The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Tidings and such. . .

Well, Easter has come and gone. Now perhaps we'll have good weather? Am I sarcastic? Yessirree, I am. Haven't had a bit of sun since we got home last Wednesday. Still looking forward to Spring-like weather. The newspaper today mentioned that the farmers are really getting "in a pickle" waiting for dry enough ground to plant seed, and that the time-line for this is getting close. Such is Spring in western NYS. My thoughts: We must have good weather to look forward to. (I'll let you know when it occurs.)

In spite of drizzly weather, we did have a lovely Easter celebration. We went to church in the late morning at the Methodist Church nearby, and then went to Sharon's house for a 1:00 dinner. We had Sharon e-mail her menu to Lue and us so we could help her out. We picked and chose. Dave's mom and dad couldn't come because Sandy was not feeling well; Dave brought food to them. Dave's grandma was with us though.

There was quite a spread! Ham with raisin sauce, asparagus with hollandaise sauce, green bean casserole, mashed potatoes, pickle and relish trays, olives, home-made rolls, fruit salad, wine. For dessert: three kinds of pie. Coffee and tea. Glad we could make a dent! But there was plenty left for two always hungry teen-aged boys. Sharon said that her full fridge would soon be fairly sparse.

Gracie came with us to Sharon's. She's still leary of Flea, Sharon's big loveable boxer puppy that wants to leap and play. They kept Flea either in his cage, or outside. They're all so good about having Gracie come, and we know that Flea and she will eventually become friends, as Gracie and Gunnar, their older dog have become. Gracie and Gunnar even lied down under the dining room table during dinner.

English: Some words are misused so often that the errors start to seem right. Lie/Lay are some. To lie is to recline. To lay is to place. I do want to use lay. It sounds right. Oh, well. Thank you, my book "Words Fail Me" for correcting me. I do like that book! I usually get correctly there/their/they're and then/than. It's nice to have a security word blanket.

Speaking of books: Sharon wasn't with me for my birthday, so she saved my present and card for me. She gave me the book, "God is for Real," the best-selling novel about a four-year old boy's tale who goes to Heaven after/during an operation - and (obviously) comes back to tell about his experience. I look forward to reading it.

We were home - mid/late afternoon. No supper planned or eaten.

My former husband and wife, Neal and Judy, spent Easter weekend with Nancy and her family. Neal got some beautiful pictures of seven-month old Evie which he e-mailed. I forwarded them via my e-mail list. Wish I knew how to publish them to this blog so you could all see her in her beautiful yellow bow and yellow Easter outfit. Next weekend I'm flying to Chicago to be with Vincent for his 5th birthday. Time is a-going too fast! BUT - I'm sure I'll have pictures to publish.

Change of subject: We never liked our bathroom mirror set-up, or shower curtain here, so it became a project for us to think about in Florida and take care of when we got back. We presently have a medium/small oval one over my vanity with two medium/large ones, on either side, over our sinks This morning, my Dear One called the town "mirror guy" to come, measure and see about putting in a solid wall mirror. We're also going to look for a shower door to replace the shower-curtain. It'll all be so spiffy!

I don't know where the time goes when I write, but I had planned to go to Curves this morning and now it's too late. After 11. Have to think about lunch. We'll see about that this afternoon. The Curves, here, is open a lot more hours than in the Florida one, so perhaps I can. I'll check the schedule which is on the fridge, or was. We cleaned off the fridge. It was becoming too cluttered. The fridge door looks so nice. Now I hope I can find the Curves card.

That's all the news from the Woods Edge.
So - what's happenin' in your neck o' the woods?

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