The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Good weather!

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood. (Thanks, Mr. Rogers!) It's one of those clear, sunny days we all love, up here at the woods edge.

I almost feel guilty for complaining about our awful early spring storms a couple of posts back. The weather reminds me of The Little Girl - who when she was good, was very very good, but when she was bad, she was horrid. Remember that? That describes our weather at this time of year to a "t".

Our forest leaves and bushes are becoming denser - but they're still that lovely early, soft light green. I took Paul out for breakfast this morning and it was a pretty drive. All the tulips are at their peak. Even the snow-white pear tree tops are at that light green stage. We took a walk around the "estate" when we got back and enjoyed looking at all the plant growth. Strawberry plants near the back of the house are coming along. Rhododendrons are past flowering.

Gas prices: Jil blogged that he is so thankful that he works at home. Lucky him. It is a good perk. He saves on that, plus not eating out. It's lucky that both Paul and I are retired. We've been using the Toyota Corolla a lot because it's $3.33 mpg. The van sits. Nancy has said that they fill up both their Hondas - around 3 times a month. Chicago gas was $4.69 a gallon. Isn't that awful? Nancy got a bike for Mother's Day. I know she biked to work before Evie was born. I wonder if she'll do that again.

Paul has put weed-control on the lawn. First the front yard, and then a couple of days later - the back. Gracie could become very ill if she came in contact with it, so we've been keeping close track of her. . . so Paul put her on a long leash-rope attached to the deck. She can't get on the grass while Paul is working on the lattice work skirting beneath the deck.

I've started back at Curves. Somehow the days get by me. I'm hoping to get back on track. I'm trying. . .really I have. . .I've been two days in a row. We have plans to visit a plant nursery up on Seneca Lake this afternoon. I wonder if I'll be able to fit in both. Curves and nursery. It remains to be seen. We may skip lunch due to that big breakfast. (more time available. . .to fit in both?)

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