The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Weather is turning gosh-darn beautiful down here. . . 'Bout time.
Today started cool, but warmed up as the day progressed. . .which was good since Paul and I went down to the Art Show on Venice Avenue in downtown Venice street of shops. I wore a jacket in the beginning, but as we walked, I tied it around my waist. They put barricades at each end of the street, closing it off to cars and allowing only foot-traffic. We had to park way over by the Venice Little Theater even though we got there around 10:00 when the show opened. All the parking lots and surrounding streets were completely full by then. The vendors' tents were up and down the street. We did a lot of window-shopping, but didn't see anything. I went with the mind-set that if I saw something truly wonderful that I couldn't live without, and had a specific place in mind for it, that I would get it. (So I saved myself a lot of money. Things were gorgeous, but expensive. )
Last night was our first performance of Showtime, and it went quite well. There were the usual small errors, but nothing was really bad. We had a good time which is all that counts.
Lizzy Borden went well. Our lead performer has been coming here to practicing with me a lot. And I mean a lot. She came this afternoon to practice again. She practiced yesterday. She practiced the day before that. She deserves a pat on the back for improving so much. And trying so hard!
Tonight there'll be two - Paul and Carol - in the audience and with me for the after-glow pizza party for cast in the Club house. That'll be fun. Fattening. . .but fun.
The Oscars are tomorrow night. After seeing Avatar, I feel we have a reason to watch. Hope it wins several. It should. Of course, not Best Actor or Actress. . .but set design, things like that.
So - that's what's been happenin' around here. What's been happening in your neck o' the woods?

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