The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Patience is a Virtue?

It looks like we'll be leaving later than Sunday morning to go to Florida. It seems that the paperwork for the Toyota, to be reregistered in NYS, is going to take longer than expected. I guess we should have started the process earlier than this Monday.

As we walked into the DMV, I chided Paul that he was way too pessimistic about us having all the information for the DMV. He said they would need the Title. Mea Culpa. They needed the Title. We don't have it. It's a leased car. Toyota has it. So - we've been in contact with Toyota, the DMV, our insurance company. They won't fax a copy (which the DMV finds acceptable) of the Title. It has to come snail mail. Which is 3 business days. It'll get here Monday. That means we leave Tuesday and get back to Venice probably Thursday.

One good thing, today, I bought Paul a new GPS on to use for the trip going down. Checking prices out, their's was the best. However, it obviously needed to be shipped. Takes time. Now we have it.

I didn't change the Netflix account on hold or back down to Florida, and we will be able to see the third disc of "The Tudors" up here.

There's a lot of stuff still in the fridge. We can eat ourselves out of house and home.

I can go to church on Sunday and see my new friends. . .who'll say "You're still here?" Well. I'll say. . . "what do you think?" No, I won't say that. I'll just smile and say "yes."

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