The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Yes. We're home alone. Nee Nee and Brenan left yesterday on an 8:00 flight to Gainesville from Elmira.
There weren't any glitches to their boarding the plane - just a minor problem with their computer (or the operator) when we got clearance to go to the gate with them. Her supervisor came and fixed it so we could get a clearance pass. They're so careful with who ( or is it whom) goes through security. We sat with them until they got on the plane, and when we left- going past security - they wanted our names so they knew we had "left the area." We sat in the restaurant area with a cup of coffee and watched the plane take off. As we were walking out to the car, Greg called. Those kids should feel very much loved. . . as so many people were watching their progress and looking out for them through the day.
The only thing I felt badly about was I didn't think to give them sandwiches to take on the flight. I guess they were very hungry - the first stop when they got off the plane, was McDonalds!

From there, I had a doctor's appointment.
I haven't mentioned this on my blog. For a couple of years, I have had trouble with my thyroid gland. Hyperthyroidism.
I've routinely gone every six months to have it checked out with a nuclear scan (swallow a small pill with a tracer dose of radioactive iodine) and have blood tests. The scan is similar to an X-ray or CT scanning machine. After I was diagnosed, I tried the medications first off, but I developed hives to both of them. That was a fun experience. Not. It took several months for the hives to disappear. Then we went to watchful waiting.
My endocrinologist has finally recommended that it be operated on. The nuclear test again showed that it hadn't changed sufficiently to warrant the radioactive iodine therapy (swallow a much larger doss of radioactive iodine) but I have developed several more nodules. The doctor believes these are benign, as they had been in the past. But to be on the safe side, I'm having a needle biopsy again done by her next week. Then the surgery will be performed by a surgeon, up at Strong Hospital in Rochester. Date not set yet. It's a one-day overnight stay. Back to normal the next day. Resume all activies except for heavy lifting or exercise.

One of the ironies of all this is that one of the symptoms is weight loss. Wouldn't you think I could have developed that one??? But. No such luck.

Sharon, Charles and Ida just stopped by to use our facilities. They're bike-riding on the Catharine Trail. Our house was pretty close, so they stopped. Gracie turned herself inside out with tail-wagging. Trying to get her to stop barking so loudly. She has a soft bark that she can use after people come inside. We don't want to stop her barking altogether since that's one of the advantages of having a dog! But little dogs have a high pitched bark that can grate on the ears. She's pretty quiet for a small dog though. Paul is out shopping, so he didn't see our visitors.

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