The Hunger Games Series Books 1-3.

  • Kindle books under $9.99 - I've read a lot of $1.99, $.99 ones
  • Nelson DeMille books
  • The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy

Monday, February 6, 2012

Somehow my posts are disappearing after I've written a hundred lines or so.  It doesn't make me very happy.  Bill can't understand it.  Paul neither. . . either?   Well I'll see if I can get a post done. 

Evie is sick - but doing better.  Nancy is sick - but hanging in there.  If you remember, it's not easy being sick and having a young'un around.  I still think it's better being sick rather than your child.  I'm feeling your pain, Nancy, my child.

I've turned off my mouse, so it's just me and this computer.  Perhaps it will cooperate now.  Let's hope so.  I've had some unpleasant words come out of my mouth just now.  Don't like it acting up!

We had company the day after I came home from Chicago - with Evie's headcold.  Luckily my housecleaner was due to come and clean Monday, the day I flew home.  Good planning on my part!
Dayle and Daryl - good friends of ours who moved to Virginia - had spent from Christmas week to last week in Florida - touring, and going on a Caribbean cruise.  They spent the day with us before continuing on to Tampa for a couple of days.  Then they're heading back home. 

Wednesday, we had lunch out with our good friends Marcia and Hal and their good friends whom they were staying with in Englewood, our neighboring town.  It was good to see Bev and Tom.  I feel like Bev and Tom are my friends too, as I have been included in a lot of their activities up in Big Flats, their hometown, when Marcia and Hal have been visiting up there.

Talked with Lue last night.  She's having trouble with sciatica.  Poor thing.  It's such a painful thing.  We feel for her.  Wish she could get down here and get some sun.  Also, Nancy and family. 

My computer is acting up.  Think I'll close.

Now is as good a time as any to say - so what's happenin' in your neck o' the woods?

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