The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Monday, May 17, 2010

Time: His. . .Mine. . .It just takes. . .

Monday - Paul had his scheduled six month check-up by our GP. All seems good. It seems like when we get back here from Florida, a lot of our time is taken up with doctors' visits. Ex. This morning, when at the doctor's, we scheduled a colonoscopy for Paul (lucky him). It's his time. Not mine. And an audiologist appointment for both of us. When I got home - the referral person - scheduled the colonoscopy and audiologist appointment, for the same day! Now, son of a gun - it's kinda hard to be two places at once. Of course, I should've been more on the ball. My pocketbook schedule guide didn't have all the info in it it should have. Some needed to be transferred. So I did.

Had Corning folks here for a cookout last night. Gracie was her charming self. Everyone fell in love with her.

We're having more pavers delivered tomorrow to add on to the patio, so we can put a picnic table and have more room for our fire pit. Right now, the hottub, and gas grill, take up most of the room. Saturday night we had our fire pit going. It was so nice.

Bought a cassette tape recorder to tape Gracie when we're gone. So far - two times, she's been crying the whole tape (90 minutes). Although the second time, it was less frequent. (Or was I just getting used to it?) However, we keep forgetting she's only 4 months old. It's not constant, she's kinda quiet for a while, and then whines a little, then gives a "big dog bark." Saying - "Okay. . . that's enough. I've had it. COME. HOME. NOW! " I know we're gone long, but things come up... like church. Doctors' appointments.
It'll just take time.

Waiting and watching the Fed Ex tracking system for Jil's computer package. It should arrive on the 19th. Let's hope so. According to Fed Ex, it's in the Philippines now and the program says it is on schedule.

Greg seems to be coming along. He's home now, as I mentioned before. It just takes time, I guess.

So. . .that's what's happenin' at the Woods Edge. What's happenin' in your neck o' the woods?

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