The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day!

I have to learn that the photos I publish need to be done in the opposite order.

Here's Gracie - lookin' cute, as I type.

Next Picture - If this were a video, you'd see Gracie's tail wagging to beat the band. She's watching the little girl (from across the street down a-ways), on her new two-wheeler with training wheels. Her grandma is helping her.

Next picture - our flag - facing East.

Next picture - our flag - facing West.

After Paul read my last posting, he said that I was mistaken. It was hotter up here than in Florida. He checked on the web. Okay. Just kinda emphasises my idea that Florida isn't that hot. Ha.

It's hot today too. We went to Painted Post to see one of the Corning relatives twirl in the band.

In the back of our minds, we both thought of bringing Gracie along, and didn't. It would have been a good "practice" parade, since it consisted of The Band and about 8 fire trucks. There were cub scouts on the fire trucks waving flags. The Band will be in Corning's parade this afternoon which is the MAIN parade of the day obviously. After all, it IS Corning-Painted Post School District. I didn't count, but I think there were 200 kids in it. What a great group to belong to. Corning has its own band also - about the same size. They'll be there this afternoon too.

We turned the temp down on our hottub - to 90. So - it should be refreshing to go in it if it's hot outside. We'll see. (It'll be less than body temperature.) One of the salesmen at one of the places we windowshopped at, told us he did that with his pool at home when it was hot in the summer. I haven't been in ours during the day very often. It's been mostly at night. I always loved a pool around 87 degrees. That was just a wonderful treat! My friend, Ruth's pool was like that and she'd invite me for a swim when it was hot out. That was one of the reasons I thought of her as a Great Friend to know and love.
Spoke to grandson Vincent last night. He's turned four and is becoming quite a conversationalist on the phone. We talked about his trip to the beach yesterday. He said the water was quite warm up close, but out farther it got cold! He said he stayed up close. They were there for all morning long. It was good to talk with him. He's signed up for (If I remember correctly. . .) yoga, tennis lessons and soccer. That should be cute. Nancy says the classes are for 3-5 year olds, so he's exactly the right age - not too young, nor too old!
We're cookin' hamburgers on the grill tonight. It'll be a relaxing evening. Just the two of us.
Could write more, but we need to go out. I'm getting Paul a blu-ray Disc player for Father's Day, and they're on sale today. We're using the cassette tape with Gracie. This morning she was whining less. I was concerned about Florida where we're a lot closer to neighbors. Not sure what we'd do if she kept it up. But she's not.
Heard from Ruth yesterday that she's started reading my blog. This is a different Ruth from the one described above. She's the one who came to Florida with Lue. Good to have you "on board" Ruth!
So - what's happenin' in your neck o' the woods?

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