The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Not Actively Looking . . .

After having so many different problems with my computer, you'd think I'd be actively looking for a new one, or at least window shopping. Nope. Carol O. wanted to know how to get to Sam's Club (You know where this is going, don't you.) so we took her with us yesterday, walked inside, saw all those computers at low low prices so, of course, we got one. This one. My goodness - it is amazing how FAST this one is, and how many mistakes I'm making typing, which doesn't have anything to do with how FAST it is, but how I need to "clean up my act/typing." I'm really enjoying this new machine very much. My old machine is still in front of me (kinda) and I'm noticing that the new keyboard has a wrist rester (?) that is very comfortable. Something the old one doesn't. Maybe that's my problem.

So - enuf about my new computer.

Life is going on in the usual way here at the Woods Edge. Or the Woods Circle, as we are still in the warmth and sunshine of Florida. Actually, it's really perfect summer weather right now - with low humidity, warm temperatures. The new hottub near the clubhouse has proven to be a popular draw, as we have many more people there than earlier in the season. The hottub seats 7 people comfortably - up from the 4 or 5 in the old one. Carol and I were in it yesterday with 5 other people. I never realized how high the waterline gets with 7 people in it. (Interesting. I wonder why. LOL) Sometimes it's even difficult to find a lounge chair to lounge in. So many people. So few lounge chairs. Don't our problems seem large. (?) Like the hottub waterline.

Our Showtime rehearsals are getting more common now that the time is getting closer. . . first weekend in March. What's neat about this is. . . this is such a great way to meet other people. We have two new people in one of the groups I'm accompanying. Very nice people. Plus Carol O., as stated in my last post, is helping me out by turning music pages.

Speaking of Carol, we were supposed to go to Curves this morning, but she called around 9 with such a deep deep voice and plugged up nose, that even before she told me, I knew from the tone of her voice that she wouldn't be going. Such a bad cold she had. She was suffering.

Bob stopped over for some coffee early this morning and so since I had just made a big pot, that worked out well. He had just dropped Martini off at the vets to be spayed. Martini will be there overnight. She does everything with him - so I know he misses her very much.

Okay. Laugh if you like. I always shook my head at people like us:

We bought a toothbrush and toothpaste at Pet Supermarket on our way to Sam's. Well - the Vet last week when she looked at Gracie's teeth said she was developing tartar. Little breeds like Papillon are susceptible to gum disease because of the close proximity of their teeth. She doesn't recommend putting her under, (which requires drugs) which would need to be done to clean her teeth, because of their her small size and weight - 4.4 lbs. The least amount of drugs in her life is best.

So we need to brush her teeth every day. An interesting proposition. A rubberized finger-tip brush was included with the toothbrush to practice having it in her mouth when we massage her gums. She enjoyed biting it - Ouch. But I think it will help getting used to the brush. Of Gracie: The Westminster Dog Show kept her interested quite a long time last night before she fell asleep.

I hope your problems aren't as large as ours are down here at the Woods Edge Circle, and if they are that they're as easily solved.

What's happenin' in your neck o' the woods???

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