The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Well, we're having some sun - off and on. Got some pictures of our scarecrows that we got last weekend. Used some corn stalks generously donated by Sharon and Dave. The summer chair just didn't "make" it. Don't you agree? The pumpkin, on the wooden stand in the back, lights up at night.
Got a funny funny e-mail picture from cousin Alice of her goodsport, blind friend, Alicia. It shows Alicia standing beside a sign for blinds. Whatever possessed Alice to take that picture showed she has a good sense of humor. Thanks, Alice, for a good laugh. And Alicia who was also a good sport and made it possible.
Paul and I went out for a fish fry last night at the local Moose Club in Montour Falls. We got there and it was packed! But, this little girl came running up to us - and gave us a big hug. Ida was there with her other grandparents, so we were invited to sit with them. It seems Lee had a game. The weather being what it usually has been for the past two Friday nights...drizzly rain, wasn't conducive to Ida going. She had pneumonia this summer during their camping trip at Watkins Glen. So she stayed with them till the game would be over.
While at the fish fry, we put down a dollar for a ticket for a decorated cake. And we won! I never win it was a big surprise. BUT what were we to do with a sheetcake, an 18 wheeler truck filled with pumpkin should be a boy's birthday cake. Even though it said - Happy Pumpkin Time - or something to that effect. Well, guess where we're going tonight? Lee's 14th birthday for cake and ice cream. How about the timing of all this...couldn't be better. I called Sharon this morning and told her about it. She very diplomatically said that was great - there were going to be a lot of people - that she'd make a smaller cake of Lee's favorite that he'd requested. So we'll get rid of all those calories and sugar. Perhaps Paul can take a piece home, however. If we ask nicely.
Won't Weight Watchers be proud of me? You think I'll get a bravo sticker?
I'm not sure if I mentioned about the Montour House. (No... not the one we sold.) This is an old four-story building on the main street of town that is being renovated into luxury apartments.
One Friday night a month, they have an Open House to let the public see what has been accomplished so far. From what I understand, the county bought the building. Anyway - it had some kind of politics involved. They really did a good job. Paul and I went from the Moose Club to the Open House. We'd been to a couple before. Lots and lots of people we knew. They usually have wine and some sort of small hor doerve provided by merchants. We don't usually imbibe - but they did have the most delicious fudge samples. We couldn't pass those up. (That...I won't mention at W. W.) We took the elevator up to the third and fourth floors - where they have duplexes "in the works." They haven't gotten much done... just stubs. And lots and lots of dust from hammering, taking down walls, moving walls. The next floor down they'd done a LOT more work. Kitchens were almost done. We took the stairs down - Huge winding staircases down to the main lobby. From upstairs you can see down to the main floor. My legs ached a lot, unfortunately. (It is what it is. ) We had a good time.
Got an e-mail from Cousin Carol about my last posting. Thanks Carol. I appreciated the thoughts.
Guess that's all for now. Got to get dinner ready so we can go out for cake and ice cream afterwards. Perhaps I'll have a very very small sliver. Just a taste.

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