The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Amazing Grace

We've had company from upstate New York these past couple of days. Lue and Ruth. They call themselves "The Sisters" because they've been best friends for umteen years. Nice visit.

It has been very busy and it's hard to believe that I haven't written since March 9th. My goodness.

Company deserves treats that we don't usually get for ourselves and we enjoy getting these foods for these special occasions. Raisin Bread. Yum.

Sunday morning I toasted some for myself. Paul came up behind me and put his arm around my shoulder. I figured. . .Did he want my toast? Nope. He said to me. . .That Monday (yesterday, my birthday. . .a special one: entering a new decade) I should pick out a little papillon puppy. I had been wanting one for ages and ages, but we're a team and I didn't think it would be fair to Paul if I was the only one wanting one.

So yesterday, Bob, Marian (she's a papillon breeder herself, but didn't have any at this time), went up to St. Petersburg, where Marian's friend had two litters of Papillons. Brenda, Paul's daughter, had a male puppy "ordered" from there that Marian was training for her. She is to pick up, Bode, (after Bode Miller the out-of-control- skiier.) when she comes for Easter/Spring Break week. So - we knew that Marian's friend in St. Petersburg, had two litters. (Where Bode came from originally. . .three weeks ago).

We picked out Gracie. She is 9 weeks old. From a different litter than Bode, and younger by two weeks. A ball of fur. Reminds me of a very very miniature Panda cub. Same face markings with almost all white body. She weighs less than 2 pounds, I'm sure. We got home last night around 11:00, in Ella's pet carrier that we let Gracie inherit, and she has already adopted it in less than 24 hours as her puppy-security-cave.

1 comment:

Nancy Molden said...

That is so exciting, Mom! Again, happy birthday. Sounds like it was a really special day.