The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Food for Thought

Paul was busy this morning tearing out the mosaic tile he put in the new room.  It did not adhere properly so he went back to Lowe's this morning and got a different tile. I like it better than the first one.  It was inevitable that he'd get rid of the first.  He's a perfectionist and he certainly disliked this immensely. 

My mother used to say:   You don't say you hate something, or someone.  You say "you dislike it immensely." Never ever say the "h" word.   I guess that fits. 

He put some cement down and of course Gracie left a paw print in it.  Luckily it was fixable.  We've been keeping her closer!  

Bob and I've been to the pool twice.  Both times it was partly cloudy, or mostly cloudy when we got down there.  We go down late afternoon when the sun isn't strong. It's been beautiful!  It works out well.  The water temp is perfect. 

I went to Bible Study at Alice's yesterday. There were 18 ladies.  It's nice to see old friends.  Both at the pool and at Alice's. We've just begun studying The Book of Acts.  I'm used to going on Thursdays up north, so now I have to get in the habit of Wednesdays. 

Bill called the other evening when Uncle Bob was here so we put him on speaker phone so we could all hear.  .  We hadn't heard from him in a while.  It actually hadn't been that long, but it seems like a long time. I spoke with Epril.  Epril's English is improving a lot . . . probably  because she can practice it at work.  They both have good friends nearby.  I finally realized that it's her sister Susan who lives in the Netherlands that comments on my Facebook page a lot.  I didn't put two and two together.  (that means I didn't connect Susan and Epril together. . .sometimes idioms or phrases are hard to understand)   It's nice to hear from her..  She and her fiancée are getting married back in the Philippines.  I hope we get a lot of pictures!  Don't forget, Susan. 

Edna - before I forget - thanks for the recipe for the ham sauce.  I did get it when we first got here.  It's in my recipe book. 

Talked with Nancy too.  She and her family are very busy.  Walter is almost 10 months old.   I'm glad my children keep in touch.  It's hard to know when to call when I don't want to interrupt them.  They're so busy!  My goodness.  I can remember those days.

I meant to get out all day, but Paul was waiting for a package from Fed Ex, and he had to go out, so I stayed in.  Now it's my turn.  Perhaps I'll still take a ride.

                                                *   *   *   *   *   *   *  *

Something new:  I've been thinking about this for a while. . .  I am going to be writing a new kind of post.: I'm going to explore things.

It won't be about friends and family, but about certain topics that appeal to me, and I'll be giving my point of view.   I won't give up writing about us all, so please continue to read.   I enjoy your comments and giving you our day to day experiences very much.   It's always a pleasure to write but I just wanted to expand my writing.  I hope these new posts give you something to think about.

 I'm going to enjoy (and am presently enjoying) researching, and then writing, and adding my slant.  I hope you like it. .  .  I've had a lot of fun exploring  and learning more about my first subject.  The internet is wonderful for that. 

So - I hope you'll enjoy them. 

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