The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Ella, the miracle cat

Well, we received some good news about Ella - her blood test results came back very well. The vet called and the weekly Vitamin-B 12 shots given her seem to be working. Her red blood cell count is now in the normal range.

All this was before we started giving her salmon for dinner. We had company over the weekend and cooked cedar salmon out on the grill. There were left overs, so... yes. The real salmon, not the canned cat food kind. although I mix it with that, and some protein powder the vet gave us, or some other canned cat food. So, we can't attribute it to the salmon. But she is inhaling her meals now and wanting more. Those of you who know her, know that that is almost unheard of. She's acting like she has a new lease on life. Of course this makes us very happy. So she's not on her last legs (as of now.) After all, she was born in 1992. Or 93. Not sure which. I'll have to think about that. She's bounced back. Anyway, because of her age, the vet wants to see her in three months for another blood test, just to make sure she's still doing okay. He says we can always give her another shot or two. Sounds good to me.
Another good thing: She's rediscovered Paul's "recliner lap" and likes to nap with him.
I'm beginning to feel like the boy who cried wolf. I really thought she was going down hill so many times, and realistically so. I'm glad I was mistaken.


Jil Wrinkle said...

I'm glad to hear that you'll have your little friend around for a while longer.

Mom said...

Thanks, Jil. She's a member of the family, as Tyson is. We'd miss her if she weren't there.

Nancy Molden said...

Hi Mom, that is great news about Ella! Have you been making her salmon ever since?