The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Monday, June 14, 2010

Whatta Week.

Pictures - Sue's party. Sorry they're dark. Should have used the flash, but it looked like it would be okay.
Gracie's picture is for her 5th month. I'm trying to keep up with her pictures so we have a picture-diary of her growth. Note how long her legs have become!

Monday morning - beginning of a busy week - medically. One of those weeks when Paul has a medical appointment every day. This morning he was off to the lab for a blood test. Even Gracie has an appointment on Wednesday for a physical - she's due to be spayed next Monday.

Thursday Paul gets fitted for his two hearing aids in the afternoon, and an eye exam in the morning. So - Corning in the morning and Sayre in the afternoon - both at opposite ends of our ranges. Put us in the "middle" and we go right about 20 miles and left about 20 miles. Somehow that wasn't good planning on our part, but we'll get through it.What strange times these have been - with Phil's funeral last week in Albany, and then three days later, his daughter, Sue's, Surprise 50th birthday party at a restaurant in Rochester. Much happier occasion on Saturday.
Sue was very very surprised about the party, so that made it doubly nice. Her husband Bill did a great job planning and executing it all. He had help from a girlfriend of Sue's, because someone was there ahead of time to greet people, like us who arrived a little earlier than most and her name was mentioned in e-mails as someone to reach with questions. We should have believed the Garmin when it said it would take umpty-ump minutes to reach there. It did. We got there early. Sue's mom, Carole, looked good. There were about 70 people. Mostly their friends. At least 10 tables of 8 each. Delicious food. I mean really delicious. Buffet style - salmon, chicken and beef. Roasted asparagus. Fantastic birthday spice cake. Open bar.
We were asked to bring remembrances of Sue, which I dutifully wrote the day before, printing it out after several drafts. I gave it to her before dinner. She mentioned she reads my blog. So - Sue - enjoy the pictures. Had a great time! And thank you, Carol, for commenting on my new blog set-up. I appreciated that!
Talked with Nancy last night. She had a good flight back from Albany on Wednesday night. She has house-guests Saturday through Tuesday. Grandpa Neal (my former husband) and (his wife) Grandma Judy. They arrived on Saturday afternoon. In the morning, Jane and Scott, Nana and Pop Pop came. Vincent wanted to know if Grandpa Paul and I were going to come also. If two sets of grandparents come, why not the third? Makes sense to me.
Time to do other things, so I'll close. So. . .what's happenin' in your neck o' the woods?

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