The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Friday, May 21, 2010

All legs - no fur

It's getting warmer. Paul is outside preparing the ground for the patio extention he's adding to the existing one. I'm hoping he doesn't stay outside too long.

Our cleaning lady is here today, so I'm trying to keep Gracie out of her way. I have a new pic of Gracie - surrounded by her favorite toys - sleeping - stretched out - where you can see how her legs have lengthened. Her baby fur is coming out in clumps. She's not at the prettiest stage in her puppyhood, but she's still adorable. Took her on a walk with her leash this morning, and was talking with a new neighbor - I wasn't watching Gracie and her collar got caught between her mouth and the back of her neck - it was a real struggle to get it off, and back on. Kathy, the new neighbor, helped me. Gracie didn't make a sound, but she did struggle. Guess we'll have to look in to that. Don't know how we can make the collar any smaller. . .we'll just have to watch her.

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