The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Monday, July 19, 2010

It's a cloudy Monday. Supposed to be rainy. The perfect Monday to do all the wash that has piled up. I'm on my third batch right now. The last one. The first one has been dried, hung up on hangers, second is in the dryer. Third is in the washing machine.

Gracie is learning to sit. stay. come. In that order. Some times. She's okay if you don't turn your back to her. Some times. She was in the living room , lying on the very top back of Paul's recliner with her tail hanging down, watching me in the kitchen. I tried to get to my camera in the computer room without her moving, but it didn't work. After a few seconds, she was off and following me. I think I turned my back to her. Guess that's a no no.

We had a nice Sunday. Went to church and heard Carol H's quartet, Treble Makers, do two songs. . . very well. I've accompanied that group when their usual accompanist wasn't available, so I know them well. Nice ladies. I'm going to play the piano on August 1st. I've been practicing a couple of songs, and decided on one. Paul's suggestion to pencil in dates I've played these songs, as I have several I've done already. And I might forget which ones. My Dear One has good ideas! But we all know that. . .

I have a bone to pick. (No, Gracie, it's not for you!. . . get it? bone?)

I've been getting some people who send just symbols messages as comments instead of words. The following is a message just for you.

"This is to the few select number of people who send comments that are just symbols and I have no way of knowing who you are, or what you're saying.
"That's just silly.
If you want me to publish your comments, I must have your names, and comments shown. Otherwise, I'll continue to just delete them. And, of course, since I don't know what you say, I don't know if they're offensive or not. BUT if I find what you write offensive, they'll not get in my blog either. " Get it? Got it? Good.
This matter is closed.

Ah - would you believe the sun is coming out??? Great! Perhaps I will go in the hottub and get some sun this afternoon. It's time for lunch. I have balogny, peanut butter, jelly. All good stuff. Which reminds me. . .I found out something new about my Dear One last night, when we had hot dogs for supper. We have them, perhaps once every nine months to a year because they're so healthy. Not. He didn't try this the last time we had them. I'm sure of it, or I would have remembered. As he says, I shouldn't knock it if I haven't tried it. Truer words were never spoken. But any way, now I'll tell his "secret". He puts peanut butter on his hot dog with mustard, relish and ketchup. Not exactly my cup of tea. . . but to be fair. . .perhaps I should try it next time.

So - that's all the news from the Woods Edge. What's happenin' in your neck o' the woods?


Jil Wrinkle said...

Hi Mom,

The "symbol" comments that you are getting are spam written in some other non-Western language. I'm afraid that they don't stop to read the blogs upon which they submit these comments. Just keep deleting them.

Mom said...

Could be. I'll wait and see if I get a response. I don't intend to publish their comments.
Check out my e-mail to you.

Mom said...

BTW - I understand from Paul that I spelled balogna wrong - but I like it spelled balogny.