The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Winnowing, Contemplating, Considering. . .

I can hear Paul's movements upstairs as he works on the new closet in the new guest room which means that I have to empty the wardrobe we bought to put all my extra clothes in. My first thought is the rule - if you haven't worn in in a year (make that two years), it should go out. Right. I have clothes in our bedroom closet I haven't worn yet, or haven't worn in a long time. But - not to worry. I am contemplating winnowing both places. I am thinking - that should go. That should go. That should go. Thinking about it is the first step. Right? Right.

We had been taking a lot of our summer placemats to Florida and returning them here to the Woods Edge. This year we decided to leave them in Florida, which means we don't have them up here, which means I have had to go to the store and replace them. Such fun! I found a really pretty round pale yellow braided placemat at Kohls. On sale. So - I bought 12 - all of them that they had in stock. Since our family, when all here, will total 24, (after Nancy's daughter is born) I'm thinking it would be nice to have others. I looked on-line and they have them. I'm going to consider this. No hurry.

I got the nicest letter in snail-mail form yesterday from my dear North-Carolina friend, Marcia, who lives with her husband, Hal, near the coast. They've been there for several years and I still miss her. How wonderful to receive a paper letter that you can peruse whenever you want. I know it's become a lost art, but what a wonderful thing to just take the time and send one through the mail. She mentioned that she'd put it down, and picked it up again as she continued writing more another day. That, in itself, shows the time and effort involved. I had responded by e-mail to her, and mentioned that I would try to send her a letter also.

Gracie continues to "mature". If you can call it that. . .Paul took her upstairs yesterday to keep an eye on her while I had an appointment. But. . .He said she was pulling out pieces of insulation and running around with it in her mouth. Not good. So now she's been banished to the downstairs. Because. . .unfortunately, she doesn't like to be in the upstairs guest room (where there isn't any insulation available to her) all by herself. Or anywhere else by herself.
Puppyhood doesn't last forever. Thank goodness. Or not. She is adorable.

She learned how to climb the full flight of stairs last week - up and down. Paul said the first time, she stumbled down the last five steps because she went too quickly. She learned by that "fall" and the next time, took one step at a time - sideways - very slowly. Now she seems very agile and cute. She has to stretch to get from one step to the other because she is so tiny. She's very nonchalant about it now. We forget - until we see her with another dog- how small she is. There are other big dogs in the neighborhood and they've all been very good to her when they are in close proximity. Paul said the dog across the street (don't know the name) lay down and put his head on the ground so Gracie could sniff and lick his face. Animals seem to be aware of "babies."

We have appointments at the audiologist this afternoon. We both are having trouble hearing. I keep saying "What???" Paul keeps saying "What???" We have great conversations. I'm hoping this will be helpful. I'm counting on it.

So - that's all the news from the Woods Edge. What's happenin' in your neck o' the woods?

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