The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Ins and Outs

Greg is home - he arrived there last night, and was in his own bed. He claimed the hospital bed was more comfortable, but hey - he's really glad to be home. Now let's pray for a swift rehabilitation. So - he was in the hospital for 5 nights. He said Noi will never let him up on the roof again - sounds like a plan. I don't think he'd like to be up there either. I know I wouldn't want to after this learning experience.

I got a lovely bouquet of flowers from Nancy for Mothers' Day on Sunday. I had sent her one also. We have good news - Nancy is expecting again. The due date is October 6th. We're all so pleased because it was touch and go for a while. The added bonus is that the healthy babe will be a girl. Nancy and Dan now will have the King's Wish. . .a Prince, or heir to the throne. . .followed by a Princess, to also spoil and love, like their little Prince. I wish them all the happiness in the world. Do you think it will be another redhead? Any guesses, anyone?

Another prayer is in order. Things are happening with Jil's Spheris job. Pray for good news regarding this. He's a hard worker - diligent and painstaking. He loves his life and family there in the Philippines.

Gracie is doing well. She was ill on Saturday (same problem as in Fla., we think). We were worried about her, but she bounced back so that Sunday she accompanied us to Sharon and Dave's for a Mothers' Day Dinner. Dave prepared this, and it was wonderful! We had two heaping serving bowls full of beef stroganoff, and we certainly made a BIG dent in it. It's amazing what two teenage boys can eat. It's easy to forget! We had a chance to see Sharon's new kitchen a couple of days before, which is just beautiful! - but Lue hadn't. She didn't want to come to dinner with Jennifer because the pup, Greta, was still adjusting to her home. But - the "three" of them came after dinner, for a short time, so Lue could see the new kitchen. The added bonus was Greta met Gracie. If you remember, Greta is 2 months old (8 weeks. Duh) and Gracie is almost 4 months old. The size doesn't mean anything. Gracie was the more dominant puppy. That will change as Greta gets older. We do think Greta is calmer than Gracie. Good thing, when you think of the size Greta will be.

It was fun to watch the happy puppies frolic. Dave and Sharon are dog-sitting Dave's parents' terrier, Sadie, who is just over a year. She and Gracie got along great, even though she was twice as big as Gracie. I'm sorry I didn't bring my camera along. So - We had 4 dogs there - Dave and Sharon's, brittany spaniel - Gunnar. Plus the others. Gunnar, wanted nothing to do with the little "brats." He is too mature and above it all. It was quite quiet when you think about it.

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