The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Mostly Monday Morning Brunch. . .

While the grownups opened up their gifts, the kids had a snowball fight and sled ride in the back yard forest. There's only Nee Nee and Brenan in this picture because the others were planning their snowball throwing strategy.

There's only nine in this picture - we had twenty for the Christmas brunch. Somehow I was busy and didn't get any other pictures of our sit-down/time.

Greg brought work with him and spent a lot of time working. Since he worked at the dining room table on his laptop, he could be with us though.

This is self-explanatory - But note Brenan's favorite Christmas hat.

Paul is studying his eyelids while the kids open up their gifts. The Dear One can do this activity any time, any place, any where.

Lue came for lasagne when Jeff and Dorothy, The Corning Relatives, Greg's family, were here on the day after Christmas, Sunday evening. Lue couldn't come to our Christmas brunch on Monday because she had to work. Now, she's retired. Congratulations, Lue. We missed you, but we were glad you could be with us for lasagne on Sunday night.

The last two are Christmas day. The first one is of NeeNee, Noi playing a card game with Brenan watching. The last one includes Gracie. Didn't want her to be excluded. She had to get used to lots of people. She's on Greg's lap, trying to get onto NeeNee's.

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