The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Monday, October 29, 2012

Preparing for our good friend (?) Sandy.

So - here we are waiting for the Frankenstorm to arrive. 

We've battened down the hatches, and have our candles, oil lamps, nearby, the bathtub filled with water.  So we can flush the toilets.   I am assuming that we'll have electricity tonight so I can make supper.  But the high tree branches are really blowing.  Maybe I'll start earlier.   My Kindle is fully charged, as is my cell phone.  I went out this morning to Curves.  I was the only one there, but they said they were quite busy earlier.

I also stopped at the local grocery store on the way home from Curves, and got some small things.  Lots of people there.  Of course I ended up spending nearly $30.00.  It seems like that always happens to me.  I go in for one or two things and I double or triple the number. 

They happened to have  a bin full of books for sale. Oh, my.  Really inexpensive.  That's always my nemesis.  So I perused it and found "The New York Times Book of Almost Everything You Need to Know about Anything."  Or some title like that.  The cashier glanced at  the title  and said " I thought that was what a computer was for." My idea was Paul might enjoy reading it when the power went out.  So I bought it for $8.00.  When he saw it, he thought it might be good book for bathroom reading.  I think it's too big for a bathroom book.  It's almost 3" thick. It's BIG.

We have the Weather Channel on tv and we're watching Sandy unfold.  There was a weatherman at the beach at Montawk Point on the end of Long Island, which is very close to Southhampton.  Our good friends, Marty and Kevin have a second one-story home in Southhampton, on the water.  Actually, it's on a good-sized canal, and from their big kitchen window, you can see a large expanse of sandbars, unsettled land, and then the Great South Bay. Their main home is in Northport, and is situated inland about an hour and a half away.

 So I called Marty.  Kevin's home.  His office is closed for the next couple of days.  They'd been to Southhampton over the weekend and gotten some valuables out. Their former son-in-law, Jeff,  who lives in the area out there, is keeping an eye on their home for them.  He's moved a lot of their knick-knacks, etc up high.    In past hurricanes, the water's come up to the house, but they think it might come inside this time.  They were scheduled to have work done on the bulkhead next week.  Luckily,  it hadn't been done yet becase they might have had to have it done all over again.

An interesting aside - they moved two of their cars to the local IGA so they wouldn't be crushed by falling trees.  They said a lot of cars are parked up there and at other nearby store parking lots that are  away from trees.  That's something I never would have thought of.  They have one van at home (in the garage, I assume.)  They have a generator.

Okay.  Guess that's all for now.  Hope you're all doing okay.  We're glad we didn't leave today.  There was no reason for us to complicate our lives by doing so.  We'll go when it's right. 
How's things in your neck o' the woods?

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