The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Now. . .Weight a minute!

Got a call from Lue last night. She laughingly told me she'd read in my blog yesterday that Gracie weighed 3.75 lbs. and is (5 months old. ) Greta, her Bernaise Mountain Dog was at the vets (yesterday?) and said that she had gained 4 pounds this past week - and now weighs 37 pounds and is 16 (?) weeks? The pictures below are of a "play date" they had, two weeks ago when Lue came for dinner. Hard to believe that she's only 16 weeks. And she'll continue growing for quite some time. Not sure of that fact. But we know she'll probably weight more than the predicted 80 pounds.
I thought these pictures would be too dark, and they are (!) but the third one down shows Greta. The top two show Gracie on Paul's lap. And then, the flowers on the back deck, which when Paul told me how to fiddle with the camera, I was able to take a decent picture.

Greta, of course, has all the characteristics of puppyhood that Gracie had at that age (and continues to have. ) Greta's size makes us careful of her playing with Gracie. All the big dogs that Gracie has been introduced to, have been quite well-behaved and patient around her, but Greta doesn't know any better yet. The introductions have been made, however, and the seed sown for friendship. It'll take time, but I think they eventually they'll be able to play together as good friends. Actually, Greta was more intimidated by Gracie than the other way around. It was amusing at first to see this big dog sit and lean into Lue's leg. That changed very quickly, however, after the tentative sniffing went on.

Lue said Greta got ahold of the tv remote and chewed it, and Lue had to "work at it" to make it work again. Her size makes her more available for trouble. Gracie hasn't chewed the remotes yet. We're waiting (in anticipation) . . .so we put up the remotes. Plus Paul's new hearing aids. We put them up too. His audiologist told him that dogs love to chew them up. That would be an expensive costly undertaking!

My turn to get up with Gracie this morning. She got up at 6:00. That makes for an early beginning of the day. She's now taking a nap on the futon.
Perhaps I'll join her. But, maybe not.


Nancy Molden said...

Hi Mom, Greta is giant! I can't imagine having a puppy that big. FYI, she weighs the same as Vincent!!

Mom said...

That is so funny! That's quite a comparison - my 4 year old Grandson and a 16 week old puppy!
It bogles the mind.