The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Friday, June 24, 2011

A Little more . . . this and that.

Lately, we've been talking about doing some traveling. So . . . my window-shopping project this week was to locate a kennel for Gracie. I did talk to Lue, as I mentioned in the last blog. We looked the Bed and Biscuit kennel up on the internet, and decided that last night we'd go visit it during their open times which was 5:30-7:00.

I called, and Paul, Gracie and I went for a look-see.

It's about a half hour ride. Not bad - when you consider we, as small -pet-lovers, wanted the best for her. (Okay. Her smallness complicated things - at least for us worryworts.) Nice place. Anyone want to "visit" the site? The only thing I wish they had had was a videocam to watch them during free play.

Gracie did well. She shook a little when we got there, but she wanted to play with the owner's cat, and was fine when she went into the noisy dog kennel area. And just as the owner said - It quieted down as soon as we left. There are walls on each side of each kennel so the dogs can only see the dogs directly across from them. Very clean place.

We used our Tom-Tom to find an Ithaca Panera bread, sat outside, and had a light supper. Lots of places to sit outside in that town.

This morning Gracie went to our vet, Dr. Kyle, for her annual shots, plus the required kennel cough vaccine. I can remember, years ago, when my folks' german shepherd, Gretchen, got kennel cough. They didn't have a vaccination against it then, and it was quite upsetting to see. Gretchen was okay, but little Gracie would have had a more difficult time of it. So - Gracie has had all her shots, plus a dose of benedryl as a safe-guard. She's sleeping right now. Comfortable as can be. BTW - She weighed 4.9 lbs.

We had our good friends, Wes and Ruth, here from Bath, for a visit and dinner on Wednesday night. They hadn't been here in a while so it was good to see them and get caught up on their family, and vice-versa.

Paul called his sister, Edna, who had a heart procedure done earlier in the week. The test came out well. They didn't see any problem - but she needs to keep monitoring her blood pressure. Even more than she's been doing. It'll be nice to see Mike and her at our mid-July family reunion, along with Paul's other siblings, Howard, Bob and Bonnie.

I sent Evie a package (18month size light blue sundress that I forgot to bring last time I visited). Can't send a gift to her without something for Vincent, so I put in some easy-reading books. Nancy sent an e-mail thanking me for the gifts. Evie's dress was from the same company her Easter dress was from - which I thought was such a pretty yellow! Nancy said Vincent'll love the books, but that he's reading at a second grade level now. Guess I'll have to get more difficult ones for him. It's hard to believe he hasn't even started kindergarten yet. He's taking after his mother.. . that I know.

Although I wouldn't be at all surprised if Dan had been an early reader too.

Paul is sitting at his computer, busy ordering shutters for the shed that match the house's. He's begun putting the shingles on the roof - only working on it in the early morning before it gets too hot. He has a cell phone in his pocket. Don't worry - He's really careful. He said the roof is not as steep as he thought. We don't intend for anything to happen, BUT just in case. . . I can't see the back of the shed, from anywhere here in the house, and requested he have the cell phone. As I said, he's really very careful. And most of it can be done by ladder. Nevertheless, I made sure I was home from the vets asap. Pictures will be coming soon!

I take that back. . . he's up on the roof and it's lunchtime now.

Bible study was yesterday morning. Our DVD video was about baggage - . The setting was at an airport baggage claim area - to symbolize baggage we carry throughout life. I'm getting to know the ladies better, and they're warming up to me. All good things!

So - the morning's gone. Gracie's still asleep on the couch. Time to get lunch ready. How're things goin' in your neck o' the woods?

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