The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Trying to get back to normal?

Trying to get back to normal. Whatever that is. We've been so busy lately, that I haven't really had the time to blog. . .except to let you all know about Gracie. She's doing fine. Paul is amazed at how fast she's "learning the ropes." Bob says it's the breed of dog. (I myself think she's obviously a genius.) She's asleep on the couch here in the computer room, wanting to be near us at all times.

Our refrigerator is making odd noises - vibrating different from usual. Paul checked out the warranty. It had a one-year warranty for service. When did we buy it? Last year, March 19th. Today is the 24th. Oops. Too late. Should we just get used to the noise? (don't think so.)
Everything is staying cold or frozen, depending on the part it's in. Good.

We had a nice visit with Lue and Ruth - (The Sisters.) Ruth read in the Sunday papers that the Ringling Museum had a display of Rockwell art, so we went to the Ringling Museum in Sarasota for the day. The weather did not cooperate. It poured! Which was unfortunate because the area is 53 square acres of land - with four or five buildings, rose gardens, etc. Luckily, they had a tram service to take you to all around the campus. The trams, which had plastic side curtains to keep out the pouring rain, held 8 people. Unfortunately, two of them were not working right and were out of commission. So there were long waits. We had lunch there at the Banyan cafe. Just as the name suggests, the cafe was near the banyan trees.
Even tho Paul and I have been to the Ringling Mansion, Museum, etc. several times, each time we go we learn more. This time was not an exception! We enjoyed it as much as ever.
Bob and Marian came later for a steak dinner that Paul cooked outside on the gas grill. Marian brought a delicious pineapple upside-down cake. The rain had stopped by then. It's amazing how much ground water we could see.
Well, I'm due for a hair appointment so that, for the moment, is all that's happenin' in this neck o' the woods. What's happenin' in yours?

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