The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Planting vs. Good Weather for Ducks

Yesterday, when I intended to post, the site said blogger was down for maintenance. Uh Oh. I waited several hours. Okay. A little knowledge is dangerous. I kinda have a little bit of knowledge about computers, and blogger being down, made me skitterish. Don't know why - I just was.

Today starts the rains again. The forecast is: six days of rain - off and on. It's not raining yet, but it is cloudy. Two sunny days ago, Paul and I took Gracie up "the hill" to Valerie's Gardens and got some plants. Valerie lives out in the country on a beautiful spot. Lots of flowers put around, either in pots or planted in the ground, mature trees, wind chimes, hanging baskets, trellises. I think it's the prettiest garden center that I know in this area. I told Paul I was sorry I didn't bring my camera. It's worth it just to walk around, listen to the chimes, and think about how to implement some ideas she has for plantings. We bought some flowers.

We also stopped at Lowe's Garden Center on the way back home. Now I want you to know, Paul takes Gracie to Lowe's a lot. That's both here and in Fla. He keeps a towel in the car for that purpose. We put Gracie in a cart and off we went. Lots of people came up to her and said how cute she was. Even an employee, "Mary," came up and said - " There's my little papillon. Look - she remembers me!" We didn't spoil it for Mary - because Gracie turns herself inside out for everyone. As Paul said - She's a "peoples' dog." If we're in part of the store by ourselves, and someone walks by, Gracie assumes she's the reason, and she greets him/her very warmly. If they stop to pet her, well. . . we have to tell them, she has trouble controlling her licker. Which she does. She's an equal opportunity licker.

Got an e-card from Cousin Carol. Thanks, Cuz. You are special.

It was still sunny yesterday. . . a good planting day. But Paul got a phonecall from one of his sons. He needed electric help with his son's team's Little League Score Board. So Paul grabbed his tool box, left, and spent the morning, plus part of the afternoon helping fix it. Today, he worked most of this morning and got the flowers planted. Have I mentioned, he's a good man? It's not raining yet. It's cloudy.

Good Heavens - it's almost lunchtime. We had a late breakfast though - so we don't need to think about food. But - I've got other things to do.

What's happenin' in your neck o' the woods?

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