The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Beautiful day does not necessarily mean the weather

Hey - it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood - even if it's cloudy. . .there's sun in my heart! Good Heavens - that was corny. But well-meant.
The reason for all this foolishness is. . .
Jil's new work computer arrived from Spheris yesterday via UPS! His old one of 8 years gave up the ghost a week ago, and he ordered a new one. There was the chance they wouldn't send it because it needed to go out of the country. Which meant he wouldn't have any income, and the ramifications of that were horrible. But they did send it. We felt so much relief, after Paul and I dropped it (poor selection of words) off at the World Fed Ex office near the airport. It's out of our hands. A pun. Yes. We've done all we can from this end. As I said - much relief is felt. It'll arrive next Wednesday. Now - let's pray that it arrives in one piece. Fed Ex is pretty reliable though. Fingers crossed anyway.

I've joined a Bible Study at our church. I want to meet new people there. They're studying the Prayers of Jesus. How about that being relevant. It includes a DVD, book, discussion time. One of the members is a former minister. She is in the choir also. There are two couples - the wives weren't there. And myself. It's a small group, but we had good discussions. It'll be meeting every other week - from 6:30 to 8:00. It's a 6 week session, and just by chance - they were starting a new book. It was raining cats and dogs when I got out, and it was dark. It's been a while since I've driven at night in the rain. I did fine.

Gracie is doing better and better. She listens intently and is beginning to practice some of the commands we give her. Such as sit, stay. As a 3 1/2 month old pup, she sometimes obeys, sometimes not. She's such a bunch of wiggles that it's important that she understand and do it. Especially when we want to put a leash on her to go out. She liked to run away from us, instead of having her leash put on. I got a small soft pillow and gently threw it at her. It surprised her that I could "reach" her without touching her. That helped her remember the sit command. She's also gotten big enough to jump up on our laps - and the sit command helps there also. She knows "No!" also - almost from the beginning. . .although it's hard for her! We're beginning to leave her home-alone, and so far (fingers crossed again) she's been very good. We've decided not to crate her if we're out, and she has full rein of the house - except for some closed doors - and so far (as I said) she's been very good. She's only gnawed on a pencil or two. . .and that was when we were home. I think she may have mistaken them for chew sticks.

Our hottub was on the fritz for about a week. We had to order a new part, and the repairman came with the owner of the pool-place. It was raining in the morning when they arrived, but another plus for that umbrella is - Paul was able to swing it around so that it was over the hottub when he worked on it, and we could all stand there and talk - out of the rain, while making sure the heater worked right. Sure enough. It did. So. Strange that we would use an umbrella to stay out of the rain and not the sun. (What a ridiculous use of an umbrella. Who ever heard of an umbrella being used to keep from getting wet.) Last night Paul had to swing it back onto the deck, so we could see the stars while we soaked.

So. . .that's what's happening at the Woods Edge. . .what's happenin' in your neck o' the woods?

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