The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Snowbirds' Time is Flying for This Year

That was a great pun. Get it? Ha.

It's now Sunday afternoon and all is well down here in Fla.

The weather is getting to be more and more summery. The big Jacaranda tree out back has its delicate purple flowers and beginning to leaf out. It's a very unusual year for us to be down here this late and see this occur. I take that back, as Paul just said we got some great pictures of it last year. He's sending me some via e-mail. When I had a young family, and we were not able to come down except for a week in February or April, it was quite common to see the flowering Jacaranda on the third week of April Spring Break.
I had thought that the gardenia bush, by the front door, was too old and had quit blooming, but now realize that now also is the time for it to bloom. Plus Paul has fed it. I hadn't seen it bloom in years. I haven't been down this late. It has several buds on it. The aroma from that will be quite pleasant. I can remember corsages made with gardenias for high school proms.

Gracie is eating and eating. My thought is that she'd been sick for a while, but we didn't realize it. Her appetite is voracious for a 2.5 lb. dog. (Soon to be more.) She inhales what's on her dish and asks for more. We're trying to be as careful about not overfeeding her, as we don't want her to "lose it."
We took her on an expedition yesterday to the Outlet Mall. I never ever noticed that green poop disposal bag cannisters were placed at several lawn areas. How wonderful! We sat outside the Food Court, at a lovely covered patio overlooking a lake fountain, and had our lunch. She is getting quite used to her leash. It's amazing the admirers she attracts. One lady wanted to know if she was a toy dog, or a puppy and would she grow into her ears. We said: She is puppy. . .only 3 months old, but her ears will always be big because she is a papillon, or butterfly-ear dog.
She is getting better at car-rides. We took her carrier with us and she slept coming and going.
We also left her here alone last night and went out for a quick dinner. And we went to church this morning. She didn't chew anything up, nor caused any problem, except for whining, which I imagine will cease as soon as she realizes we will never abandon her, and we're always coming back.

At our age, I think we may be a little slow to use new things. . . but we've begun using Blockbuster Express Kiosks, DVDs, found in Publix supermarkets and other places around. What a pleasant surprise to find Oscar nominated films and new releases available and at our fingertips. For only a buck. We viewed two new movies this weekend. We still enjoy our Netflix, but have put that on hold for a couple of weeks since we'll be heading north.
We are planning on starting north on Tuesday rather than Wednesday because we're able to begin packing sooner.

Each year down here, had a different flavor, as all years do. So much goes by in just four months of time. This year, we lost Ella, gained Gracie. Paul said that the old lady across the street just lost, and I mean literally lost, her 18 year old cat. She is beside herself. The cat got out and she closed the door not realizing she was out. She's been in her car looking all around for her, for several days. I feel so sorry for her. She said that the cat was all she had. Sad.
We've been keeping our eyes open for it too.

Time to begin packing. (I've been making my list, added to it.) Now I think I'm ready to do a final wash. Tuesday will be here before we know it. Bob and Marian get back from their cruise tomorrow. Well, this was certainly a different weekend than we planned, but it went exceedingly well, and we're satisfied with our change of plans.

So - that's what's happenin here. What's happenin' in your neck o' the woods?

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