The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Just not enough time. . .

I haven't written in a while. There's been plenty to write about, but my life is "interferring" with my writing. I have to make choices, thus - Hello - computer.

We got to Venice late Friday afternoon, after a very nice three day, two night trip from a wintry wonderland to fabulous Florida. My little 2004 Kia Spectra drove/rode well, thanks to Paul. We were glad we had our winter coats with us because it snowed half of the first day, but from then on we had fairly good cold weather - until almost Venice. The first day, we stopped at Edna and Mike's in Pennsylvania, for an early lunch. When we're going south, we try to do that as often as possible. There was a couple of inches of snow, but not coming down. Mike had to plow out the driveway. I marvel at Edna's cooking. All things are homemade and delicious. She even packed a bag of some home-made molasses and snickerdoodle cookies for our trip. I took a nice picture of Mike and Edna "for my blog" and will post it when I get the camera set up here in our computer room. That's right. Not done yet.

Cousin Alice had us, plus Jil, Bob, Cousin Carol, and Gracie to her house for dinner. Lasagna! We all appreciated the efforts and had an opportunity to meet her new friend, George, a widower, and a retired pharmacist from Pennsylvania. It made us very happy to know George has a papillon. He fits in well with Bob and us. And he seems genuinely nice. Like us.

My friend, Carol O. is here at Circlewoods this year. We're happy for her because she's wanted to rent here for such a long time. She and her sister, Patti, (who's came to help her travel and get settled) took the auto train for the second time. Last year Carol was renting a house in Venice (but not Circlewoods) for two months. This time she's here for three months. Good!

Gracie is doing well - Bob's Martini and she are great pals. Gracie can't control her likker and loves to groom Martini's muzzle. And Martini loves it. And they love to zoom around the communal back yard area.

We're still busy getting things done that need to be done. We haven't registered the Kia down here yet, but when you think of it, we only had yesterday and today to do that, and today isn't even half-done yet! I love mornings because there's the whole day to look forward to!

I'm hoping to get to Curves this afternoon. What a nice lady the owner, Patti, is - and her helper, Amy. The place is really hopping. She even called me by name and said "welcome back!" Only problem is that she's open only from 7-12, and 3-7 Monday - Friday. So you really have to plan when to go and schedule your day around it. By three o'clock I'm usually thinking ahead to our Conversation Hour, and not thinking about exercising. I hope today is different! I've got to reschedule my brain!

Got a nice card from Lue today hoping to hear from the Woods Edge. As if right on track - when I was writing, Paul handed it to me! So - there you go, Lue. We miss you.

Jil is busy with his nighttime schedule of work, and getting adjusted to life in Florida. Even though it's Florida, it's wintertime here - so it's not as warm as it usually is - and he's cold. The Philippines' climate is warm, warmer, and humid. (but not as hot as Thailand) Imagine how he'd feel up in Millport. His sandals wouldn't work for him there.

He's going to watch Gracie for us at the end of this month, when Paul and I fly our separate ways (but together kind of) when he goes to California to see Brenda, who's performing in an Opera . . . and I go to Chicago, to help Nancy with three-month old Evie, while Dan goes to a conference. Later Paul's meeting me in Chicago, meeting Evie for the first time, and then we'll travel back to Florida. Let's pray for good weather and connections for everyone who's flying.

As you can read, I have trouble with the "one-topic idea"that at one time I was going to write about. Seems I want to tell you all so much . . . it's difficult for me to keep to one thread. It's not a bad problem to have, I guess.

So - guess that's all the news from "the woods" How're things goin' in your neck o' the woods?

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