve 200. They had a patriotic theme - so if we wanted we could wear red white and blue. We did.

Saturday morning we met Carol O. at the Clubhouse at 9:00 for the monthly pancake breakfast. We didn't break any records getting there early - 7:30-9:30 serving times. At that point they said they served over 130 breakfasts. It's good to see such a turnout.

Our pool area is just beautiful and very popular - new, what I call venetian tile - kinda light gold, tan around the pool, and hottub. I'll try to get pictures when my camera comes back to me from the factory. We always had trouble with cold water from the before-you-go-in-the-pool/hottub shower. Now it's delightfully warm! They re-strung/strang(?) :0) the plastic on the lounges or purchased new ones. They've been filled almost every day we've been down. Funny - that Saturday and Sunday are usually quiet. But - Everyone loves it, and it's a great place to meet and greet everyone. The hottub is a big draw.

This is Presidents' Week and lots of families are down. We had a couple of cute little girls - approx. ages 2 and 4 in the neighborhood.

Okay - that's all the news that's fit to print. What's happenin' in your neck o' the woods???

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