The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Sunday, September 5, 2010

How about that. . .And. . .somethin' stupid.

The "Powers that Be" decided Paul and I weren't really on the internet, that it wasn't working, would not work, and that was it. . .while I was posting this post. It said it would probably disappear, could not be saved. So - I said, oh well. That's life. I liked what I'd posted so far, but that's life. Glory be - it was saved, and I could continue typing. . .So here's my post that I thought I'd lost:

Paul was looking something up on his computer and I asked him to look for a reason his wife is so stupid. Okay. Explanation.

A while ago. . .I cleaned out the freezer, and put all the alike meats in large grocery bags. (example: chicken breasts, pork chops, hamburger meats). That way I could easily find them and know how much I had left. I thought I was marvelously intelligent and quite bright to be able to think of such a way to make my life easier. So. . .I planned on having pork chops tonight. I went to the freezer, pulled out the last package of chops - and left them on the counter to start on their way to be defrosted. Since it was the last package, I was to throw away the bag. (I didn't throw away the pork chops. I wasn't that stupid.) I took the bag. Put it on the counter. And put the pork chops back in the freezer. When Paul asked what we were having for supper, and he requested something else, which was fine with me, he couldn't find the pork chops to return to the freezer.

So my question is: Does losing a thyroid mean a brain drain? Probably. And, like my calcium deficiency, should it return to better levels soon?

We didn't go to church today, but did go out to breakfast. We took Gracie with us and left her in the car, windows open slightly. (It was cool today.) We sat at a booth near her - perhaps 20 feet away. She was fine. We watched her. The place was crowded - a busy time - Labor Day weekend. Lots of cars and motorcycles.

Paul and I took her to Lowe's yesterday and sat her on a towel on the seat of a shopping cart. You'd think she'd wag her tail off. All she needed was a person walking towards her, two aisles away and her rear end would start to wiggle and she couldn't stop herself. She loves children especially. She loves to see them. Ex. Four of the neighborhood children came running up to her just a little while ago outside, and she almost turned inside out. (Anyway - back to Lowe's) Two young male employees walked past her, and as she wiggled almost out of her skin . . . one of the guys said "another happy customer."

Am enjoying Jil's blog entries. It makes it seem like he's not that far away. He includes videos, still pictures and such. I enjoy reading the comments his friends make about his postings. He's been doing it for a long time. This is one of the benefits of having a computer. (Even before he got to Jasaan in the Philippines and in Pattaya, Thailand.) Blogs certainly don't make it seem like he's so far away. And vice versa. Epril sent me a nice note - wishing me well. Thanks, Epril.

Nancy is in her ninth month now. My little granddaughter will be born soon! Wow. We won't know her name until she's born. Which is fine. Vincent started pre-school last week. She took him to school the first day and said he looked so cute with his little backpack which had his little toddler pillow for naptime.

Guess that's all the news. So - what's happenin' in your neck o' the woods?

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